/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2004-09-07 * Description : a pop-up menu implementation to display a * hierarchical view of digiKam tags. * * Copyright (C) 2004 by Renchi Raju * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #define ADDTAGID 10000 // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "albumiconview.h" #include "albumiconitem.h" #include "albummanager.h" #include "albumdb.h" #include "album.h" #include "syncjob.h" #include "tageditdlg.h" #include "tagspopupmenu.h" #include "tagspopupmenu.moc" namespace Digikam { class TagsPopupCheckedMenuItem : public TQCustomMenuItem { public: TagsPopupCheckedMenuItem(TQPopupMenu* popup, const TQString& txt, const TQPixmap& pix) : TQCustomMenuItem(), m_popup(popup), m_txt(txt), m_pix(pix) { } virtual TQSize sizeHint() { TQFont fn = m_popup->font(); TQFontMetrics fm(fn); int w = fm.width(m_txt) + 5 + kapp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth, 0); int h = TQMAX(fm.height(), m_pix.height()); return TQSize( w, h ); } virtual void paint(TQPainter* p, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool act, bool enabled, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { p->save(); p->setPen(act ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.highlight()); p->drawText(x, y, w, h, TQt::AlignLeft|TQt::AlignVCenter, m_txt); p->restore(); if (!m_pix.isNull()) { TQRect pixRect(x/2 - m_pix.width()/2, y, m_pix.width(), m_pix.height()); p->drawPixmap( pixRect.topLeft(), m_pix ); } int checkWidth = kapp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth, 0); int checkHeight = kapp->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_IndicatorHeight, 0); TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default; flags |= TQStyle::Style_On; if (enabled) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; if (act) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Active; TQFont fn = m_popup->font(); TQFontMetrics fm(fn); TQRect r(x + 5 + fm.width(m_txt), y + (h/2-checkHeight/2), checkWidth, checkHeight); kapp->style().drawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_CheckMark, p, r, cg, flags); } private: TQPopupMenu *m_popup; TQString m_txt; TQPixmap m_pix; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TagsPopupMenuPriv { public: TagsPopupMenuPriv(){} int addToID; TQPixmap addTagPix; TQValueList assignedTags; TQValueList selectedImageIDs; TagsPopupMenu::Mode mode; }; TagsPopupMenu::TagsPopupMenu(const TQValueList& selectedImageIDs, int addToID, Mode mode) : TQPopupMenu(0) { d = new TagsPopupMenuPriv; d->selectedImageIDs = selectedImageIDs; d->addToID = addToID; d->mode = mode; TDEIconLoader *iconLoader = TDEApplication::kApplication()->iconLoader(); d->addTagPix = iconLoader->loadIcon("tag", TDEIcon::NoGroup, TDEIcon::SizeSmall, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0, true); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAboutToShow())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotActivated(int))); } TagsPopupMenu::~TagsPopupMenu() { delete d; } void TagsPopupMenu::clearPopup() { d->assignedTags.clear(); clear(); } TQPopupMenu* TagsPopupMenu::buildSubMenu(int tagid) { AlbumManager* man = AlbumManager::instance(); TAlbum* album = man->findTAlbum(tagid); if (!album) return 0; TQPopupMenu* popup = new TQPopupMenu(this); connect(popup, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotActivated(int))); if (d->mode == ASSIGN) { popup->insertItem(d->addTagPix, i18n("Add New Tag..."), ADDTAGID + album->id()); popup->insertSeparator(); TQPixmap pix = SyncJob::getTagThumbnail(album); if ((d->mode == ASSIGN) && (d->assignedTags.contains(album->id()))) { popup->insertItem(new TagsPopupCheckedMenuItem(popup, album->title(), pix), d->addToID + album->id()); } else { popup->insertItem(pix, album->title(), d->addToID + album->id()); } if (album->firstChild()) { popup->insertSeparator(); } } else { if (!album->isRoot()) { TQPixmap pix = SyncJob::getTagThumbnail(album); popup->insertItem(pix, album->title(), d->addToID + album->id()); popup->insertSeparator(); } } iterateAndBuildMenu(popup, album); return popup; } void TagsPopupMenu::slotAboutToShow() { clearPopup(); AlbumManager* man = AlbumManager::instance(); if (d->mode == REMOVE || d->mode == DISPLAY) { if (d->selectedImageIDs.isEmpty()) return; d->assignedTags = man->albumDB()->getItemCommonTagIDs(d->selectedImageIDs); if (d->assignedTags.isEmpty()) return; // also add the parents of the assigned tags IntList tList; for (IntList::iterator it = d->assignedTags.begin(); it != d->assignedTags.end(); ++it) { TAlbum* album = man->findTAlbum(*it); if (album) { Album* a = album->parent(); while (a) { tList.append(a->id()); a = a->parent(); } } } for (IntList::iterator it = tList.begin(); it != tList.end(); ++it) { d->assignedTags.append(*it); } } else if (d->mode == ASSIGN) { if (d->selectedImageIDs.count() == 1) { d->assignedTags = man->albumDB()->getItemCommonTagIDs(d->selectedImageIDs); } } TAlbum* album = man->findTAlbum(0); if (!album) return; if (d->mode == ASSIGN) { insertItem(d->addTagPix, i18n("Add New Tag..."), ADDTAGID); if (album->firstChild()) { insertSeparator(); } } iterateAndBuildMenu(this, album); } // for qHeapSort typedef TQPair TagsMenuSortType; bool operator<(const TagsMenuSortType &lhs, const TagsMenuSortType &rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; } void TagsPopupMenu::iterateAndBuildMenu(TQPopupMenu *menu, TAlbum *album) { TQValueVector sortedTags; for (Album* a = album->firstChild(); a; a = a->next()) { sortedTags.push_back(qMakePair(a->title(), a)); } qHeapSort(sortedTags); for (TQValueVector::Iterator i = sortedTags.begin(); i != sortedTags.end(); ++i) { Album *a = i->second; if (d->mode == REMOVE || d->mode == DISPLAY) { IntList::iterator it = tqFind(d->assignedTags.begin(), d->assignedTags.end(), a->id()); if (it == d->assignedTags.end()) continue; } TQPixmap pix = SyncJob::getTagThumbnail((TAlbum*)a); TQString t = a->title(); t.replace('&',"&&"); if (a->firstChild()) { menu->insertItem(pix, t, buildSubMenu(a->id())); } else { if ((d->mode == ASSIGN) && (d->assignedTags.contains(a->id()))) { menu->insertItem(new TagsPopupCheckedMenuItem(this, a->title(), pix), d->addToID + a->id()); } else { menu->insertItem(pix, t, d->addToID + a->id()); } } } } void TagsPopupMenu::slotActivated(int id) { if (id >= ADDTAGID) { int tagID = id - ADDTAGID; AlbumManager* man = AlbumManager::instance(); TAlbum* parent = man->findTAlbum(tagID); if (!parent) { DWarning() << "Failed to find album with id " << tagID << endl; return; } TQString title, icon; if (!TagEditDlg::tagCreate(TQT_TQWIDGET(kapp->activeWindow()), parent, title, icon)) return; TQMap errMap; AlbumList tList = TagEditDlg::createTAlbum(parent, title, icon, errMap); TagEditDlg::showtagsListCreationError(TQT_TQWIDGET(kapp->activeWindow()), errMap); for (AlbumList::iterator it = tList.begin(); it != tList.end(); ++it) emit signalTagActivated((*it)->id()); } else { int tagID = id - d->addToID; emit signalTagActivated(tagID); } } } // namespace Digikam