/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2006-02-20 * Description : a widget to display GPS info on a world map * * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // TQt includes. #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "worldmapwidget.h" #include "worldmapwidget.moc" namespace Digikam { class WorldMapWidgetPriv { public: WorldMapWidgetPriv() { latitude = 0; longitude = 0; latLonPos = 0; } int xPos; int yPos; int xMousePos; int yMousePos; double latitude; double longitude; TQLabel *latLonPos; static TQPixmap *worldMap; }; static KStaticDeleter pixmapDeleter; TQPixmap *WorldMapWidgetPriv::worldMap = 0; WorldMapWidget::WorldMapWidget(int w, int h, TQWidget *parent) : TQScrollView(parent, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose) { d = new WorldMapWidgetPriv; setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::AlwaysOff); viewport()->setMouseTracking(true); viewport()->setPaletteBackgroundColor(colorGroup().background()); setMinimumWidth(w); setMaximumHeight(h); resizeContents(worldMapPixmap().width(), worldMapPixmap().height()); d->latLonPos = new TQLabel(viewport()); d->latLonPos->setMaximumHeight(fontMetrics().height()); d->latLonPos->setAlignment(TQt::AlignHCenter | TQt::AlignVCenter); d->latLonPos->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); addChild(d->latLonPos); } WorldMapWidget::~WorldMapWidget() { delete d; } TQPixmap &WorldMapWidget::worldMapPixmap() { if (!d->worldMap) { KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("worldmap", KGlobal::dirs()->kde_default("data") + "digikam/data"); TQString directory = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("worldmap", "worldmap.jpg"); pixmapDeleter.setObject(d->worldMap, new TQPixmap(directory + "worldmap.jpg")); } return *d->worldMap; } double WorldMapWidget::getLatitude() { return d->latitude; } double WorldMapWidget::getLongitude() { return d->longitude; } void WorldMapWidget::setEnabled(bool b) { if (!b) d->latLonPos->hide(); else d->latLonPos->show(); TQScrollView::setEnabled(b); } void WorldMapWidget::setGPSPosition(double lat, double lng) { d->latitude = lat; d->longitude = lng; double latMid = contentsHeight() / 2.0; double longMid = contentsWidth() / 2.0; double latOffset = ( d->latitude * latMid ) / 90.0; double longOffset = ( d->longitude * longMid ) / 180.0; d->xPos = (int)(longMid + longOffset); d->yPos = (int)(latMid - latOffset); repaintContents(false); center(d->xPos, d->yPos); TQString la, lo; d->latLonPos->setText(TQString("(%1, %2)").arg(la.setNum(d->latitude, 'f', 2)) .arg(lo.setNum(d->longitude, 'f', 2))); moveChild(d->latLonPos, contentsX()+10, contentsY()+10); } void WorldMapWidget::drawContents(TQPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (isEnabled()) { p->drawPixmap(x, y, worldMapPixmap(), x, y, w, h); p->setPen(TQPen(TQt::white, 0, TQt::SolidLine)); p->drawLine(d->xPos, 0, d->xPos, contentsHeight()); p->drawLine(0, d->yPos, contentsWidth(), d->yPos); p->setPen(TQPen(TQt::red, 0, TQt::DotLine)); p->drawLine(d->xPos, 0, d->xPos, contentsHeight()); p->drawLine(0, d->yPos, contentsWidth(), d->yPos); p->setPen( TQt::red ); p->setBrush( TQt::red ); p->drawEllipse( d->xPos-2, d->yPos-2, 4, 4 ); } else { p->fillRect(x, y, w, h, tqpalette().disabled().background()); } } void WorldMapWidget::contentsMousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { d->xMousePos = e->x(); d->yMousePos = e->y(); setCursor( KCursor::sizeAllCursor() ); } } void WorldMapWidget::contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent * ) { unsetCursor(); } void WorldMapWidget::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->state() == Qt::LeftButton ) { uint newxpos = e->x(); uint newypos = e->y(); scrollBy (-(newxpos - d->xMousePos), -(newypos - d->yMousePos)); repaintContents(false); d->xMousePos = newxpos - (newxpos-d->xMousePos); d->yMousePos = newypos - (newypos-d->yMousePos); return; } setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); } } // namespace Digikam