/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-04-27 * Description : a folder view for date albums. * * Copyright (C) 2005 by Renchi Raju * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) #include #endif // Local includes. #include "album.h" #include "albumdb.h" #include "albumsettings.h" #include "ddebug.h" #include "folderview.h" #include "monthwidget.h" #include "datefolderview.h" #include "datefolderview.moc" namespace Digikam { class DateFolderItem : public FolderItem { public: DateFolderItem(TQListView* parent, DAlbum* album); DateFolderItem(TQListViewItem* parent, DAlbum* album); ~DateFolderItem(); void refresh(); int compare(TQListViewItem *i, int, bool) const; TQString date() const; TQString name() const; DAlbum* album() const; int count() const; void setCount(int v); private: int m_count; TQString m_name; DAlbum *m_album; }; DateFolderItem::DateFolderItem(TQListView* parent, DAlbum* album) : FolderItem(parent, TQString(), true) { m_count = 0; m_album = album; m_name = TQString::number(album->date().year()); setText(0, m_name); } DateFolderItem::DateFolderItem(TQListViewItem* parent, DAlbum* album) : FolderItem(parent, TQString()) { m_count = 0; m_album = album; #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) m_name = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName(m_album->date(), false); #else m_name = KGlobal::locale()->monthName(m_album->date(), false); #endif setText(0, m_name); } DateFolderItem::~DateFolderItem() { } void DateFolderItem::refresh() { if (AlbumSettings::instance()->getShowFolderTreeViewItemsCount()) setText(0, TQString("%1 (%2)").tqarg(m_name).tqarg(m_count)); else setText(0, m_name); } int DateFolderItem::compare(TQListViewItem* i, int , bool ) const { if (!i) return 0; DateFolderItem* dItem = dynamic_cast(i); if (m_album->date() == dItem->m_album->date()) return 0; else if (m_album->date() > dItem->m_album->date()) return 1; else return -1; } TQString DateFolderItem::date() const { return m_album->date().toString(); } TQString DateFolderItem::name() const { return m_name; } DAlbum* DateFolderItem::album() const { return m_album; } int DateFolderItem::count() const { return m_count; } void DateFolderItem::setCount(int v) { m_count = v; refresh(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- class DateFolderViewPriv { public: DateFolderViewPriv() { active = false; listview = 0; monthview = 0; } bool active; TQString selected; FolderView *listview; MonthWidget *monthview; }; DateFolderView::DateFolderView(TQWidget* parent) : TQVBox(parent, "DateFolderView") { d = new DateFolderViewPriv; d->listview = new FolderView(this, "DateListView"); d->monthview = new MonthWidget(this); d->listview->addColumn(i18n("My Calendar")); d->listview->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); d->listview->setRootIsDecorated(true); connect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalAlbumAdded(Album*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAlbumAdded(Album*))); connect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalAlbumDeleted(Album*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAlbumDeleted(Album*))); connect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalAllDAlbumsLoaded()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAllDAlbumsLoaded())); connect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalAlbumsCleared()), d->listview, TQT_SLOT(clear())); connect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalDAlbumsDirty(const TQMap&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRefresh(const TQMap&))); connect(d->listview, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); } DateFolderView::~DateFolderView() { saveViewState(); delete d; } void DateFolderView::setActive(bool val) { if (d->active == val) return; d->active = val; if (d->active) { slotSelectionChanged(); } else { d->monthview->setActive(false); } } void DateFolderView::slotAllDAlbumsLoaded() { disconnect(AlbumManager::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(signalAllDAlbumsLoaded()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAllDAlbumsLoaded())); loadViewState(); } void DateFolderView::slotAlbumAdded(Album* a) { if (!a || a->type() != Album::DATE) return; DAlbum* album = (DAlbum*)a; TQDate date = album->date(); if (album->range() == DAlbum::Year) { DateFolderItem* item = new DateFolderItem(d->listview, album); item->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("date", AlbumSettings::instance()->getDefaultTreeIconSize())); album->setExtraData(this, item); return; } TQString