/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2004-12-09 * Description : image selection widget used by ratio crop tool. * * Copyright (C) 2007 by Jaromir Malenko * Copyright (C) 2008 by Roberto Castagnola * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #define OPACITY 0.7 #define RCOL 0xAA #define GCOL 0xAA #define BCOL 0xAA #define MINRANGE 0 // Golden number (1+sqrt(5))/2 #define PHI 1.61803398874989479 // 1/PHI #define INVPHI 0.61803398874989479 // C++ includes. #include #include #include #include // Qt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "imageiface.h" #include "dimg.h" #include "imageselectionwidget.h" #include "imageselectionwidget.moc" namespace DigikamImagesPluginCore { class ImageSelectionWidgetPriv { public: enum ResizingMode { ResizingNone = 0, ResizingTopLeft, ResizingTopRight, ResizingBottomLeft, ResizingBottomRight }; ImageSelectionWidgetPriv() { currentResizing = ResizingNone; iface = 0; pixmap = 0; guideSize = 1; } // Golden guide types. bool drawGoldenSection; bool drawGoldenSpiralSection; bool drawGoldenSpiral; bool drawGoldenTriangle; // Golden guide translations. bool flipHorGoldenGuide; bool flipVerGoldenGuide; bool moving; bool autoOrientation; bool preciseCrop; int guideLinesType; int guideSize; int currentAspectRatioType; int currentResizing; int currentOrientation; float currentWidthRatioValue; float currentHeightRatioValue; QPoint lastPos; QRect rect; QRect image; // Real image dimension. QRect regionSelection; // Real size image selection. QRect localRegionSelection; // Local size selection. // Draggable local region selection corners. QRect localTopLeftCorner; QRect localBottomLeftCorner; QRect localTopRightCorner; QRect localBottomRightCorner; QPixmap *pixmap; QColor guideColor; Digikam::DImg preview; Digikam::ImageIface *iface; }; ImageSelectionWidget::ImageSelectionWidget(int w, int h, QWidget *parent, int widthRatioValue, int heightRatioValue, int aspectRatioType, int orient, int guideLinesType) : QWidget(parent, 0, Qt::WDestructiveClose) { d = new ImageSelectionWidgetPriv; d->currentAspectRatioType = aspectRatioType; d->currentWidthRatioValue = widthRatioValue; d->currentHeightRatioValue = heightRatioValue; d->currentOrientation = orient; d->guideLinesType = guideLinesType; d->autoOrientation = false; d->preciseCrop = false; d->moving = true; reverseRatioValues(); setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); setMinimumSize(w, h); setMouseTracking(true); d->iface = new Digikam::ImageIface(w, h); uchar *data = d->iface->getPreviewImage(); int width = d->iface->previewWidth(); int height = d->iface->previewHeight(); bool sixteenBit = d->iface->previewSixteenBit(); bool hasAlpha = d->iface->previewHasAlpha(); d->preview = Digikam::DImg(width, height, sixteenBit, hasAlpha, data); delete [] data; d->preview.convertToEightBit(); d->pixmap = new QPixmap(w, h); d->image = QRect(0, 0, d->iface->originalWidth(), d->iface->originalHeight()); d->rect = QRect(w/2-d->preview.width()/2, h/2-d->preview.height()/2, d->preview.width(), d->preview.height()); updatePixmap(); setGoldenGuideTypes(true, false, false, false, false, false); } ImageSelectionWidget::~ImageSelectionWidget() { delete d->iface; delete d->pixmap; delete d; } Digikam::ImageIface* ImageSelectionWidget::imageIface() { return d->iface; } void ImageSelectionWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { delete d->pixmap; int w = e->size().width(); int h = e->size().height(); uchar *data = d->iface->setPreviewImageSize(w, h); int width = d->iface->previewWidth(); int height = d->iface->previewHeight(); bool sixteenBit = d->iface->previewSixteenBit(); bool hasAlpha = d->iface->previewHasAlpha(); d->preview = Digikam::DImg(width, height, sixteenBit, hasAlpha, data); delete [] data; d->preview.convertToEightBit(); d->pixmap = new QPixmap(w, h); d->rect = QRect(w/2-d->preview.width()/2, h/2-d->preview.height()/2, d->preview.width(), d->preview.height()); updatePixmap(); } int ImageSelectionWidget::getOriginalImageWidth() { return d->image.width(); } int ImageSelectionWidget::getOriginalImageHeight() { return d->image.height(); } QRect ImageSelectionWidget::getRegionSelection() { return d->regionSelection; } int ImageSelectionWidget::getMinWidthRange() { return MINRANGE; } int ImageSelectionWidget::getMinHeightRange() { return MINRANGE; } int ImageSelectionWidget::getMaxWidthRange() { int maxW = d->image.width() - d->regionSelection.left(); if (d->currentAspectRatioType != RATIONONE) { // Compute max width taking aspect ratio into account int t = d->currentWidthRatioValue > d->currentHeightRatioValue ? 