/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2004-12-01 * Description : image curves manipulation methods. * * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * Some code parts are inspired from gimp 2.0 * app/base/curves.c, gimplut.c, and app/base/gimpcurvetool.c * source files. * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #define CLAMP(x,l,u) ((x)<(l)?(l):((x)>(u)?(u):(x))) // C++ includes. #include #include #include #include #include // Qt includes. #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "imagecurves.h" namespace Digikam { class ImageCurvesPriv { public: struct _Curves { ImageCurves::CurveType curve_type[5]; // Curve types by channels (Smooth or Free). int points[5][17][2]; // Curve main points in Smooth mode ([channel][point id][x,y]). unsigned short curve[5][65536]; // Curve values by channels. }; struct _Lut { unsigned short **luts; int nchannels; }; public: ImageCurvesPriv() { curves = 0; lut = 0; dirty = false; } // Curves data. struct _Curves *curves; // Lut data. struct _Lut *lut; int segmentMax; bool dirty; }; ImageCurves::CRMatrix CR_basis = { { -0.5, 1.5, -1.5, 0.5 }, { 1.0, -2.5, 2.0, -0.5 }, { -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, }; ImageCurves::ImageCurves(bool sixteenBit) { d = new ImageCurvesPriv; d->lut = new ImageCurvesPriv::_Lut; d->curves = new ImageCurvesPriv::_Curves; d->segmentMax = sixteenBit ? 65535 : 255; curvesReset(); } ImageCurves::~ImageCurves() { if (d->lut) { if (d->lut->luts) { for (int i = 0 ; i < d->lut->nchannels ; i++) delete [] d->lut->luts[i]; delete [] d->lut->luts; } delete d->lut; } if (d->curves) delete d->curves; delete d; } bool ImageCurves::isDirty() { return d->dirty; } bool ImageCurves::isSixteenBits() { return (d->segmentMax == 65535); } void ImageCurves::curvesReset() { memset(d->curves, 0, sizeof(struct ImageCurvesPriv::_Curves)); d->lut->luts = NULL; d->lut->nchannels = 0; d->dirty = false; for (int channel = 0 ; channel < 5 ; channel++) { setCurveType(channel, CURVE_SMOOTH); curvesChannelReset(channel); } } void ImageCurves::curvesChannelReset(int channel) { int j; if (!d->curves) return; // Contruct a linear curve. for (j = 0 ; j <= d->segmentMax ; j++) d->curves->curve[channel][j] = j; // Init coordinates points to null. for (j = 0 ; j < 17 ; j++) { d->curves->points[channel][j][0] = -1; d->curves->points[channel][j][1] = -1; } // First and last points init. d->curves->points[channel][0][0] = 0; d->curves->points[channel][0][1] = 0; d->curves->points[channel][16][0] = d->segmentMax; d->curves->points[channel][16][1] = d->segmentMax; } void ImageCurves::curvesCalculateCurve(int channel) { int i; int points[17]; int num_pts; int p1, p2, p3, p4; if (!d->curves) return; switch (d->curves->curve_type[channel]) { case CURVE_FREE: break; case CURVE_SMOOTH: { // Cycle through the curves num_pts = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < 17 ; i++) if (d->curves->points[channel][i][0] != -1) points[num_pts++] = i; // Initialize boundary curve points if (num_pts != 0) { for (i = 0 ; i < d->curves->points[channel][points[0]][0] ; i++) { d->curves->curve[channel][i] = d->curves->points[channel][points[0]][1]; } for (i = d->curves->points[channel][points[num_pts - 1]][0] ; i <= d->segmentMax ; i++) { d->curves->curve[channel][i] = d->curves->points[channel][points[num_pts - 1]][1]; } } for (i = 0 ; i < num_pts - 1 ; i++) { p1 = (i == 0) ? points[i] : points[(i - 1)]; p2 = points[i]; p3 = points[(i + 1)]; p4 = (i == (num_pts - 2)) ? points[(num_pts - 1)] : points[(i + 2)]; curvesPlotCurve(channel, p1, p2, p3, p4); } // Ensure that the control