Tack till och licens
&digikam; logotyp
Program copyright 2001-2006, &digikam;-utvecklingsgruppen
Renchi Raju renchi_snabela_pooh.tam.uiuc.edu: Samordnare, huvudutvecklare.
Caulier Gilles caulier_punkt_gilles_snabela_gmail_punkt_com: Samordnare, utvecklare och översättning till franska.
Joern Ahrens kde_snabela_jokele.de: Utvecklare.
Tom Albers tomalbers_snabela_kde.nl: Utvecklare.
Ralf Hoelzer kde_snabela_ralfhoelzer.com: Utvecklare.
Dokumentation copyright av: 2001-2002 Renchi Raju renchi_snabela_pooh.tam.uiuc.edu. 2002-2003 Gilles Caulier caulier_punkt_gilles_snabela_gmail_punkt_com Renchi Raju renchi_snabela_pooh.tam.uiuc.edu 2003-2005 Gilles Caulier caulier_punkt_gilles_snabela_gmail_punkt_com Renchi Raju renchi_snabela_pooh.tam.uiuc.edu Richard Taylor rjt-digicam_snabela_thegrindstone_punkt_me_punkt_uk Ralf Hoelzer kde_snabela_ralfhoelzer.com Joern Ahrens kde_snabela_jokele.de Oliver Doerr oliver_snabela_doerr-privat.de Gerhard Kulzer gerhard snabela kulzer.net 2005-2007 Gilles Caulier caulier_punkt_gilles_snabela_gmail_punkt_com Gerhard Kulzer gerhard snabela kulzer.net Alla bilder copyright 2003-2007 av Gilles Caulier caulier_punkt_gilles_snabela_gmail_punkt_com och Gerhard Kulzer gerhard_snabela_kulzer_punkt_net.
Översättning Stefan Asserhäll stefan.asserhall@comhem.se
&underFDL; &underGPL;
How to Obtain &digikam;
The website for &digikam; is at http://www.digikam.org. Please check it regularly to get the latest news about &digikam;. &digikam; can be obtained in binary and source format from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=42641.
Also you can checkout the digikam and kipi source code modules
from &kde; Extragear SVN repository like this:
% svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/graphics
% cd graphics
% svn up digikam
% svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common/admin
The last SVN snapshoots can be downloaded at this &URL;
In order to successfully use &digikam;, you need the following:
>= 2.5 GNU autoconf
>= 1.7.0 GNU automake
&kde; 3.x &kde; Home Page
>= 3.3.x Trolltech
>= 3.x SQlite3
>= 2.x Gphoto Home Page
>= 1.8.0
>= 0.1 www.kipi-plugins.org
>= 0.1 www.kipi-plugins.org
>= 0.1.5 www.kipi-plugins.org
>= 3.6.x (
>=3.8.2 recommended) www.remotesensing.org
>= 1.2.0 www.libpng.org
>= 1.14.x Little CMS Home Page
>= 1.7 Jasper site
>= 0.12 (
>=0.14 recommended) Exiv2.org
All library dependencies require development and binary packages installed on your
computer to compile &digikam;.
Most likely your distribution vendor might already have packaged and provided these packages.
Compilation and Installation
In order to compile and install &digikam; on your system, type the following in the base folder of the libkipi and digikam module distributions:
% export WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5=1
% export KDEDIR=KDE_installation_dir_on_your_system
% export
% make -f Makefile.cvs
% ./configure
% make
% su
% make install
Important Notes
Stage 3 is required if you are installing libkipi/libkexiv2 in a non-standard location, and you must let pkg-config know about their paths.
More specific compilation and installation options can be passed to the configure script. Use ./configure --help on the command line to view these options.
Use --enable-debug=full option with configure script for to provide a full information bug report.
Because &digikam; depends on libkipi and libkexif, you must build these libraries before you build &digikam;.
Since &digikam; uses autoconf and automake you should not have trouble compiling it. If you run into problems please report them to digikam-users@kde.org.