1 : 0; int h = d->image.height() - d->regionSelection.top(); int w = rint( ( h + t ) * d->currentWidthRatioValue / d->currentHeightRatioValue ) - t; if ( w < maxW ) maxW = w; } // Return max width adjusted if a precise crop is wanted return computePreciseSize(maxW, d->currentWidthRatioValue); } int ImageSelectionWidget::getMaxHeightRange() { int maxH = d->image.height() - d->regionSelection.top(); if (d->currentAspectRatioType != RATIONONE) { // Compute max height taking aspect ratio into account int t = d->currentHeightRatioValue > d->currentWidthRatioValue ? 1 : 0; int w = d->image.width() - d->regionSelection.left(); int h = rint( ( w + t ) * d->currentHeightRatioValue / d->currentWidthRatioValue ) - t; if ( h < maxH ) maxH = h; } // Return max height adjusted if a precise crop is wanted return computePreciseSize(maxH, d->currentHeightRatioValue); } int ImageSelectionWidget::getWidthStep() { if ( d->preciseCrop && preciseCropAvailable() ) return d->currentWidthRatioValue; else return 1; } int ImageSelectionWidget::getHeightStep() { if ( d->preciseCrop && preciseCropAvailable() ) return d->currentHeightRatioValue; else return 1; } // Draw a new centered selection with half width (if orientation = Landscape) // or with half height (if orientation = Portrait) void ImageSelectionWidget::resetSelection() { d->regionSelection.setWidth(d->image.width()/2); d->regionSelection.setHeight(d->image.height()/2); applyAspectRatio(d->currentOrientation == Portrait, false); setCenterSelection(CenterImage); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setCenterSelection(int centerType) { // Adjust selection size if bigger than real image if ( d->regionSelection.height() > d->image.height() ) { d->regionSelection.setHeight(d->image.height()); applyAspectRatio(true, false); } if ( d->regionSelection.width() > d->image.width() ) { d->regionSelection.setWidth(d->image.width()); applyAspectRatio(false, false); } // Set center point for selection QPoint center = d->image.center(); switch (centerType) { case CenterWidth: center.setY(d->regionSelection.center().y()); break; case CenterHeight: center.setX(d->regionSelection.center().x()); break; } d->regionSelection.moveCenter(center); // Repaint updatePixmap(); repaint(false); regionSelectionChanged(); } // Draw a new centered selection with max size void ImageSelectionWidget::maxAspectSelection() { d->regionSelection.setWidth(d->image.width()); d->regionSelection.setHeight(d->image.height()); if ( d->currentAspectRatioType != RATIONONE ) applyAspectRatio(d->currentOrientation == Portrait, false); setCenterSelection(CenterImage); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setGoldenGuideTypes(bool drawGoldenSection, bool drawGoldenSpiralSection, bool drawGoldenSpiral, bool drawGoldenTriangle, bool flipHorGoldenGuide, bool flipVerGoldenGuide) { d->drawGoldenSection = drawGoldenSection; d->drawGoldenSpiralSection = drawGoldenSpiralSection; d->drawGoldenSpiral = drawGoldenSpiral; d->drawGoldenTriangle = drawGoldenTriangle; d->flipHorGoldenGuide = flipHorGoldenGuide; d->flipVerGoldenGuide = flipVerGoldenGuide; } void ImageSelectionWidget::slotGuideLines(int guideLinesType) { d->guideLinesType = guideLinesType; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::slotChangeGuideColor(const QColor &color) { d->guideColor = color; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::slotChangeGuideSize(int size) { d->guideSize = size; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionOrientation(int orient) { d->currentOrientation = orient; reverseRatioValues(); applyAspectRatio(true); emit signalSelectionOrientationChanged( d->currentOrientation ); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionAspectRatioType(int aspectRatioType) { d->currentAspectRatioType = aspectRatioType; // Set ratio values switch(aspectRatioType) { case RATIO01X01: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 1.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 1.0; break; case RATIO03X04: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 4.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 3.0; break; case RATIO02x03: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 3.