points are used exactly for (i = 0 ; i < num_pts ; i++) { int x, y; x = d->curves->points[channel][points[i]][0]; y = d->curves->points[channel][points[i]][1]; d->curves->curve[channel][x] = y; } break; } } } float ImageCurves::curvesLutFunc(int n_channels, int channel, float value) { float f; int index; double inten; int j; if (!d->curves) return 0.0; if (n_channels == 1) j = 0; else j = channel + 1; inten = value; // For color images this runs through the loop with j = channel +1 // the first time and j = 0 the second time. // For bw images this runs through the loop with j = 0 the first and // only time. for ( ; j >= 0 ; j -= (channel + 1)) { // Don't apply the overall curve to the alpha channel. if (j == 0 && (n_channels == 2 || n_channels == 4) && channel == n_channels -1) return inten; if (inten < 0.0) inten = d->curves->curve[j][0]/(float)d->segmentMax; else if (inten >= 1.0) inten = d->curves->curve[j][d->segmentMax]/(float)(d->segmentMax); else // interpolate the curve. { index = (int)floor(inten * (float)(d->segmentMax)); f = inten * (float)(d->segmentMax) - index; inten = ((1.0 - f) * d->curves->curve[j][index ] + ( f) * d->curves->curve[j][index + 1] ) / (float)(d->segmentMax); } } return inten; } void ImageCurves::curvesPlotCurve(int channel, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { CRMatrix geometry; CRMatrix tmp1, tmp2; CRMatrix deltas; double x, dx, dx2, dx3; double y, dy, dy2, dy3; double d1, d2, d3; int lastx, lasty; int newx, newy; int i; int loopdiv = d->segmentMax * 3; if (!d->curves) return; // Construct the geometry matrix from the segment. for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { geometry[i][2] = 0; geometry[i][3] = 0; } for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) { geometry[0][i] = d->curves->points[channel][p1][i]; geometry[1][i] = d->curves->points[channel][p2][i]; geometry[2][i] = d->curves->points[channel][p3][i]; geometry[3][i] = d->curves->points[channel][p4][i]; } // Subdivide the curve 1000 times. // n can be adjusted to give a finer or coarser curve. d1 = 1.0 / loopdiv; d2 = d1 * d1; d3 = d1 * d1 * d1; // Construct a temporary matrix for determining the forward differencing deltas. tmp2[0][0] = 0; tmp2[0][1] = 0; tmp2[0][2] = 0; tmp2[0][3] = 1; tmp2[1][0] = d3; tmp2[1][1] = d2; tmp2[1][2] = d1; tmp2[1][3] = 0; tmp2[2][0] = 6*d3; tmp2[2][1] = 2*d2; tmp2[2][2] = 0; tmp2[2][3] = 0; tmp2[3][0] = 6*d3; tmp2[3][1] = 0; tmp2[3][2] = 0; tmp2[3][3] = 0; // Compose the basis and geometry matrices. curvesCRCompose(CR_basis, geometry, tmp1); // Compose the above results to get the deltas matrix. curvesCRCompose(tmp2, tmp1, deltas); // Extract the x deltas. x = deltas[0][0]; dx = deltas[1][0]; dx2 = deltas[2][0]; dx3 = deltas[3][0]; // Extract the y deltas. y = deltas[0][1]; dy = deltas[1][1]; dy2 = deltas[2][1]; dy3 = deltas[3][1]; lastx = (int)CLAMP (x, 0, d->segmentMax); lasty = (int)CLAMP (y, 0, d->segmentMax); d->curves->curve[channel][lastx] = lasty; // Loop over the curve. for (i = 0 ; i < loopdiv ; i++) { // Increment the x values. x += dx; dx += dx2; dx2 += dx3; // Increment the y values. y += dy; dy += dy2; dy2 += dy3; newx = CLAMP(ROUND (x), 0, d->segmentMax); newy = CLAMP(ROUND (y), 0, d->segmentMax); // If this point is different than the last one...then draw it. if ((lastx != newx) || (lasty != newy)) d->curves->curve[channel][newx] = newy; lastx = newx; lasty = newy; } } void ImageCurves::curvesCRCompose(CRMatrix a, CRMatrix b, CRMatrix ab) { int i, j; for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { for (j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) { ab[i][j] = (a[i][0] * b[0][j] + a[i][1] * b[1][j] + a[i][2] * b[2][j] + a[i][3] * b[3][j]); } } } void ImageCurves::curvesLutSetup(int nchannels) { int i; uint v; double val; if (d->lut->luts) { for (i = 0 ; i < d->lut->nchannels ; i++) delete [] d->lut->luts[i]; delete [] d->lut->luts; } d->lut->nchannels = nchannels; d->lut->luts = new unsigned short*[d->lut->nchannels]; for (i = 0 ; i < d->lut->nchannels ; i++) { d->lut->luts[i] = new unsigned short[d->segmentMax+1]; for (v = 0 ; v <= (uint)d->segmentMax ; v++) { // To add gamma correction use func(v ^ g) ^ 1/g instead. val = (float)(d->segmentMax) * curvesLutFunc( d->lut->nchannels, i, v / (float)(d->segmentMax)) + 0.5; d->lut->luts[i][v] = (unsigned short)CLAMP (val, 0, d->segmentMax); } } } void ImageCurves::curvesLutProcess(uchar *srcPR, uchar *destPR, int w, int h) { unsigned short *lut0 = NULL, *lut1 = NULL, *lut2 = NULL, *lut3 = NULL; int i; if (d->lut->nchannels > 0) lut0 = d->lut->luts[0]; if (d->lut->nchannels > 1) lut1 = d->lut->luts[1]; if (d->lut->nchannels > 2) lut2 = d->lut->luts[2]; if (d->lut->nchannels > 3) lut3 = d->lut->luts[3]; if (d->segmentMax == 255) // 8 bits image. { uchar red, green, blue, alpha; uchar *ptr = srcPR; uchar *dst = destPR; for (i = 0 ; i < w*h ; i++) { blue = ptr[0]; green = ptr[1]; red = ptr[2]; alpha = ptr[3]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 0 ) red = lut0[red]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 1 ) green = lut1[green]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 2 ) blue = lut2[blue]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 3 ) alpha = lut3[alpha]; dst[0] = blue; dst[1] = green; dst[2] = red; dst[3] = alpha; ptr += 4; dst += 4; } } else // 16 bits image. { unsigned short red, green, blue, alpha; unsigned short *ptr = (unsigned short *)srcPR; unsigned short *dst = (unsigned short *)destPR; for (i = 0 ; i < w*h ; i++) { blue = ptr[0]; green = ptr[1]; red = ptr[2]; alpha = ptr[3]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 0 ) red = lut0[red]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 1 ) green = lut1[green]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 2 ) blue = lut2[blue]; if ( d->lut->nchannels > 3 ) alpha = lut3[alpha]; dst[0] = blue; dst[1] = green; dst[2] = red; dst[3] = alpha; ptr += 4; dst += 4; } } } int ImageCurves::getCurveValue(int channel, int bin) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && bin>=0 && bin<=d->segmentMax ) return(d->curves->curve[channel][bin]); return 0; } QPoint ImageCurves::getCurvePoint(int channel, int point) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 ) return(QPoint(d->curves->points[channel][point][0], d->curves->points[channel][point][1]) ); return QPoint(-1, -1); } QPointArray ImageCurves::getCurvePoints(int channel) { QPointArray array(18); if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5) { for (int j = 0 ; j <= 17 ; j++) array.setPoint(j, getCurvePoint(channel, j)); } return array; } int ImageCurves::getCurvePointX(int channel, int point) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 ) return(d->curves->points[channel][point][0]); return(-1); } int ImageCurves::getCurvePointY(int channel, int point) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 ) return(d->curves->points[channel][point][1]); return (-1); } int ImageCurves::getCurveType(int channel) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 ) return ( d->curves->curve_type[channel] ); return (-1); } void ImageCurves::setCurveValue(int channel, int bin, int val) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && bin>=0 && bin<=d->segmentMax ) { d->dirty = true; d->curves->curve[channel][bin] = val; } } void ImageCurves::setCurvePoint(int channel, int point, const QPoint& val) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 && val.x()>=-1 && val.x()<=d->segmentMax && // x can be egal to -1 val.y()>=0 && val.y()<=d->segmentMax) // if the current point is disable !!! { d->dirty = true; d->curves->points[channel][point][0] = val.x(); d->curves->points[channel][point][1] = val.y(); } } void ImageCurves::setCurvePoints(int channel, const QPointArray& vals) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && vals.size() == 18 ) { d->dirty = true; for (int j = 0 ; j <= 17 ; j++) { setCurvePoint(channel, j, vals.point(j)); } } } void ImageCurves::setCurvePointX(int channel, int point, int x) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 && x>=-1 && x<=d->segmentMax) // x can be egal to -1 if the current point is disable !!! { d->dirty = true; d->curves->points[channel][point][0] = x; } } void ImageCurves::setCurvePointY(int channel, int point, int y) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && point>=0 && point<=17 && y>=0 && y<=d->segmentMax) { d->dirty = true; d->curves->points[channel][point][1] = y; } } void ImageCurves::setCurveType(int channel, CurveType type) { if ( d->curves && channel>=0 && channel<5 && type>=CURVE_SMOOTH && type<=CURVE_FREE ) d->curves->curve_type[channel] = type; } bool ImageCurves::loadCurvesFromGimpCurvesFile(const KURL& fileUrl) { // TODO : support KURL ! FILE *file; int i, j; int fields; char buf[50]; int index[5][17]; int value[5][17]; file = fopen(QFile::encodeName(fileUrl.path()), "r"); if (!file) return false; if (! fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), file)) { fclose(file); return false; } if (strcmp (buf, "# GIMP Curves File\n") != 0) return false; for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { for (j = 0 ; j < 17 ; j++) { fields = fscanf (file, "%d %d ", &index[i][j], &value[i][j]); if (fields != 2) { DWarning() << "Invalid Gimp curves file!" << endl; fclose(file); return false; } } } curvesReset(); for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { d->curves->curve_type[i] = CURVE_SMOOTH; for (j = 0 ; j < 17 ; j++) { d->curves->points[i][j][0] = ((d->segmentMax == 65535) && (index[i][j] !=-1) ? index[i][j]*255 : index[i][j]); d->curves->points[i][j][1] = ((d->segmentMax == 65535) && (value[i][j] !=-1) ? value[i][j]*255 : value[i][j]); } } for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) curvesCalculateCurve(i); fclose(file); return true; } bool ImageCurves::saveCurvesToGimpCurvesFile(const KURL& fileUrl) { // TODO : support KURL ! FILE *file; int i, j; int index; file = fopen(QFile::encodeName(fileUrl.path()), "w"); if (!file) return false; for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { if (d->curves->curve_type[i] == CURVE_FREE) { // Pick representative points from the curve and make them control points. for (j = 0 ; j <= 8 ; j++) { index = CLAMP(j * 32, 0, d->segmentMax); d->curves->points[i][j * 2][0] = index; d->curves->points[i][j * 2][1] = d->curves->curve[i][index]; } } } fprintf (file, "# GIMP Curves File\n"); for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { for (j = 0 ; j < 17 ; j++) { fprintf (file, "%d %d ", ((d->segmentMax == 65535) && (d->curves->points[i][j][0]!=-1) ? d->curves->points[i][j][0]/255 : d->curves->points[i][j][0]), ((d->segmentMax == 65535) && (d->curves->points[i][j][1]!=-1) ? d->curves->points[i][j][1]/255 : d->curves->points[i][j][1])); fprintf (file, "\n"); } } fflush(file); fclose(file); return true; } } // NameSpace Digikam