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/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2005-05-25
* Description : Blur FX threaded image filter.
* Copyright 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* Copyright 2006-2007 by Marcel Wiesweg <marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de>
* Original Blur algorithms copyrighted 2004 by
* Pieter Z. Voloshyn <pieter dot voloshyn at gmail dot com>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
// Represents 1
#define ANGLE_RATIO 0.017453292519943295769236907685
// C++ includes.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
// TQt includes.
#include <tqdatetime.h>
// Local includes.
#include "dimg.h"
#include "dimggaussianblur.h"
#include "blurfx.h"
namespace DigikamBlurFXImagesPlugin
BlurFX::BlurFX(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, TQObject *parent, int blurFXType, int distance, int level)
: Digikam::DImgThreadedFilter(orgImage, parent, "BlurFX")
m_blurFXType = blurFXType;
m_distance = distance;
m_level = level;
void BlurFX::filterImage(void)
int w = m_orgImage.width();
int h = m_orgImage.height();
switch (m_blurFXType)
case ZoomBlur:
zoomBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, w/2, h/2, m_distance);
case RadialBlur:
radialBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, w/2, h/2, m_distance);
case FarBlur:
farBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance);
case MotionBlur:
motionBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance, (double)m_level);
case SoftenerBlur:
softenerBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage);
case ShakeBlur:
shakeBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance);
case FocusBlur:
focusBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, w/2, h/2, m_distance, m_level*10);
case SmartBlur:
smartBlur(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance, m_level);
case FrostGlass:
frostGlass(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance);
case Mosaic:
mosaic(&m_orgImage, &m_destImage, m_distance, m_distance);
/* Function to apply the ZoomBlur effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* X, Y => Center of zoom in the image
* Distance => Distance value
* pArea => Preview area.
* Theory => Here we have a effect similar to RadialBlur mode Zoom from
* Photoshop. The theory is very similar to RadialBlur, but has one
* difference. Instead we use pixels with the same radius and
* near angles, we take pixels with the same angle but near radius
* This radius is always from the center to out of the image, we
* calc a proportional radius from the center.
void BlurFX::zoomBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int X, int Y, int Distance, TQRect pArea)
if (Distance <= 1) return;
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
// We working on full image.
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = Width;
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = Height;
// If we working in preview mode, else we using the preview area.
if ( pArea.isValid() )
xMin = pArea.x();
xMax = pArea.x() + pArea.width();
yMin = pArea.y();
yMax = pArea.y() + pArea.height();
int h, w, nh, nw, r;
int sumR, sumG, sumB, nCount;
double lfRadius, lfNewRadius, lfRadMax, lfAngle;
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
lfRadMax = sqrt (Height * Height + Width * Width);
// number of added pixels
nCount = 0;
// we have reached the main loop
for (h = yMin; !m_cancel && (h < yMax); h++)
for (w = xMin; !m_cancel && (w < xMax); w++)
// ...we enter this loop to sum the bits
// we initialize the variables
sumR = sumG = sumB = nCount = 0;
nw = X - w;
nh = Y - h;
lfRadius = sqrt (nw * nw + nh * nh);
lfAngle = atan2 ((double)nh, (double)nw);
lfNewRadius = (lfRadius * Distance) / lfRadMax;
for (r = 0; !m_cancel && (r <= lfNewRadius); r++)
// we need to calc the positions
nw = (int)(X - (lfRadius - r) * cos (lfAngle));
nh = (int)(Y - (lfRadius - r) * sin (lfAngle));
if (IsInside(Width, Height, nw, nh))
// read color
offset = GetOffset(Width, nw, nh, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
if (nCount == 0) nCount = 1;
// calculate pointer
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
color.setRed (sumR / nCount);
color.setGreen(sumG / nCount);
color.setBlue (sumB / nCount);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)(h - yMin) * 100.0) / (yMax - yMin));
if (progress%5 == 0)
/* Function to apply the radialBlur effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* X, Y => Center of radial in the image
* Distance => Distance value
* pArea => Preview area.
* Theory => Similar to RadialBlur from Photoshop, its an amazing effect
* Very easy to understand but a little hard to implement.