yr = TQString::number(date.year()); TQListViewItem* parent = findRootItemByYear(yr); if (parent) { DateFolderItem* item = new DateFolderItem(parent, album); item->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("date", AlbumSettings::instance()->getDefaultTreeIconSize())); album->setExtraData(this, item); } } void DateFolderView::slotAlbumDeleted(Album* a) { if (!a || a->type() != Album::DATE) return; DAlbum* album = (DAlbum*)a; DateFolderItem* item = (DateFolderItem*) album->extraData(this); if (item) { delete item; album->removeExtraData(this); } } void DateFolderView::slotSelectionChanged() { if (!d->active) return; d->monthview->setActive(false); TQListViewItem* selItem = 0; TQListViewItemIterator it( d->listview ); while (it.current()) { if (it.current()->isSelected()) { selItem = it.current(); break; } ++it; } if (!selItem) { AlbumManager::instance()->setCurrentAlbum(0); return; } DateFolderItem* dateItem = dynamic_cast(selItem); if (!dateItem) { AlbumManager::instance()->setCurrentAlbum(0); return; } AlbumManager::instance()->setCurrentAlbum(dateItem->album()); if (dateItem->album()->range() == DAlbum::Month) { TQDate date = dateItem->album()->date(); d->monthview->setActive(true); d->monthview->setYearMonth(date.year(), date.month()); } } void DateFolderView::loadViewState() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(name()); TQString selected; if(config->hasKey("Last Selected Date")) { selected = config->readEntry("Last Selected Date"); } TQStringList openFolders; if(config->hasKey("Open Date Folders")) { openFolders = config->readListEntry("Open Date Folders"); } DateFolderItem *item; TQString id; TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); for( ; it.current(); ++it) { item = dynamic_cast(it.current()); id = item->date(); if(openFolders.contains(id)) d->listview->setOpen(item, true); else d->listview->setOpen(item, false); if(id == selected) d->listview->setSelected(item, true); } } void DateFolderView::saveViewState() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(name()); DateFolderItem *item = dynamic_cast(d->listview->selectedItem()); if(item) config->writeEntry("Last Selected Date", item->date()); TQStringList openFolders; TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); item = dynamic_cast(d->listview->firstChild()); while(item) { // Storing the years only, a month cannot be open if(item && d->listview->isOpen(item)) openFolders.push_back(item->date()); item = dynamic_cast(item->nextSibling()); } config->writeEntry("Open Date Folders", openFolders); } void DateFolderView::gotoDate(const TQDate& dt) { DateFolderItem *item = 0; TQDate id; TQDate date = TQDate(dt.year(), dt.month(), 1); // Find that date in the side-bar list. TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); for( ; it.current(); ++it) { item = dynamic_cast(it.current()); if (item->album()) { id = item->album()->date(); if(id == date) { d->listview->setSelected(item, true); d->listview->ensureItemVisible(item); } } } } void DateFolderView::setSelected(TQListViewItem *item) { if(!item) return; d->listview->setSelected(item, true); d->listview->ensureItemVisible(item); } TQListViewItem *DateFolderView::findRootItemByYear(const TQString& year) { TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); while (it.current()) { DateFolderItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it); if (item) { if (item->album()->range() == DAlbum::Year && item->name() == year) return item; } ++it; } return 0; } void DateFolderView::refresh() { TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); while (it.current()) { DateFolderItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it); if (item) item->refresh(); ++it; } } void DateFolderView::slotRefresh(const TQMap& yearMonthMap) { TQListViewItemIterator it(d->listview); while (it.current()) { DateFolderItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it); if (item) { TQDate date = item->album()->date(); if (item->album()->range() == DAlbum::Month) { TQMap::const_iterator it2 = yearMonthMap.find(YearMonth(date.year(), date.month())); if ( it2 != yearMonthMap.end() ) item->setCount(it2.data()); } else { int count = 0; for ( TQMap::const_iterator it2 = yearMonthMap.begin(); it2 != yearMonthMap.end(); ++it2 ) { if (it2.key().first == date.year()) count += it2.data(); } item->setCount(count); } } ++it; } } } // namespace Digikam