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/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2004-06-15
* Description : Albums manager interface.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Renchi Raju <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
/** @file albummanager.h */
// TQt includes.
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kurl.h>
// Local includes.
#include "digikam_export.h"
class TQDate;
namespace TDEIO
class Job;
namespace Digikam
class Album;
class PAlbum;
class TAlbum;
class DAlbum;
class SAlbum;
class AlbumDB;
class AlbumItemHandler;
class SplashScreen;
class AlbumManagerPriv;
typedef TQValueList<Album*> AlbumList;
typedef TQPair<int, int> YearMonth;
* \class AlbumManager
* There are two primary managers which manage the listing and
* lifetime of Album and ImageInfo: AlbumManager and AlbumLister
* AlbumManager manages albums: does listing of albums and controls the lifetime of it.
* For PAlbums and TAlbums, the listing is done by reading the db directly and
* building the hierarchy of the albums. For DAlbums, since the listing takes
* time, the work is delegated to a kioslave. Interested frontend entities can
* connect to the albummanager to receive notifications of new Albums, when
* Albums are deleted and when the current album is changed.
* Additional operations are provided for: creating/deleting/rename Albums,
* updating icons and moving Albums.
class DIGIKAM_EXPORT AlbumManager : public TQObject
* Constructor
* Destructor
* A convenience function to get the instance of the AlbumManager
static AlbumManager* instance();
* returns a pointer to the current AlbumDB
AlbumDB* albumDB();
/** @name Library path And Scanning
* Set the @p libraryPath to the given path
* If the libraryPath is the same as the current path, nothing happens.
* Otherwise the currently listed albums are cleared. The albums in the new
* library path are not listed till you call startScan()
* @param path the new libraryPath
* @see startScan
void setLibraryPath(const TQString& path, SplashScreen *splash=0);
* @return the current libraryPath
TQString getLibraryPath() const;
* starts scanning the libraryPath and listing the albums. If the
* libraryPath has not changed since the lastscan, then nothing happens
* @see setLibraryPath
* @see refresh
void startScan();
* This is similar to startScan, except that it assumes you have run
* startScan at least once. It checks the database to see if any new albums
* have been added and updates them accordingly. Use this when a change in the
* filesystem is detected (but the album library path hasn't changed)
* @see startScan
void refresh();
/** @name List of Albums and current Album
* @return a list of all PAlbums
AlbumList allPAlbums() const;
* @return a list of all TAlbums
AlbumList allTAlbums() const;
* @return a list of all SAlbums
AlbumList allSAlbums() const;
* @return a list of all SAlbums
AlbumList allDAlbums() const;
* set the current album to @p album. Call this from views which show
* listing of albums. This also causes it to fire the signal
* signalAlbumCurrentChanged()
void setCurrentAlbum(Album *album);
* @returns the current albumm
Album* currentAlbum() const;
/** @name Finding Albums
* Given a complete file url (kde url with file protocol), it will try to find
* a PAlbum corresponding to it.
* \warning This should not be used, unless really necessary
* @return PAlbum correspoding to supplied @p url
* @param url the url we need to check
PAlbum* findPAlbum(const KURL& url) const;
* @return a PAlbum with given ID
* @param id the id for the PAlbum
PAlbum* findPAlbum(int id) const;
* @return a TAlbum with given ID
* @param id the id for the TAlbum
TAlbum* findTAlbum(int id) const;
* @return a SAlbum with given ID
* @param id the id for the SAlbum
SAlbum* findSAlbum(int id) const;
* @return a DAlbum with given ID
* @param id the id for the DAlbum
DAlbum* findDAlbum(int id) const;
* @return a Album with the given globalID
* @param gid the global id for the album
Album* findAlbum(int gid) const;
* @return a TAlbum with given tag path, or 0 if not found
* @param tagPath the tag path ("People/Friend/John")
TAlbum* findTAlbum(const TQString &tagPath) const;
/** @name Operations on PAlbum
* Create a new PAlbum with supplied properties as a child of the parent
* This is equivalent to creating a new folder on the disk with supplied
* name in the parent's folder path. Also the supplied attributes are written
* out to the database
* \note the signalAlbumAdded will be fired before this function returns. Its
* recommended to connect to that signal to get notification of new album added
* @return the newly created PAlbum or 0 if it fails
* @param parent the parent album under which to create the new Album
* @param name the name of the new album
* @param caption the caption for the new album
* @param date the date for the new album
* @param collection the collection for the new album
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
PAlbum* createPAlbum(PAlbum* parent, const TQString& name,
const TQString& caption, const TQDate& date,
const TQString& collection,
TQString& errMsg);
* Renames a PAlbum. This is equivalent to actually renaming the corresponding
* folder on the disk.
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the Album which should be renamed
* @param newName the new name for the album
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
bool renamePAlbum(PAlbum* album, const TQString& newName,
TQString& errMsg);
* Update the icon for an album. The @p icon is the name (and not full path)
* of the file in the album
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the album for which icon should be changed
* @param iconID the filename of the new icon
* @param errMsg if the operation fails, this will contain the error message
* describing why the operation failed
bool updatePAlbumIcon(PAlbum *album, TQ_LLONG iconID, TQString& errMsg);
/** @name Operations on TAlbum
* Create a new TAlbum with supplied properties as a child of the parent
* The tag is added to the database
* \note the signalAlbumAdded will be fired before this function returns. Its
* recommended to connect to that signal to get notification of new album added
* @return the newly created TAlbum or 0 if it fails
* @param parent the parent album under which to create the new Album
* @param name the name of the new album
* @param iconkde the iconkde for the new album (this is a filename which
* kde iconloader can load up
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
TAlbum* createTAlbum(TAlbum* parent, const TQString& name,
const TQString& iconkde, TQString& errMsg);
* A list of tag paths is supplied.