* We have all the image and find the center pixel. Now, we analize
* all the pixels and calc the radius from the center and find the
* angle. After this, we sum this pixel with others with the same
* radius, but different angles. Here I'm using degrees angles.
void BlurFX::radialBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int X, int Y, int Distance, TQRect pArea)
if (Distance <= 1) return;
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
// We working on full image.
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = Width;
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = Height;
// If we working in preview mode, else we using the preview area.
if ( pArea.isValid() )
xMin = pArea.x();
xMax = pArea.x() + pArea.width();
yMin = pArea.y();
yMax = pArea.y() + pArea.height();
int sumR, sumG, sumB, nw, nh;
double Radius, Angle, AngleRad;
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
double *nMultArray = new double[Distance * 2 + 1];
for (int i = -Distance; i <= Distance; i++)
nMultArray[i + Distance] = i * ANGLE_RATIO;
// number of added pixels
int nCount = 0;
// we have reached the main loop
for (int h = yMin; !m_cancel && (h < yMax); h++)
for (int w = xMin; !m_cancel && (w < xMax); w++)
// ...we enter this loop to sum the bits
// we initialize the variables
sumR = sumG = sumB = nCount = 0;
nw = X - w;
nh = Y - h;
Radius = sqrt (nw * nw + nh * nh);
AngleRad = atan2 ((double)nh, (double)nw);
for (int a = -Distance; !m_cancel && (a <= Distance); a++)
Angle = AngleRad + nMultArray[a + Distance];
// we need to calc the positions
nw = (int)(X - Radius * cos (Angle));
nh = (int)(Y - Radius * sin (Angle));
if (IsInside(Width, Height, nw, nh))
// read color
offset = GetOffset(Width, nw, nh, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
if (nCount == 0) nCount = 1;
// calculate pointer
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
color.setRed (sumR / nCount);
color.setGreen(sumG / nCount);
color.setBlue (sumB / nCount);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)(h - yMin) * 100.0) / (yMax - yMin));
if (progress%5 == 0)
delete [] nMultArray;
/* Function to apply the focusBlur effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* BlurRadius => Radius of blurred image.
* BlendRadius => Radius of blending effect.
* bInversed => If true, invert focus effect.
* pArea => Preview area.
void BlurFX::focusBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage,
int X, int Y, int BlurRadius, int BlendRadius,
bool bInversed, TQRect pArea)
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
// We working on full image.
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = Width;
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = Height;
// If we working in preview mode, else we using the preview area.
if ( pArea.isValid() )
xMin = pArea.x();
xMax = pArea.x() + pArea.width();
yMin = pArea.y();
yMax = pArea.y() + pArea.height();
if (pArea.isValid())
//UNTESTED (unused)
// We do not have access to the loop of the Gaussian blur,
// so we have to cut the image that we run the effect on.
int xMinBlur = xMin - BlurRadius;
int xMaxBlur = xMax + BlurRadius;
int yMinBlur = yMin - BlurRadius;
int yMaxBlur = yMax + BlurRadius;
Digikam::DImg areaImage = orgImage->copy(xMinBlur, yMaxBlur, xMaxBlur - xMinBlur, yMaxBlur - yMinBlur);
Digikam::DImgGaussianBlur(this, *orgImage, *destImage, 10, 75, BlurRadius);
// I am unsure about differences of 1 pixel
destImage->bitBltImage(&areaImage, xMinBlur, yMinBlur);
destImage->bitBltImage(orgImage, 0, 0, Width, yMinBlur, 0, 0);
destImage->bitBltImage(orgImage, 0, yMinBlur, xMinBlur, yMaxBlur - yMinBlur, 0, yMinBlur);
destImage->bitBltImage(orgImage, xMaxBlur + 1, yMinBlur, Width - xMaxBlur - 1, yMaxBlur - yMinBlur, yMaxBlur, yMinBlur);
destImage->bitBltImage(orgImage, 0, yMaxBlur + 1, Width, Height - yMaxBlur - 1, 0, yMaxBlur);
// copy bits for blurring
memcpy(pResBits, data, orgImage->numBytes());
// Gaussian blur using the BlurRadius parameter.
