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47 lines
776 B

/* parse C comments interactively, using events and a state machine */
state plain;
@keypressed(key) <plain>
state (key == '/') slash;
if (key != '/') {
echo key;
@keypressed(key) <slash>
state (key != '/') plain;
state (key == '*') comment;
echo '/'; /* print '/' held back from previous state */
if (key != '/') {
echo key;
@keypressed(key) <comment>
echo key;
state (key == '*') star;
@keypressed(key) <star>
echo key;
state (key != '*') comment;
state (key == '/') plain;
echo(key) <plain, slash>
printchar key, yellow;
echo(key) <comment, star>
printchar key, green;
printchar(ch, colour)
setattr .foreground = colour;
printf "%c", ch;