* If no corresponding TAlbum exists, a new one will be created.
* @param tagPath A list of tag paths
* @returns A list of all TAlbums for the list (already existing or newly created)
AlbumList findOrCreateTAlbums(const TQStringList &tagPaths);
* Delete a TAlbum.
* The tag is removed from the database
* \note the signalAlbumDeleted will be fired before this function returns. Its
* recommended to connect to that signal to get notification of album deletes
* @return true if the operation succeeds or false otherwise
* @param album the TAlbum to delete
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
bool deleteTAlbum(TAlbum* album, TQString& errMsg);
* Renames a TAlbum.
* This updates the tag name in the database
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the Album which should be renamed
* @param name the new name for the album
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
bool renameTAlbum(TAlbum* album, const TQString& name, TQString& errMsg);
* Move a TAlbum to a new parent.
* This updates the tag parent ID in the database
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the Album which should be moved
* @param newParent the Parent Album to which album should be moved
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
bool moveTAlbum(TAlbum* album, TAlbum *newParent, TQString &errMsg);
* Update the icon for a TAlbum.
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the album for which icon should be changed
* @param iconKDE a simple filename which can be loaded by KIconLoader
* @param iconID id of the icon image file
* @param errMsg this will contain the error message describing why the
* operation failed
* \note if iconKDE is not empty then iconID is used. So if you want to set
* the icon to a file which can be loaded by KIconLoader, pass it in as
* iconKDE. otherwise pass a null TQString to iconKDE and set iconID
bool updateTAlbumIcon(TAlbum* album, const TQString& iconKDE,
TQ_LLONG iconID, TQString& errMsg);
/** @name Operations on SAlbum
* Create a new SAlbum with supplied url. If an existing SAlbum with same name
* exists this function will return a pointer to that album, instead of creating
* a new one. A newly created search album is added to the database. For an
* existing SAlbum, the url is updated and written out to the database
* \note the signalAlbumAdded will be fired before this function returns. Its
* recommended to connect to that signal to get notification of new album added
* @return the newly created SAlbum or an existing SAlbum with same name
* @param url the url of the album
* @param simple indicates whether the Search album is of simple type or
* extended type
SAlbum* createSAlbum(const KURL& url, bool simple);
* Update the url for a SAlbum
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the album to update
* @param newURL the new url of the album
bool updateSAlbum(SAlbum* album, const KURL& newURL);
* Delete a SAlbum from the database
* \note the signalAlbumDeleted will be fired before this function returns. Its
* recommended to connect to that signal to get notification of album deletes
* @return true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise
* @param album the album to delete
bool deleteSAlbum(SAlbum* album);
void setItemHandler(AlbumItemHandler *handler);
AlbumItemHandler* getItemHandler();
void refreshItemHandler(const KURL::List& itemList=KURL::List());
void emitAlbumItemsSelected(bool val);
void signalAlbumAdded(Album* album);
void signalAlbumDeleted(Album* album);
void signalAlbumItemsSelected(bool selected);
void signalAlbumsCleared();
void signalAlbumCurrentChanged(Album* album);
void signalAllAlbumsLoaded();
void signalAllDAlbumsLoaded();
void signalAlbumIconChanged(Album* album);
void signalAlbumRenamed(Album* album);
void signalTAlbumMoved(TAlbum* album, TAlbum* newParent);
void signalPAlbumDirty(PAlbum* album);
void signalPAlbumsDirty(const TQMap<int, int>&);
void signalTAlbumsDirty(const TQMap<int, int>&);
void signalDAlbumsDirty(const TQMap<YearMonth, int>&);
void signalDatesMapDirty(const TQMap<TQDateTime, int>&);
private slots:
void slotDatesJobResult(TDEIO::Job* job);
void slotDatesJobData(TDEIO::Job* job, const TQByteArray& data);
void slotAlbumsJobResult(TDEIO::Job* job);
void slotAlbumsJobData(TDEIO::Job* job, const TQByteArray& data);
void slotTagsJobResult(TDEIO::Job* job);
void slotTagsJobData(TDEIO::Job* job, const TQByteArray& data);
void slotDirty(const TQString& path);
void insertPAlbum(PAlbum *album);
void removePAlbum(PAlbum *album);
void insertTAlbum(TAlbum *album);
void removeTAlbum(TAlbum *album);
* Scan albums directly from database and creates new PAlbums
* It only create those PAlbums which haven't already been
* created
void scanPAlbums();
* Scan tags directly from database and creates new TAlbums
* It only create those TAlbums which haven't already been
* created
void scanTAlbums();
* Scan searches directly from database and creates new SAlbums
* It only create those SAlbums which haven't already been
* created
void scanSAlbums();
* Makes use of a TDEIO::Job to list dates from the database
* @see slotResult
* @see slotData
void scanDAlbums();
static AlbumManager *m_instance;
AlbumManagerPriv *d;
} // namespace Digikam
#endif /* ALBUMMANAGER_H */