Digikam::DImgGaussianBlur(this, *orgImage, *destImage, 10, 80, BlurRadius);
// Blending results.
int nBlendFactor;
double lfRadius;
int offset;
Digikam::DColor colorOrgImage, colorBlurredImage;
int alpha;
uchar *ptr;
// get composer for default blending
Digikam::DColorComposer *composer = Digikam::DColorComposer::getComposer(Digikam::DColorComposer::PorterDuffNone);
int nh = 0, nw = 0;
for (int h = yMin; !m_cancel && (h < yMax); h++)
nh = Y - h;
for (int w = xMin; !m_cancel && (w < xMax); w++)
nw = X - w;
lfRadius = sqrt (nh * nh + nw * nw);
if (sixteenBit)
nBlendFactor = LimitValues16 ((int)(65535.0 * lfRadius / (double)BlendRadius));
nBlendFactor = LimitValues8 ((int)(255.0 * lfRadius / (double)BlendRadius));
// Read color values
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
ptr = pResBits + offset;
colorOrgImage.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
colorBlurredImage.setColor(ptr, sixteenBit);
// Preserve alpha
alpha = colorOrgImage.alpha();
// In normal mode, the image is focused in the middle
// and less focused towards the border.
// In inversed mode, the image is more focused towards the edge
// and less focused in the middle.
// This is achieved by swapping src and dest while blending.
if (bInversed)
// set blending alpha value as src alpha. Original value is stored above.
// compose colors, writing to dest - colorBlurredImage
composer->compose(colorBlurredImage, colorOrgImage);
// restore alpha
// write color to destination
// set blending alpha value as src alpha. Original value is stored above.
// compose colors, writing to dest - colorOrgImage
composer->compose(colorOrgImage, colorBlurredImage);
// restore alpha
// write color to destination
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (80.0 + ((double)(h - yMin) * 20.0) / (yMax - yMin));
if (progress%5 == 0)
delete composer;
/* Function to apply the farBlur effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Distance => Distance value
* Theory => This is an interesting effect, the blur is applied in that
* way: (the value "1" means pixel to be used in a blur calc, ok?)
* e.g. With distance = 2
* |1|1|1|1|1|
* |1|0|0|0|1|
* |1|0|C|0|1|
* |1|0|0|0|1|
* |1|1|1|1|1|
* We sum all the pixels with value = 1 and apply at the pixel with*
* the position "C".
void BlurFX::farBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Distance)
if (Distance < 1) return;
// we need to create our kernel
// e.g. distance = 3, so kernel={3 1 1 2 1 1 3}
int *nKern = new int[Distance * 2 + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < Distance * 2 + 1; i++)
// the first element is 3
if (i == 0)
nKern[i] = 2;
// the center element is 2
else if (i == Distance)
nKern[i] = 3;
// the last element is 3
else if (i == Distance * 2)
nKern[i] = 3;
// all other elements will be 1
nKern[i] = 1;
// now, we apply a convolution with kernel
MakeConvolution(orgImage, destImage, Distance, nKern);
// we must delete to free memory
delete [] nKern;
/* Function to apply the SmartBlur effect
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Radius => blur matrix radius.
* Strenght => Color strenght.
* Theory => Similar to SmartBlur from Photoshop, this function has the
* same engine as Blur function, but, in a matrix with n
* dimentions, we take only colors that pass by sensibility filter
* The result is a clean image, not totally blurred, but a image
* with correction between pixels.
