Menu Descriptions The main &digikam; window The Album Menu Album Menu &Alt;Left AlbumBack Go back to the previously visited View using history. &Alt;Right AlbumForward Go forward to the previously visited View using history. You can only go forward if you've just gone back. &Ctrl;N AlbumNew Album Create a new album folder. AlbumEdit Album Properties Edit the currently selected album title, caption and collection. F5 AlbumRefresh Refresh the current view in the Main Window. Album Synchronize images with database Synchronize the metadata between database and the file's metadata of all items of the current Main Window. The images will inherit the database metadata, not the other way around as in this menu. Album Open in &konqueror; Open &konqueror; with the current Album path. &Ctrl;I AlbumImportAdd Images Select images to be added to the currently selected Album. AlbumImportImport Folders Select folders to be imported like Albums to the currently selected Album AlbumImportScan Images Kipi-plugin for image acquisition with a scanner. See the dedicated Acquire Images manual for more information. AlbumImportScreenshot Kipi-plugin to take a screenshot. See the dedicated Acquire Images manual for more information. AlbumExportArchive to &CD;/DVD Kipi-plugin to archive Albums to &CD; or DVD using K3b. See the dedicated &CD; Archiving manual for more information. AlbumExportExport to Flickr... Kipi-plugin to upload or update images to Flickr server. See the dedicated Flickr Export manual for more information. AlbumExportRemote Gallery sync... Kipi-plugin to upload or update images to web galleries. See the dedicated Gallery Export manual for more information. AlbumExport&HTML; Gallery Kipi-plugin to create a &HTML; gallery with Albums. See the dedicated Images Gallery manual for more information. AlbumExportPrint Wizard Kipi-plugin to print Album images. See the dedicated Print Wizard manual for more information. AlbumExportSimpleViewer export Kipi-plugin to export to SimpleViewer. See the dedicated SimpleViewer manual for more information. Album Delete Album/Move Album to trash Delete/Move to trash selected Album and all items in it. &Ctrl;Q AlbumQuit Quit &digikam; The Tag Menu Tags Menu TagNew Tag Create a new Tag entry in the Albums Database. TagEdit Tag Properties Edit the properties of the currently selected Tag. TagDelete Tag Remove the currently selected Tag from the Album's Database. The Image Menu Image Menu F3 ImageView... or Enter View the selected image. Esc or F3 Puts you back from 'image view' into the main window. F4 ImageEdit... Open the currently selected image in the &digikam; image editor. F6 ImagePlace onto Light Table Adds selection to the Light Table thumbbar and puts the Light Table into the foreground. ImageCorrect EXIF Orientation Tag Manual EXIF Orientation Tag adjustment options of the currently selected image. ImageAuto Rotate/Flip using EXIF information Kipi-plugin menu entry to manually activate the auto rotate/flip feature for the currently selected images using the EXIF orientation tag. See the dedicated JPEG Loss Less manual for more information. ImageRotate Kipi-plugin menu entry for rotating the currently selected images by 90/180/270 degrees. See the dedicated JPEG Loss Less manual for more information. ImageFlip Kipi-plugin menu entry for flipping the currently selected images horizontally or vertically. See the dedicated JPEG Loss Less manual for more information. ImageConvert to Black & White Kipi-plugin menu entry for converting the currently selected images to black & white. See the dedicated JPEG Loss Less manual for more information. ImageEmail images Kipi-plugin for emailing images with your preferred mail agent. See the dedicated Send Images manual for more information. ImageGeolocation Kipi-plugin to handle GPS meta data of the image. See the dedicated Geolocation manual for more information. ImageMetadata Kipi-plugin to handle meta data of the image (EXIF, IPTC, captions). See the dedicated Metadata manual for more information. ImageAdjust Time and Date Kipi-plugin for adjusting time and date of the currently selected