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/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2005-05-25
* Description : FilmGrain threaded image filter.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Marcel Wiesweg <marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
// C++ includes.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
// TQt includes.
#include <tqdatetime.h>
// Local includes.
#include "ddebug.h"
#include "dimg.h"
#include "dimggaussianblur.h"
#include "imagecurves.h"
#include "imagehistogram.h"
#include "dimgimagefilters.h"
#include "filmgrain.h"
namespace DigikamFilmGrainImagesPlugin
FilmGrain::FilmGrain(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, TQObject *parent, int sensibility)
: Digikam::DImgThreadedFilter(orgImage, parent, "FilmGrain")
m_sensibility = sensibility;
void FilmGrain::filterImage(void)
filmgrainImage(&m_orgImage, m_sensibility);
// This method is based on the Simulate Film grain tutorial from web site
// available at this url :
void FilmGrain::filmgrainImage(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, int Sensibility)
// Sensibility: 800..6400
if (Sensibility <= 0) return;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
Digikam::DImg grain(Width, Height, sixteenBit); // Grain blured without curves adjustment.
Digikam::DImg mask(Width, Height, sixteenBit); // Grain mask with curves adjustment.
uchar* pGrainBits = grain.bits();
uchar* pMaskBits = mask.bits();
uchar* pOutBits = m_destImage.bits(); // Destination image with merged grain mask and original.
int Noise, Shade, nRand, component, progress;
uchar *ptr;
Digikam::DColor blendData, grainData, maskData, outData;
if (sixteenBit)
Noise = (Sensibility / 10 + 1) * 256 - 1;
Noise = Sensibility / 10;
// This value controls the shading pixel effect between original image and grain mask.
if (sixteenBit)
Shade = (52 + 1) * 256 - 1;
Shade = 52;
TQDateTime dt = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
TQDateTime Y2000( TQDate(2000, 1, 1), TQTime(0, 0, 0) );
uint seed = (uint) dt.secsTo(Y2000);
// Make gray grain mask.
for (int x = 0; !m_cancel && x < Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; !m_cancel && y < Height; y++)
ptr = pGrainBits + x*bytesDepth + (y*Width*bytesDepth);
nRand = (rand_r(&seed) % Noise) - (Noise / 2);
if (sixteenBit)
component = CLAMP(32768 + nRand, 0, 65535);
component = CLAMP(128 + nRand, 0, 255);
grainData.setRed (component);
grainData.setBlue (component);
// Update progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)x * 25.0) / Width);
if (progress%5 == 0)
postProgress( progress );
// Smooth grain mask using gaussian blur with radius 1.
Digikam::DImgGaussianBlur(this, grain, grain, 25, 30, 1);
// Normally, film grain tends to be most noticeable in the midtones, and much less
// so in the shadows and highlights. Adjust histogram curve to adjust grain like this.
Digikam::ImageCurves *grainCurves = new Digikam::ImageCurves(sixteenBit);
// We modify only global luminosity of the grain.
if (sixteenBit)
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 0, TQPoint(0, 0));
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 8, TQPoint(32768, 32768));
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 16, TQPoint(65535, 0));
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 0, TQPoint(0, 0));
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 8, TQPoint(128, 128));
grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 16, TQPoint(255, 0));
// Calculate curves and lut to apply on grain.
grainCurves->curvesLutProcess(pGrainBits, pMaskBits, Width, Height);
delete grainCurves;
// Update progress bar in dialog.
postProgress( 40 );
// Merge src image with grain using shade coefficient.
int alpha;
// get composer for default blending
Digikam::DColorComposer *composer = Digikam::DColorComposer::getComposer(Digikam::DColorComposer::PorterDuffNone);
for (int x = 0; !m_cancel && x < Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; !m_cancel && y < Height; y++)
int offset = x*bytesDepth + (y*Width*bytesDepth);
// read color from orig image
blendData.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// read color from mask
maskData.setColor(pMaskBits + offset, sixteenBit);
// set shade as alpha value - it will be used as source alpha when blending
// compose, write result to blendData.
// Preserve alpha, do not blend it (taken from old algorithm - correct?)
alpha = blendData.alpha();
composer->compose(blendData, maskData);
// write to destination
blendData.setPixel(pOutBits + offset);
// Update progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (50.0 + ((double)x * 50.0) / Width);
if (progress%5 == 0)
postProgress( progress );
delete composer;
} // NameSpace DigikamFilmGrainImagesPlugin