void BlurFX::smartBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Radius, int Strength)
if (Radius <= 0) return;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
int progress;
int sumR, sumG, sumB, nCount, w, h, a;
int StrengthRange = Strength;
if (sixteenBit)
StrengthRange = (StrengthRange + 1) * 256 - 1;
Digikam::DColor color, radiusColor, radiusColorBlur;
int offset, loopOffset;
uchar* pBlur = new uchar[orgImage->numBytes()];
// We need to copy our bits to blur bits
memcpy (pBlur, data, orgImage->numBytes());
// we have reached the main loop
for (h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
// we initialize the variables
sumR = sumG = sumB = nCount = 0;
// read color
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// ...we enter this loop to sum the bits
for (a = -Radius; !m_cancel && (a <= Radius); a++)
// verify if is inside the rect
if (IsInside( Width, Height, w + a, h))
// read color
loopOffset = GetOffset(Width, w+a, h, bytesDepth);
radiusColor.setColor(data + loopOffset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to check if is inside the sensibility filter
if (IsColorInsideTheRange (,,,,,,
// finally we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
// finally we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
// increment counter
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
color.setRed (sumR / nCount);
color.setGreen(sumG / nCount);
color.setBlue (sumB / nCount);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pBlur + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 50.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
// we have reached the second part of main loop
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
for (h = 0;!m_cancel && ( h < Height); h++)
// we initialize the variables
sumR = sumG = sumB = nCount = 0;
// read color
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// ...we enter this loop to sum the bits
for (a = -Radius; !m_cancel && (a <= Radius); a++)
// verify if is inside the rect
if (IsInside( Width, Height, w, h + a))
// read color
loopOffset = GetOffset(Width, w, h+a, bytesDepth);
radiusColor.setColor(data + loopOffset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to check if is inside the sensibility filter
if (IsColorInsideTheRange (,,,,,,
radiusColorBlur.setColor(pBlur + loopOffset, sixteenBit);
// finally we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
// finally we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
// increment counter
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
color.setRed (sumR / nCount);
color.setGreen(sumG / nCount);
color.setBlue (sumB / nCount);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (50.0 + ((double)w * 50.0) / Width);
if (progress%5 == 0)
// now, we must free memory
delete [] pBlur;
/* Function to apply the motionBlur effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Distance => Distance value
* Angle => Angle direction (degrees)
* Theory => Similar to MotionBlur from Photoshop, the engine is very
* simple to undertand, we take a pixel (duh!), with the angle we
* will taking near pixels. After this we blur (add and do a
* division).
void BlurFX::motionBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Distance, double Angle)
if (Distance == 0) return;
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
// we try to avoid division by 0 (zero)
if (Angle == 0.0) Angle = 360.0;
int sumR, sumG, sumB, nCount, nw, nh;
double nAngX, nAngY;
// we initialize cos and sin for a best performance
nAngX = cos ((2.0 * M_PI) / (360.0 / Angle));
nAngY = sin ((2.0 * M_PI) / (360.0 / Angle));
// total of bits to be taken is given by this formula
nCount = Distance * 2 + 1;
// we will alloc size and calc the possible results
int *lpXArray = new int[nCount];
int *lpYArray = new int[nCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
lpXArray[i] = lround( (double)(i - Distance) * nAngX);
lpYArray[i] = lround( (double)(i - Distance) * nAngY);
// we have reached the main loop
for (int h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (int w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
// we initialize the variables
sumR = sumG = sumB = 0;
// ...we enter this loop to sum the bits
for (int a = -Distance; !m_cancel && (a <= Distance); a++)
// we need to calc the positions
nw = w + lpXArray[a + Distance];
nh = h + lpYArray[a + Distance];
offset = GetOffsetAdjusted(Width, Height, nw, nh, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// we sum the bits
sumR +=;
sumG +=;
sumB +=;
if (nCount == 0) nCount = 1;
// calculate pointer
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
color.setRed (sumR / nCount);
color.setGreen(sumG / nCount);
color.setBlue (sumB / nCount);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 100.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
delete [] lpXArray;
delete [] lpYArray;
/* Function to apply the softenerBlur effect
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Theory => An interesting blur-like function. In dark tones we apply a
* blur with 3x3 dimentions, in light tones, we apply a blur with
* 5x5 dimentions. Easy, hun?