images. See the dedicated Time Adjust manual for more information. ImageSet as Background Kipi-plugin for setting the currently selected image as the desktop background. See the dedicated Wall Paper manual for more information. F2 ImageRename Rename the currently selected image. F8 ImageDelete Move to trash (recoverable delete) The Select Menu Select Menu &Ctrl;A SelectSelect All Select all images currently shown &Ctrl;U SelectSelect None Unselect all items in the current view &Ctrl;* SelectInvert Selection Invert the current selection The View Menu View Menu &Ctrl;&Shift;F ViewFull Screen Mode Switch to full screen (same as F11). ViewSlide Show Slide Show including RAW files. F9 ViewSlide ShowAll Start slide show of all images in current window. &Alt;F9 ViewSlide ShowSelection Start slide show on selected images. &Shift;F9 ViewSlide ShowRecursive Slide show that recurses through the current album tree. &Ctrl;+ ViewIncrease Thumbnail Size Increase the thumbnail size of the currently selected Album. &Ctrl;- ViewDecrease Thumbnail Size Decrease the thumbnail size of the currently selected Album. ViewSort Albums Sort all &digikam; Albums by Folder, by Collection, or by Date. ViewSort Images Sort all images in current Album by Name, Path, Date, File Size or by Rating. The Tools Menu Tools Menu &Ctrl;F ToolsQuick Search Launch the simple search items dialog. &Alt;&Ctrl;F ToolsAdvanced Search Launch the advanced search items dialog. &Alt;F6 ToolsLight Table Switches to the Light Table window. ToolsScan for new images Rescan the library for images not yet in the database (see also start-up option). ToolsRebuild all Thumbnails... Launch rebuild of all thumbnails (that can take a long time if you have many images). ToolsUpdate Metadata Database... Launch synchronization of all metadata between database and files for all files (not just current view as with this menu). Database metadata will be overwritten with the file's metadata in case of discrepancy. The opposite you can do from the Album menu. ToolsFind Duplicate Images Kipi-plugin to find duplicate images in Albums Database. See the dedicated Find Duplicate Images manual for more information. ToolsImage Viewer Kipi-plugin OpenGL full screen image viewer with the selected image. See the dedicated OpenGL viewer manual for more information. ToolsCreate Calendar Kipi-plugin for creating a calendar with Album items. See the dedicated Calendar manual for more information. ToolsCreate MPEG Slideshow Kipi-plugin for creating an MPEG Slideshow with Album items. See the dedicated MPEG Encoder manual for more information. ToolsRemote Galleries Kipi-plugin to set up a list of remote galleries for exporting. See the dedicated Remote galleries manual for more information. ToolsAdvanced Slideshow Kipi-plugin for displaying an advanced slide show with Album items. See the dedicated Advanced Slide Show manual for more information. ToolsRAW Image Converter (single) Kipi-plugin for converting a single RAW image. See the dedicated RAW Converter manual for more information. ToolsBatch Processes Kipi-plugin menu entries for performing batch Processes on currently selected images. See the dedicated manuals for more information: Color Images manual Convert Images manual Effect Images manual Filter Images manual Recompress Images manual Rename Images manual Resize Images manual RAW Converter manual The Camera Menu Camera Menu Any configured digital camera will be listed here. You can use the "Add Camera" menu entry to add a new camera to the list. Please, read the Setup Camera Section for more information. CameraMedia Browse Browsing attached media devices like card readers, DVDs or memory sticks. CameraAdd camera Interactively add a new camera. The Settings Menu Settings Menu SettingsShow Toolbar/Hide Toolbar Enable or disable the main &digikam; toolbar. SettingsShow Statusbar/Hide Statusbar Enable or disable the main &digikam; status bar. SettingsConfigure Shortcuts Configure the &digikam; shortcuts. SettingsConfigure Toolbars Configure the &digikam; toolbars. SettingsConfigure &digikam; Launch &digikam; configure dialog. &doc-ie-menu;