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 2.0; break; case RATIO05x07: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 7.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 5.0; break; case RATIO07x10: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 10.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 7.0; break; case RATIO04X05: d->currentWidthRatioValue = 5.0; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 4.0; break; case RATIOGOLDEN: d->currentWidthRatioValue = PHI; d->currentHeightRatioValue = 1.0; break; } reverseRatioValues(); applyAspectRatio(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionAspectRatioValue(int widthRatioValue, int heightRatioValue) { int gdc = widthRatioValue; // Compute greatest common divisor using Euclidean algorithm for (int tmp, mod = heightRatioValue; mod != 0; mod = tmp % mod) { tmp = gdc; gdc = mod; } d->currentWidthRatioValue = widthRatioValue / gdc; d->currentHeightRatioValue = heightRatioValue / gdc; d->currentAspectRatioType = RATIOCUSTOM; // Fix orientation if ( d->autoOrientation ) { if ( heightRatioValue > widthRatioValue && d->currentOrientation == Landscape ) { d->currentOrientation = Portrait; emit signalSelectionOrientationChanged( d->currentOrientation ); } else if ( widthRatioValue > heightRatioValue && d->currentOrientation == Portrait ) { d->currentOrientation = Landscape; emit signalSelectionOrientationChanged( d->currentOrientation ); } } else reverseRatioValues(); applyAspectRatio(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::reverseRatioValues() { // Reverse ratio values if needed if ( ( d->currentWidthRatioValue > d->currentHeightRatioValue && d->currentOrientation == Portrait ) || ( d->currentHeightRatioValue > d->currentWidthRatioValue && d->currentOrientation == Landscape ) ) { float tmp = d->currentWidthRatioValue; d->currentWidthRatioValue = d->currentHeightRatioValue; d->currentHeightRatioValue = tmp; } } bool ImageSelectionWidget::preciseCropAvailable() { // Define when precise crop feature can be used // No needed when aspect ratio is 1:1 switch(d->currentAspectRatioType) { case RATIONONE: case RATIO01X01: case RATIOGOLDEN: return false; case RATIOCUSTOM: return ( d->currentWidthRatioValue != d->currentHeightRatioValue ); default: return true; } } void ImageSelectionWidget::setPreciseCrop(bool precise) { d->preciseCrop = precise; applyAspectRatio(false, true); regionSelectionChanged(); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setAutoOrientation(bool orientation) { d->autoOrientation = orientation; } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionX(int x) { d->regionSelection.moveLeft(x); regionSelectionMoved(); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionY(int y) { d->regionSelection.moveTop(y); regionSelectionMoved(); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionWidth(int w) { d->regionSelection.setWidth(w); applyAspectRatio(false, true); regionSelectionChanged(); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setSelectionHeight(int h) { d->regionSelection.setHeight(h); applyAspectRatio(true, true); regionSelectionChanged(); } QPoint ImageSelectionWidget::convertPoint(const QPoint pm, bool localToReal) { return convertPoint(pm.x(), pm.y(), localToReal); } QPoint ImageSelectionWidget::convertPoint(int x, int y, bool localToReal) { int pmX, pmY; if (localToReal) { pmX = ( x - d->rect.left() ) * (float)d->image.width() / (float)d->preview.width(); pmY = ( y - d->rect.top() ) * (float)d->image.height() / (float)d->preview.height(); } else { pmX = d->rect.left() + ( x * (float)d->preview.width() / (float)d->image.width() ); pmY = d->rect.top() + ( y * (float)d->preview.height() / (float)d->image.height() ); } return QPoint(pmX, pmY); } int ImageSelectionWidget::computePreciseSize(int size, int step) { // Adjust size if precise crop is wanted if ( d->preciseCrop && preciseCropAvailable() ) size = int(size / step) * step; return size; } void ImageSelectionWidget::applyAspectRatio(bool useHeight, bool repaintWidget) { // Save selection area for re-adjustment after changing width and height. QRect oldRegionSelection = d->regionSelection; if ( !useHeight ) // Width changed. { int w = computePreciseSize(d->regionSelection.width(), d->currentWidthRatioValue); d->regionSelection.setWidth(w); switch(d->currentAspectRatioType) { case RATIONONE: break; default: d->regionSelection.setHeight(rint( w * d->currentHeightRatioValue / d->currentWidthRatioValue ) ); break; } } else // Height changed. { int h = computePreciseSize(d->regionSelection.height(), d->currentHeightRatioValue); d->regionSelection.setHeight(h); switch(d->currentAspectRatioType) { case RATIONONE: break; default: d->regionSelection.setWidth(rint( h * d->currentWidthRatioValue / d->currentHeightRatioValue ) ); break; } } // If we change selection size by a corner, re-adjust the oposite corner position. switch(d->currentResizing) { case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft: d->regionSelection.moveBottomRight( oldRegionSelection.bottomRight() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight: d->regionSelection.moveBottomLeft( oldRegionSelection.bottomLeft() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft: d->regionSelection.moveTopRight( oldRegionSelection.topRight() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight: d->regionSelection.moveTopLeft( oldRegionSelection.topLeft() ); break; } if (repaintWidget) { updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } } void ImageSelectionWidget::normalizeRegion() { // Perform normalization of selection area. if (d->regionSelection.left() < d->image.left()) d->regionSelection.moveLeft(d->image.left()); if (d->regionSelection.top() < d->image.top()) d->regionSelection.moveTop(d->image.top()); if (d->regionSelection.right() > d->image.right()) d->regionSelection.moveRight(d->image.right()); if (d->regionSelection.bottom() > d->image.bottom()) d->regionSelection.moveBottom(d->image.bottom()); } void ImageSelectionWidget::regionSelectionMoved() { normalizeRegion(); updatePixmap(); repaint(false); emit signalSelectionMoved( d->regionSelection ); } void ImageSelectionWidget::regionSelectionChanged() { // Compute the intersection of selection region and image region QRect cut = d->regionSelection & d->image; // Adjust selection size if it was cropped if ( d->regionSelection.width() > cut.width() ) { d->regionSelection = cut; applyAspectRatio(false); } if ( d->regionSelection.height() > cut.height() ) { d->regionSelection = cut; applyAspectRatio(true); } emit signalSelectionChanged( d->regionSelection ); } void ImageSelectionWidget::updatePixmap() { // Updated local selection region. d->localRegionSelection.setTopLeft( convertPoint(d->regionSelection.topLeft(), false)); d->localRegionSelection.setBottomRight( convertPoint(d->regionSelection.bottomRight(), false)); // Updated dragging corners region. d->localTopLeftCorner.setRect(d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.top(), 8, 8); d->localBottomLeftCorner.setRect(d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.bottom() - 7, 8, 8); d->localTopRightCorner.setRect(d->localRegionSelection.right() - 7, d->localRegionSelection.top(), 8, 8); d->localBottomRightCorner.setRect(d->localRegionSelection.right() - 7, d->localRegionSelection.bottom() - 7, 8, 8); // Drawing background and image. d->pixmap->fill(colorGroup().background()); if (d->preview.isNull()) return; // Drawing region outside selection grayed. Digikam::DImg image = d->preview.copy(); uchar* ptr = image.bits(); uchar r, g, b; for (int y=d->rect.top() ; y <= d->rect.bottom() ; y++) { for (int x=d->rect.left() ; x <= d->rect.right() ; x++) { if (! d->localRegionSelection.contains(x, y, true) ) { b = ptr[0]; g = ptr[1]; r = ptr[2]; r += (uchar)((RCOL - r) * OPACITY); g += (uchar)((GCOL - g) * OPACITY); b += (uchar)((BCOL - b) * OPACITY); ptr[0] = b; ptr[1] = g; ptr[2] = r; } ptr+=4; } } QPixmap pix = d->iface->convertToPixmap(image); bitBlt(d->pixmap, d->rect.x(), d->rect.y(), &pix); // Stop here if no selection to draw if ( d->regionSelection.isEmpty() ) return; QPainter p(d->pixmap); // Drawing selection borders. p.setPen(QPen(QColor(250, 250, 255), 1, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawRect(d->localRegionSelection); // Drawing selection corners. p.drawRect(d->localTopLeftCorner); p.drawRect(d->localBottomLeftCorner); p.drawRect(d->localTopRightCorner); p.drawRect(d->localBottomRightCorner); // Drawing guide lines. // Constraint drawing only on local selection region. // This is needed because arcs and incurved lines can draw // outside a little of local selection region. p.setClipping(true); p.setClipRect(d->localRegionSelection); switch (d->guideLinesType) { case RulesOfThirds: { int xThird = d->localRegionSelection.width() / 3; int yThird = d->localRegionSelection.height() / 3; p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, d->guideSize, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left() + xThird, d->localRegionSelection.top(), d->localRegionSelection.left() + xThird, d->localRegionSelection.bottom() ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left() + 2*xThird, d->localRegionSelection.top(), d->localRegionSelection.left() + 2*xThird, d->localRegionSelection.bottom() ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + yThird, d->localRegionSelection.right(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + yThird ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + 2*yThird, d->localRegionSelection.right(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + 2*yThird ); p.setPen(QPen(d->guideColor, d->guideSize, Qt::DotLine)); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left() + xThird, d->localRegionSelection.top(), d->localRegionSelection.left() + xThird, d->localRegionSelection.bottom() ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left() + 2*xThird, d->localRegionSelection.top(), d->localRegionSelection.left() + 2*xThird, d->localRegionSelection.bottom() ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + yThird, d->localRegionSelection.right(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + yThird ); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.left(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + 2*yThird, d->localRegionSelection.right(), d->localRegionSelection.top() + 2*yThird ); break; } case DiagonalMethod: { // Move coordinates to top, left p.translate(d->localRegionSelection.topLeft().x(), d->localRegionSelection.topLeft().y()); float w = (float)d->localRegionSelection.width(); float h = (float)d->localRegionSelection.height(); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, d->guideSize, Qt::SolidLine)); if (w > h) { p.drawLine( 0, 0, h, h); p.drawLine( 0, h, h, 0); p.drawLine( w-h, 0, w, h); p.drawLine( w-h, h, w, 0); } else { p.drawLine( 0, 0, w, w); p.drawLine( 0, w, w, 0); p.drawLine( 0, h-w, w, h); p.drawLine( 0, h, w, h-w); } p.setPen(QPen(d->guideColor, d->guideSize, Qt::DotLine)); if (w > h) { p.drawLine( 0, 0, h, h); p.drawLine( 0, h, h, 0); p.drawLine( w-h, 0, w, h); p.drawLine( w-h, h, w, 0); } else { p.drawLine( 0, 0, w, w); p.drawLine( 0, w, w, 0); p.drawLine( 0, h-w, w, h); p.drawLine( 0, h, w, h-w); } break; } case HarmoniousTriangles: { // Move coordinates to local center selection. p.translate(d->localRegionSelection.center().x(), d->localRegionSelection.center().y()); // Flip horizontal. if (d->flipHorGoldenGuide) p.scale(-1, 1); // Flip verical. if (d->flipVerGoldenGuide) p.scale(1, -1); float w = (float)d->localRegionSelection.width(); float h = (float)d->localRegionSelection.height(); int dst = (int)((h*cos(atan(w/h)) / (cos(atan(h/w))))); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, d->guideSize, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawLine( -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); p.drawLine( -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2 + dst, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, d->localRegionSelection.width()/2 - dst, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); p.setPen(QPen(d->guideColor, d->guideSize, Qt::DotLine)); p.drawLine( -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); p.drawLine( -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2 + dst, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); p.drawLine( d->localRegionSelection.width()/2, -d->localRegionSelection.height()/2, d->localRegionSelection.width()/2 - dst, d->localRegionSelection.height()/2); break; } case GoldenMean: { // Move coordinates to local center selection. p.translate(d->localRegionSelection.center().x(), d->localRegionSelection.center().y()); // Flip horizontal. if (d->flipHorGoldenGuide) p.scale(-1, 1); // Flip vertical. if (d->flipVerGoldenGuide) p.scale(1, -1); int w = d->localRegionSelection.width(); int h = d->localRegionSelection.height(); // lengths for the golden mean and half the sizes of the region: int w_g = (int)(w*INVPHI); int h_g = (int)(h*INVPHI); int w_2 = w/2; int h_2 = h/2; QRect R1(-w_2, -h_2, w_g, h); // w - 2*w_2 corrects for one-pixel difference // so that R2.right() is really at the