void BlurFX::softenerBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage)
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
int SomaR = 0, SomaG = 0, SomaB = 0;
int Gray;
Digikam::DColor color, colorSoma;
int offset, offsetSoma;
int grayLimit = sixteenBit ? 32767 : 127;
for (int h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (int w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
SomaR = SomaG = SomaB = 0;
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
Gray = ( + + / 3;
if (Gray > grayLimit)
// 7x7
for (int a = -3; !m_cancel && (a <= 3); a++)
for (int b = -3; !m_cancel && (b <= 3); b++)
if ((h + a < 0) || (w + b < 0))
offsetSoma = offset;
offsetSoma = GetOffset(Width, (w + Lim_Max (w, b, Width)),
(h + Lim_Max (h, a, Height)), bytesDepth);
colorSoma.setColor(data + offsetSoma, sixteenBit);
SomaR +=;
SomaG +=;
SomaB +=;
// 7*7 = 49
color.setRed (SomaR / 49);
color.setGreen(SomaG / 49);
color.setBlue (SomaB / 49);
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// 3x3
for (int a = -1; !m_cancel && (a <= 1); a++)
for (int b = -1; !m_cancel && (b <= 1); b++)
if ((h + a < 0) || (w + b < 0))
offsetSoma = offset;
offsetSoma = GetOffset(Width, (w + Lim_Max (w, b, Width)),
(h + Lim_Max (h, a, Height)), bytesDepth);
colorSoma.setColor(data + offsetSoma, sixteenBit);
SomaR +=;
SomaG +=;
SomaB +=;
// 3*3 = 9
color.setRed (SomaR / 9);
color.setGreen(SomaG / 9);
color.setBlue (SomaB / 9);
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 100.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
/* Function to apply the shake blur effect
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Distance => Distance between layers (from origin)
* Theory => Similar to Fragment effect from Photoshop. We create 4 layers
* each one has the same distance from the origin, but have
* different positions (top, button, left and right), with these 4
* layers, we join all the pixels.
void BlurFX::shakeBlur(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Distance)
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
Digikam::DColor color, colorLayer, color1, color2, color3, color4;
int offset, offsetLayer;
int numBytes = orgImage->numBytes();
uchar* Layer1 = new uchar[numBytes];
uchar* Layer2 = new uchar[numBytes];
uchar* Layer3 = new uchar[numBytes];
uchar* Layer4 = new uchar[numBytes];
int h, w, nw, nh;
for (h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
offsetLayer = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
nh = (h + Distance >= Height) ? Height - 1 : h + Distance;
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, nh, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
color.setPixel(Layer1 + offsetLayer);
nh = (h - Distance < 0) ? 0 : h - Distance;
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, nh, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
color.setPixel(Layer2 + offsetLayer);
nw = (w + Distance >= Width) ? Width - 1 : w + Distance;
offset = GetOffset(Width, nw, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
color.setPixel(Layer3 + offsetLayer);
nw = (w - Distance < 0) ? 0 : w - Distance;
offset = GetOffset(Width, nw, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
color.setPixel(Layer4 + offsetLayer);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 50.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
for (int h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (int w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read original data to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// read colors from all four layers
color1.setColor(Layer1 + offset, sixteenBit);
color2.setColor(Layer2 + offset, sixteenBit);
color3.setColor(Layer3 + offset, sixteenBit);
color4.setColor(Layer4 + offset, sixteenBit);
// set color components of resulting color
color.setRed ( ( + + + / 4 );
color.setGreen( ( + + + / 4 );
color.setBlue ( ( + + + / 4 );
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (50.0 + ((double)h * 50.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
delete [] Layer1;
delete [] Layer2;
delete [] Layer3;
delete [] Layer4;
/* Function to apply the frostGlass effect
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Frost => Frost value
* Theory => Similar to Diffuse effect, but the random byte is defined
* in a matrix. Diffuse uses a random diagonal byte.
void BlurFX::frostGlass(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Frost)
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
Frost = (Frost < 1) ? 1 : (Frost > 10) ? 10 : Frost;
int h, w;
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
// Randomize.
TQDateTime dt = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
TQDateTime Y2000( TQDate(2000, 1, 1), TQTime(0, 0, 0) );
uint seed = dt.secsTo(Y2000);
int range = sixteenBit ? 65535 : 255;
// it is a huge optimizsation to allocate these here once
uchar *IntensityCount = new uchar[range + 1];
uint *AverageColorR = new uint[range + 1];
uint *AverageColorG = new uint[range + 1];
uint *AverageColorB = new uint[range + 1];
for (h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// get random color from surrounding of w|h
color = RandomColor (data, Width, Height, sixteenBit, bytesDepth,
w, h, Frost, color.alpha(), &seed, range, IntensityCount,
AverageColorR, AverageColorG, AverageColorB);
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 100.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
delete [] IntensityCount;
delete [] AverageColorR;
delete [] AverageColorG;
delete [] AverageColorB;
/* Function to apply the mosaic effect backported from ImageProcessing version 2
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Size => Size of mosaic .
