Handbook README: ---------------- The substructure of the help files that develop as a tree are created by tags. >>> How to Make Screenshot for Manual with Alpha Blending 3D Border <<< - Never use advanced color theme to make screenshots. Always use KDE default color and icon set. - Use KSnapshot or Gimp Import to take a shot. Use region selection option to select only important area. Remove buttons and dialog header to limit image file size. _ALWAYS use PNG file format to save image. - Open your screenshot in Gimp 2.0 and make operations below: * Script-Fu/Decor/Add Border with this options : -> Border X Size = 1 -> Border Y Size = 1 -> Border Color = black (R:0, G:0, B:0) -> Delata Value on Color = 1 * Image/Flatten Image * Script-Fu/Shadow/Drop-Shadow with this options : -> Offset X = 5 -> Offset Y = 5 -> Blur Radius = 10 -> Color = black (R:0, G:0, B:0) -> Opacity = 80 -> Allow Resizing = On * Save target image in PNG with max compression (Compression Level = 9) Note : A gimp2.[2,3] script from Gerhard Kulzer can be used to add Alpha Blending 3D Border around screenshots. Always use default settings. Script can be downloaded from this url: http://digikam3rdparty.free.fr/Tools/kde-screenshot-dropshadow.scm !----------Important-------------! Since the documentation is very good it is also very demanding in terms of volume, 99% whereof are screenshots. In order to limit the byte count to the minimum the following command chain shall be used to reduce the png file size. A factor of 2-4 can be gained. From within the folder where the png reside issue this command (requires pngnq and optipng to be installed on the system): pngnq -s 1 ./*.png && optipng *-nq8.png && rename -f s/-nq8\.png/.png/ *-nq8.png Gilles Caulier Gerhard Kulzer