right end of the region QRect R2(w_g-w_2, h_2-h_g, w-w_g+1-(w - 2*w_2), h_g); QRect R3((int)(w_2 - R2.width()*INVPHI), -h_2, (int)(R2.width()*INVPHI), h - R2.height()); QRect R4(R2.x(), R1.y(), R3.x() - R2.x(), (int)(R3.height()*INVPHI)); QRect R5(R4.x(), R4.bottom(), (int)(R4.width()*INVPHI), R3.height() - R4.height()); QRect R6(R5.x() + R5.width(), R5.bottom() - (int)(R5.height()*INVPHI), R3.x() - R5.right(), (int)(R5.height()*INVPHI)); QRect R7(R6.right() - (int)(R6.width()*INVPHI), R4.bottom(), (int)(R6.width()*INVPHI), R5.height() - R6.height()); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, d->guideSize, Qt::SolidLine)); // Drawing Golden sections. if (d->drawGoldenSection) { // horizontal lines: p.drawLine( R1.left(), R2.top(), R2.right(), R2.top()); p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.top() + R2.height(), R2.right(), R1.top() + R2.height()); // vertical lines: p.drawLine( R1.right(), R1.top(), R1.right(), R1.bottom() ); p.drawLine( R1.left()+R2.width(), R1.top(), R1.left()+R2.width(), R1.bottom() ); } // Drawing Golden triangle guides. if (d->drawGoldenTriangle) { p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.bottom(), R2.right(), R1.top() ); p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.top(), R2.right() - R1.width(), R1.bottom()); p.drawLine( R1.left() + R1.width(), R1.top(), R2.right(), R1.bottom() ); } // Drawing Golden spiral sections. if (d->drawGoldenSpiralSection) { p.drawLine( R1.topRight(), R1.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R2.topLeft(), R2.topRight() ); p.drawLine( R3.topLeft(), R3.bottomLeft() ); p.drawLine( R4.bottomLeft(), R4.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R5.topRight(), R5.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R6.topLeft(), R6.topRight() ); p.drawLine( R7.topLeft(), R7.bottomLeft() ); } // Drawing Golden Spiral. if (d->drawGoldenSpiral) { p.drawArc ( R1.left(), R1.top() - R1.height(), 2*R1.width(), 2*R1.height(), 180*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R2.right() - 2*R2.width(), R1.bottom() - 2*R2.height(), 2*R2.width(), 2*R2.height(), 270*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R2.right() - 2*R3.width(), R3.top(), 2*R3.width(), 2*R3.height(), 0, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R4.left(), R4.top(), 2*R4.width(), 2*R4.height(), 90*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R5.left(), R5.top()-R5.height(), 2*R5.width(), 2*R5.height(), 180*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R6.left()-R6.width(), R6.top()-R6.height(), 2*R6.width(), 2*R6.height(), 270*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R7.left()-R7.width(), R7.top(), 2*R7.width(), 2*R7.height(), 0, 90*16); } p.setPen(QPen(d->guideColor, d->guideSize, Qt::DotLine)); // Drawing Golden sections. if (d->drawGoldenSection) { // horizontal lines: p.drawLine( R1.left(), R2.top(), R2.right(), R2.top()); p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.top() + R2.height(), R2.right(), R1.top() + R2.height()); // vertical lines: p.drawLine( R1.right(), R1.top(), R1.right(), R1.bottom() ); p.drawLine( R1.left()+R2.width(), R1.top(), R1.left()+R2.width(), R1.bottom() ); } // Drawing Golden triangle guides. if (d->drawGoldenTriangle) { p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.bottom(), R2.right(), R1.top() ); p.drawLine( R1.left(), R1.top(), R2.right() - R1.width(), R1.bottom()); p.drawLine( R1.left() + R1.width(), R1.top(), R2.right(), R1.bottom() ); } // Drawing Golden spiral sections. if (d->drawGoldenSpiralSection) { p.drawLine( R1.topRight(), R1.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R2.topLeft(), R2.topRight() ); p.drawLine( R3.topLeft(), R3.bottomLeft() ); p.drawLine( R4.bottomLeft(), R4.