/* this is a comment */ /* should be in a H file but put in this file to avoid multiplying the number of * test files */ #ifndef COMSTACK_TYPES_H #define COMSTACK_TYPES_H #include "STD_TYPES.h" #ifdef COMINL_coENABLE_1 #ifdef COMINL_coENABLE_2 #include "def.h" #endif #endif #if (COMINL_coMINIMUM_DELAY_TIME_1 == COMINL_coENABLE) #if (COMINL_coMINIMUM_DELAY_TIME_2 == COMINL_coENABLE) #include "def1.h" #define COMINL_coMINIMUM_DELAY_TIME_1 #include "def2.h" #endif #endif /* no indentation */ #if COMINL_coMINIMUM_DELAY_TIME == COMINL_coENABLE #include "MEMSRV.h" #endif /* already well indented */ #ifndef COMINL_coAPPLI_TX_CONFIRMATION #error "Define COMINL_coAPPLI_TX_CONFIRMATION is undefined" #endif /* bad indentation */ #ifndef COMINL_coENABLE #error "Define COMINL_coENABLE is undefined" #endif #ifdef COMINL_coENABLE_3 typedef enum { BUFREQ_OK = 0, BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK = 1, BUFREQ_E_BUSY = 2, BUFREQ_E_OVFL = 3 } BufReq_ReturnType; #endif #if COMINL_coSTART_STOP_PERIODIC == COMINL_coENABLE void COMINL_vidInit(void) { uint8 u8LocalMsgIdx; if (COMINL_kastrVarReceiveMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtDeadlineMonTimer < COMINL_udtNB_MESSAGES_RX) { u8LocalMsgIdx = E_OK; } else { u8LocalMsgIdx = E_NOT_OK; } /* nested #if...already well indented */ #if COMINL_coRX_MESSAGE_VAR == COMINL_coENABLE /*!Trace to: VEES_R_11_04044_004.01*/ for (u8LocalMsgIdx = 0; u8LocalMsgIdx < COMINL_udtNB_MESSAGES_RX; u8LocalMsgIdx++) { #if COMINL_coRX_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE COMINL_kastrVarReceiveMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtDeadlineMonTimer = 0; #else /* COMINL_coRX_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE */ COMINL_kastrVarReceiveMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtINMDeadlineMonTimer = 0; #endif /* COMINL_coRX_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE */ } #endif /* COMINL_coRX_MESSAGE_VAR == COMINL_coENABLE */ /* nested #if... no indentation */ #if COMINL_coTX_MESSAGE_VAR == COMINL_coENABLE /*!Trace to: VEES_R_11_04044_004.01*/ for (u8LocalMsgIdx = 0; u8LocalMsgIdx < COMINL_udtNB_MESSAGES_TX; u8LocalMsgIdx++) { #if COMINL_coTX_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtDeadlineMonTimer = 0; COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].bDeadlineMonEnable = FALSE; #endif /* COMINL_coTX_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE */ #if COMINL_coTX_INM_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtINMDeadlineMonTimer = 0; #else /* COMINL_coTX_INM_DEADLINE_MONITORING == COMINL_coENABLE */ COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtMDTTimer = 0; COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].bMDTMsgToSend = FALSE; #endif /*COMINL_coMINIMUM_DELAY_TIME == COMINL_coENABLE*/ #if COMINL_coMIXED_MODE != COMINL_coDISABLE COMINL_kastrVarTransmitMsg[u8LocalMsgIdx].udtPeriodicTimer = 0; #endif } #endif /* COMINL_coTX_MESSAGE_VAR == COMINL_coENABLE */ } #endif void myfunction(void) { int i; #ifdef COMINL_coTX_MESSAGE_VAR #ifndef COMINL_coMIXED_MODE #pragma MyPragma int j; #endif #endif int k; } #endif /* COMSTACK_TYPES_H */ /*------------------------------- end of file --------------------------------*/