* Theory => Ok, you can find some mosaic effects on PSC, but this one
* has a great feature, if you see a mosaic in other code you will
* see that the corner pixel doesn't change. The explanation is
* simple, the color of the mosaic is the same as the first pixel
* get. Here, the color of the mosaic is the same as the mosaic
* center pixel.
* Now the function scan the rows from the top (like photoshop).
void BlurFX::mosaic(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int SizeW, int SizeH)
int progress;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pResBits = destImage->bits();
// we need to check for valid values
if (SizeW < 1) SizeW = 1;
if (SizeH < 1) SizeH = 1;
if ((SizeW == 1) && (SizeH == 1)) return;
Digikam::DColor color;
int offsetCenter, offset;
// this loop will never look for transparent colors
for (int h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h += SizeH)
for (int w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w += SizeW)
// we have to find the center pixel for mosaic's rectangle
offsetCenter = GetOffsetAdjusted(Width, Height, w + (SizeW / 2), h + (SizeH / 2), bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offsetCenter, sixteenBit);
// now, we fill the mosaic's rectangle with the center pixel color
for (int subw = w; !m_cancel && (subw <= w + SizeW); subw++)
for (int subh = h; !m_cancel && (subh <= h + SizeH); subh++)
// if is inside...
if (IsInside(Width, Height, subw, subh))
// set color
offset = GetOffset(Width, subw, subh, bytesDepth);
color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 100.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
/* Function to get a color in a matriz with a determined size
* Bits => Bits array
* Width => Image width
* Height => Image height
* X => Position horizontal
* Y => Position vertical
* Radius => The radius of the matrix to be created
* Theory => This function takes from a distinct matrix a random color
Digikam::DColor BlurFX::RandomColor(uchar *Bits, int Width, int Height, bool sixteenBit, int bytesDepth,
int X, int Y, int Radius,
int alpha, uint *randomSeed, int range, uchar *IntensityCount,
uint *AverageColorR, uint *AverageColorG, uint *AverageColorB)
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
int w, h, counter = 0;
int I;
// For 16 bit we have a problem here because this takes 255 times longer,
// and the algorithm is really slow for 16 bit, but I think this cannot be avoided.
memset(IntensityCount, 0, range );
memset(AverageColorR, 0, range );
memset(AverageColorG, 0, range );
memset(AverageColorB, 0, range );
for (w = X - Radius; !m_cancel && (w <= X + Radius); w++)
for (h = Y - Radius; !m_cancel && (h <= Y + Radius); h++)
if ((w >= 0) && (w < Width) && (h >= 0) && (h < Height))
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(Bits + offset, sixteenBit);
I = GetIntensity (,,;
if (IntensityCount[I] == 1)
AverageColorR[I] =;
AverageColorG[I] =;
AverageColorB[I] =;
AverageColorR[I] +=;
AverageColorG[I] +=;
AverageColorB[I] +=;
// check for m_cancel here before entering the do loop (will crash with SIGFPE otherwise)
if (m_cancel)
return Digikam::DColor(0, 0, 0, 0, sixteenBit);
int RandNumber, count, Index, ErrorCount = 0;
int J;
RandNumber = abs( (int)((rand_r(randomSeed) + 1) * ((double)counter / (1 + (double) RAND_MAX))) );
count = 0;
Index = 0;
count += IntensityCount[Index];
while (count < RandNumber && !m_cancel);
J = Index - 1;
while ((IntensityCount[J] == 0) && (ErrorCount <= counter) && !m_cancel);
if (m_cancel)
return Digikam::DColor(0, 0, 0, 0, sixteenBit);
if (ErrorCount >= counter)
color.setRed (AverageColorR[J] / counter);
color.setGreen(AverageColorG[J] / counter);
color.setBlue (AverageColorB[J] / counter);
color.setRed (AverageColorR[J] / IntensityCount[J]);
color.setGreen(AverageColorG[J] / IntensityCount[J]);
color.setBlue (AverageColorB[J] / IntensityCount[J]);
return color;
/* Function to simple convolve a unique pixel with a determined radius
* data => The image data in RGBA mode.
* Width => Width of image.
* Height => Height of image.
