/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-07-18 * Description : Shear threaded image filter. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Gilles Caulier * * Original Shear algorithms copyrighted 2005 by * Pieter Z. Voloshyn . * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // Degrees to radian convertion coeff (PI/180). To optimize computation. #define DEG2RAD 0.017453292519943 // C++ includes. #include #include // Local includes. #include "dimg.h" #include "dimgimagefilters.h" #include "shear.h" namespace DigikamShearToolImagesPlugin { Shear::Shear(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, TQObject *parent, float hAngle, float vAngle, bool antialiasing, TQColor backgroundColor, int orgW, int orgH) : Digikam::DImgThreadedFilter(orgImage, parent, "sheartool") { m_hAngle = hAngle; m_vAngle = vAngle; m_orgW = orgW; m_orgH = orgH; m_antiAlias = antialiasing; m_backgroundColor = backgroundColor; initFilter(); } void Shear::filterImage(void) { int progress; int x, y, p = 0, pt; int new_width, new_height; double nx, ny, dx, dy; double horz_factor, vert_factor; double horz_add, vert_add; double horz_beta_angle, vert_beta_angle; int nWidth = m_orgImage.width(); int nHeight = m_orgImage.height(); uchar *pBits = m_orgImage.bits(); unsigned short *pBits16 = (unsigned short*)m_orgImage.bits(); // get beta ( complementary ) angle for horizontal and vertical angles horz_beta_angle = ( ( ( m_hAngle < 0.0 ) ? 180.0 : 90.0 ) - m_hAngle ) * DEG2RAD; vert_beta_angle = ( ( ( m_vAngle < 0.0 ) ? 180.0 : 90.0 ) - m_vAngle ) * DEG2RAD; // get new distance for width and height values horz_add = nHeight * ( ( m_hAngle < 0.0 ) ? sin( horz_beta_angle ) : cos( horz_beta_angle ) ); vert_add = nWidth * ( ( m_vAngle < 0.0 ) ? sin( vert_beta_angle ) : cos( vert_beta_angle ) ); // get absolute values for the distances horz_add = fabs( horz_add ); vert_add = fabs( vert_add ); // get new image size ( original size + distance ) new_width = (int)horz_add + nWidth; new_height = (int)vert_add + nHeight; // get scale factor for width and height horz_factor = horz_add / new_height; vert_factor = vert_add / new_width; // if horizontal angle is greater than zero... // else, initial distance is equal to maximum distance ( in negative form ) if( m_hAngle > 0.0 ) { // initial distance is zero and scale is negative ( to decrease ) dx = 0; horz_factor *= -1.0; } else { dx = -horz_add; } // if vertical angle is greater than zero... // else, initial distance is equal to maximum distance ( in negative form ) if( m_vAngle > 0.0 ) { // initial distance is zero and scale is negative ( to decrease ) dy = 0; vert_factor *= -1.0; } else { dy = -vert_add; } // allocates a new image with the new size bool sixteenBit = m_orgImage.sixteenBit(); m_destImage = Digikam::DImg(new_width, new_height, sixteenBit, m_orgImage.hasAlpha()); m_destImage.fill( Digikam::DColor(m_backgroundColor.rgb(), sixteenBit) ); uchar *pResBits = m_destImage.bits(); unsigned short *pResBits16 = (unsigned short *)m_destImage.bits(); Digikam::DImgImageFilters filters; for( y = 0; y < new_height; y++) { for( x = 0; x < new_width; x++, p += 4 ) { // get new positions nx = x + dx + y * horz_factor; ny = y + dy + x * vert_factor; // if is inside the source image if (isInside (nWidth, nHeight, ROUND( nx ), ROUND( ny ))) { if( m_antiAlias ) { if (!sixteenBit) filters.pixelAntiAliasing(pBits, nWidth, nHeight, nx, ny, &pResBits[p+3], &pResBits[p+2], &pResBits[p+1], &pResBits[p]); else filters.pixelAntiAliasing16(pBits16, nWidth, nHeight, nx, ny, &pResBits16[p+3], &pResBits16[p+2], &pResBits16[p+1], &pResBits16[p]); } else { pt = setPosition (nWidth, ROUND( nx ), ROUND( ny )); for (int z = 0 ; z < 4 ; z++) { if (!sixteenBit) pResBits[p+z] = pBits[pt+z]; else pResBits16[p+z] = pBits16[pt+z]; } } } } // Update the progress bar in dialog. progress = (int)(((double)y * 100.0) / new_height); if (progress%5 == 0) postProgress( progress ); } // To compute the rotated destination image size using original image dimensions. int W = (int)(fabs(m_orgH * ( ( m_hAngle < 0.0 ) ? sin( horz_beta_angle ) : cos( horz_beta_angle ))))+ m_orgW; int H = (int)(fabs(m_orgW * ( ( m_vAngle < 0.0 ) ? sin( vert_beta_angle ) : cos( vert_beta_angle ))))+ m_orgH; m_newSize.setWidth(W); m_newSize.setHeight(H); } } // NameSpace DigikamShearToolImagesPlugin