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R5.topRight(), R5.bottomRight() ); p.drawLine( R6.topLeft(), R6.topRight() ); p.drawLine( R7.topLeft(), R7.bottomLeft() ); } // Drawing Golden Spiral. if (d->drawGoldenSpiral) { p.drawArc ( R1.left(), R1.top() - R1.height(), 2*R1.width(), 2*R1.height(), 180*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R2.right() - 2*R2.width(), R1.bottom() - 2*R2.height(), 2*R2.width(), 2*R2.height(), 270*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R2.right() - 2*R3.width(), R3.top(), 2*R3.width(), 2*R3.height(), 0, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R4.left(), R4.top(), 2*R4.width(), 2*R4.height(), 90*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R5.left(), R5.top()-R5.height(), 2*R5.width(), 2*R5.height(), 180*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R6.left()-R6.width(), R6.top()-R6.height(), 2*R6.width(), 2*R6.height(), 270*16, 90*16); p.drawArc ( R7.left()-R7.width(), R7.top(), 2*R7.width(), 2*R7.height(), 0, 90*16); } break; } } p.setClipping(false); p.end(); } void ImageSelectionWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { bitBlt(this, 0, 0, d->pixmap); } QPoint ImageSelectionWidget::opposite() { QPoint opp; switch(d->currentResizing) { case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight: opp = d->regionSelection.bottomLeft(); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft: opp = d->regionSelection.topRight(); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight: opp = d->regionSelection.topLeft(); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft: default: opp = d->regionSelection.bottomRight(); break; } return opp; } float ImageSelectionWidget::distance(QPoint a, QPoint b) { return sqrt(pow(a.x() - b.x(), 2) + pow(a.y() - b.y(), 2)); } void ImageSelectionWidget::setCursorResizing() { switch(d->currentResizing) { case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft: setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight: setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft: setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight: setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); break; } } void ImageSelectionWidget::placeSelection(QPoint pm, bool symmetric, QPoint center) { // Set orientation if ( d->autoOrientation ) { QPoint rel = pm - opposite(); if ( abs(rel.x()) > abs(rel.y()) ) { if ( d->currentOrientation == Portrait ) { d->currentOrientation = Landscape; reverseRatioValues(); emit signalSelectionOrientationChanged( d->currentOrientation ); } } else { if ( d->currentOrientation == Landscape ) { d->currentOrientation = Portrait; reverseRatioValues(); emit signalSelectionOrientationChanged( d->currentOrientation ); } } } // Place the corner at the mouse // If a symmetric selection is wanted, place opposite corner to // the center, double selection size and move it to old center after // computing aspect ratio. switch(d->currentResizing) { case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft: // Place corners to the proper position d->regionSelection.setTopLeft(pm); if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.setBottomRight(center); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight: d->regionSelection.setTopRight(pm); if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.setBottomLeft(center); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft: d->regionSelection.setBottomLeft(pm); if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.setTopRight(center); break; case ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight: d->regionSelection.setBottomRight(pm); if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.setTopLeft(center); break; } if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.setSize(d->regionSelection.size()*2); applyAspectRatio(d->currentOrientation == Portrait, false); if ( symmetric ) d->regionSelection.moveCenter(center); // Repaint updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void ImageSelectionWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { QPoint pm = QPoint(e->x(), e->y()); QPoint pmVirtual = convertPoint(pm); d->moving = false; if ( (e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) == Qt::ShiftButton ) { bool symmetric = (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton ) == Qt::ControlButton; QPoint center = d->regionSelection.center(); // Find the closest corner QPoint points[] = { d->regionSelection.topLeft(), d->regionSelection.topRight(), d->regionSelection.bottomLeft(), d->regionSelection.bottomRight() }; int resizings[] = { ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft, ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight, ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft, ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight }; float dist = -1; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { QPoint point = points[i]; float dist2 = distance(pmVirtual, point); if (dist2 < dist || d->currentResizing == ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingNone) { dist = dist2; d->currentResizing = resizings[i]; } } setCursorResizing(); placeSelection(pmVirtual, symmetric, center); } else { if ( d->localTopLeftCorner.contains( pm ) ) d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft; else if ( d->localTopRightCorner.contains( pm ) ) d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight; else if ( d->localBottomLeftCorner.contains( pm ) ) d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft; else if ( d->localBottomRightCorner.contains( pm ) ) d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight; else { d->lastPos = pmVirtual; setCursor( KCursor::sizeAllCursor() ); if (d->regionSelection.contains( pmVirtual ) ) { d->moving = true; } else { d->regionSelection.moveCenter( pmVirtual ); normalizeRegion(); updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } } } } } void ImageSelectionWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * ) { if ( d->currentResizing != ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingNone ) { setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); regionSelectionChanged(); d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingNone; } else if ( d->regionSelection.contains( d->lastPos ) ) { setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); regionSelectionMoved(); } else { setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); regionSelectionMoved(); } } void ImageSelectionWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { if ( ( e->state() & Qt::LeftButton ) == Qt::LeftButton ) { if ( d->moving ) { setCursor( KCursor::sizeAllCursor() ); QPoint newPos = convertPoint(e->x(), e->y()); d->regionSelection.moveBy( newPos.x() - d->lastPos.x(), newPos.y() - d->lastPos.y() ); d->lastPos = newPos; normalizeRegion(); updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } else { QPoint pmVirtual = convertPoint(e->x(), e->y()); if ( d->currentResizing == ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingNone ) { d->regionSelection.setTopLeft( pmVirtual ); d->regionSelection.setBottomRight( pmVirtual ); d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft; // set to anything } QPoint center = d->regionSelection.center(); bool symmetric = (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton ) == Qt::ControlButton; // Change resizing mode QPoint opp = symmetric ? center : opposite(); QPoint dir = pmVirtual - opp; if ( dir.x() > 0 && dir.y() > 0 && d->currentResizing != ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight) { d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomRight; d->regionSelection.setTopLeft( opp ); setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); } else if ( dir.x() > 0 && dir.y() < 0 && d->currentResizing != ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight) { d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopRight; d->regionSelection.setBottomLeft( opp ); setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); } else if ( dir.x() < 0 && dir.y() > 0 && d->currentResizing != ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft) { d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingBottomLeft; d->regionSelection.setTopRight( opp ); setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); } else if ( dir.x() < 0 && dir.y() < 0 && d->currentResizing != ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft) { d->currentResizing = ImageSelectionWidgetPriv::ResizingTopLeft; d->regionSelection.setBottomRight( opp ); setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); } else { if ( dir.x() == 0 && dir.y() == 0 ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeAllCursor() ); else if ( dir.x() == 0 ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeHorCursor() ); else if ( dir.y() == 0 ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeVerCursor() ); } placeSelection(pmVirtual, symmetric, center); } } else { if ( d->localTopLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) || d->localBottomRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); else if ( d->localTopRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) || d->localBottomLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); else if ( d->localRegionSelection.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); else setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); } } } // NameSpace DigikamImagesPluginCore