* Radius => kernel radius, e.g. rad=1, so array will be 3X3
* Kernel => kernel array to apply.
* Theory => I've worked hard here, but I think this is a very smart
* way to convolve an array, its very hard to explain how I reach
* this, but the trick here its to store the sum used by the
* previous pixel, so we sum with the other pixels that wasn't get
void BlurFX::MakeConvolution (Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, int Radius, int Kernel[])
if (Radius <= 0) return;
int Width = orgImage->width();
int Height = orgImage->height();
uchar* data = orgImage->bits();
bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit();
int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth();
uchar* pOutBits = destImage->bits();
int progress;
int n, h, w;
int nSumR, nSumG, nSumB, nCount;
int nKernelWidth = Radius * 2 + 1;
int range = sixteenBit ? 65536 : 256;
Digikam::DColor color;
int offset;
uchar* pBlur = new uchar[orgImage->numBytes()];
// We need to copy our bits to blur bits
memcpy (pBlur, data, orgImage->numBytes());
// We need to alloc a 2d array to help us to store the values
int** arrMult = Alloc2DArray (nKernelWidth, range);
for (int i = 0; i < nKernelWidth; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < range; j++)
arrMult[i][j] = j * Kernel[i];
// Now, we enter in the main loop
for (h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
// initialize the variables
nSumR = nSumG = nSumB = nCount = 0;
// first of all, we need to blur the horizontal lines
for (n = -Radius; !m_cancel && (n <= Radius); n++)
// if is inside...
if (IsInside (Width, Height, w + n, h))
// read color from orgImage
offset = GetOffset(Width, w+n, h, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// finally, we sum the pixels using a method similar to assigntables
nSumR += arrMult[n + Radius][];
nSumG += arrMult[n + Radius][];
nSumB += arrMult[n + Radius][];
// we need to add the kernel value to the counter
nCount += Kernel[n + Radius];
if (nCount == 0) nCount = 1;
// calculate pointer
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color from orgImage to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
if (sixteenBit)
color.setRed (LimitValues16(nSumR / nCount));
color.setGreen(LimitValues16(nSumG / nCount));
color.setBlue (LimitValues16(nSumB / nCount));
color.setRed (LimitValues8(nSumR / nCount));
color.setGreen(LimitValues8(nSumG / nCount));
color.setBlue (LimitValues8(nSumB / nCount));
// write color to blur bits
color.setPixel(pBlur + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (((double)h * 50.0) / Height);
if (progress%5 == 0)
// We enter in the second main loop
for (w = 0; !m_cancel && (w < Width); w++)
for (h = 0; !m_cancel && (h < Height); h++)
// initialize the variables
nSumR = nSumG = nSumB = nCount = 0;
// first of all, we need to blur the vertical lines
for (n = -Radius; !m_cancel && (n <= Radius); n++)
// if is inside...
if (IsInside(Width, Height, w, h + n))
// read color from blur bits
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h+n, bytesDepth);
color.setColor(pBlur + offset, sixteenBit);
// finally, we sum the pixels using a method similar to assigntables
nSumR += arrMult[n + Radius][];
nSumG += arrMult[n + Radius][];
nSumB += arrMult[n + Radius][];
// we need to add the kernel value to the counter
nCount += Kernel[n + Radius];
if (nCount == 0) nCount = 1;
// calculate pointer
offset = GetOffset(Width, w, h, bytesDepth);
// read color from orgImage to preserve alpha
color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
// now, we have to calc the arithmetic average
if (sixteenBit)
color.setRed (LimitValues16(nSumR / nCount));
color.setGreen(LimitValues16(nSumG / nCount));
color.setBlue (LimitValues16(nSumB / nCount));
color.setRed (LimitValues8(nSumR / nCount));
color.setGreen(LimitValues8(nSumG / nCount));
color.setBlue (LimitValues8(nSumB / nCount));
// write color to destination
color.setPixel(pOutBits + offset);
// Update the progress bar in dialog.
progress = (int) (50.0 + ((double)w * 50.0) / Width);
if (progress%5 == 0)
// now, we must free memory
Free2DArray (arrMult, nKernelWidth);
delete [] pBlur;
} // NameSpace DigikamBlurFXImagesPlugin