You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
10 KiB

/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2005-02-17
* Description : a plugin to change image perspective .
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by Marcel Wiesweg <marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
// TQt includes.
#include <tqvgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <layout.h>
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
// KDE includes.
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <khelpmenu.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kseparator.h>
// Local includes.
#include "version.h"
#include "ddebug.h"
#include "dimg.h"
#include "imageiface.h"
#include "perspectivewidget.h"
#include "imageeffect_perspective.h"
#include "imageeffect_perspective.moc"
namespace DigikamPerspectiveImagesPlugin
ImageEffect_Perspective::ImageEffect_Perspective(TQWidget* parent)
: Digikam::ImageDlgBase(parent, i18n("Adjust Photograph Perspective"),
"perspective", false, false)
TQString whatsThis;
// About data and help button.
KAboutData* about = new KAboutData("digikam",
I18N_NOOP("A digiKam image plugin to process image perspective adjustment."),
"(c) 2005-2006, Gilles Caulier\n"
"(c) 2006-2008, Gilles Caulier and Marcel Wiesweg",
about->addAuthor("Gilles Caulier", I18N_NOOP("Author and maintainer"),
"caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com");
about->addAuthor("Marcel Wiesweg", I18N_NOOP("Developer"),
"marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
TQFrame *frame = new TQFrame(plainPage());
TQVBoxLayout* l = new TQVBoxLayout(frame, 5, 0);
m_previewWidget = new PerspectiveWidget(525, 350, frame);
TQWhatsThis::add( m_previewWidget, i18n("<p>This is the perspective transformation operation preview. "
"You can use the mouse for dragging the corner to adjust the "
"perspective transformation area."));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
TQString temp;
Digikam::ImageIface iface(0, 0);
TQWidget *gbox2 = new TQWidget(plainPage());
TQGridLayout *gridLayout = new TQGridLayout( gbox2, 13, 2, spacingHint());
TQLabel *label1 = new TQLabel(i18n("New width:"), gbox2);
m_newWidthLabel = new TQLabel(temp.setNum( iface.originalWidth()) + i18n(" px"), gbox2);
m_newWidthLabel->setAlignment( AlignBottom | AlignRight );
TQLabel *label2 = new TQLabel(i18n("New height:"), gbox2);
m_newHeightLabel = new TQLabel(temp.setNum( iface.originalHeight()) + i18n(" px"), gbox2);
m_newHeightLabel->setAlignment( AlignBottom | AlignRight );
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_newWidthLabel, 0, 0, 1, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label2, 1, 1, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_newHeightLabel, 1, 1, 1, 2);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
KSeparator *line = new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, gbox2);
TQLabel *angleLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Angles (in degrees):"), gbox2);
TQLabel *label3 = new TQLabel(i18n(" Top left:"), gbox2);
m_topLeftAngleLabel = new TQLabel(gbox2);
TQLabel *label4 = new TQLabel(i18n(" Top right:"), gbox2);
m_topRightAngleLabel = new TQLabel(gbox2);
TQLabel *label5 = new TQLabel(i18n(" Bottom left:"), gbox2);
m_bottomLeftAngleLabel = new TQLabel(gbox2);
TQLabel *label6 = new TQLabel(i18n(" Bottom right:"), gbox2);
m_bottomRightAngleLabel = new TQLabel(gbox2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(line, 2, 2, 0, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(angleLabel, 3, 3, 0, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label3, 4, 4, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_topLeftAngleLabel, 4, 4, 1, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label4, 5, 5, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_topRightAngleLabel, 5, 5, 1, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label5, 6, 6, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_bottomLeftAngleLabel, 6, 6, 1, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label6, 7, 7, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_bottomRightAngleLabel, 7, 7, 1, 2);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
KSeparator *line2 = new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, gbox2);
m_drawWhileMovingCheckBox = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Draw preview while moving"), gbox2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(line2, 8, 8, 0, 2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_drawWhileMovingCheckBox, 9, 9, 0, 2);
m_drawGridCheckBox = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Draw grid"), gbox2);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_drawGridCheckBox, 10, 10, 0, 2);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
TQLabel *label7 = new TQLabel(i18n("Guide color:"), gbox2);
m_guideColorBt = new KColorButton( TQColor( TQt::red ), gbox2 );
TQWhatsThis::add( m_guideColorBt, i18n("<p>Set here the color used to draw guides dashed-lines."));
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label7, 11, 11, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_guideColorBt, 11, 11, 2, 2);
TQLabel *label8 = new TQLabel(i18n("Guide width:"), gbox2);
m_guideSize = new TQSpinBox( 1, 5, 1, gbox2);
TQWhatsThis::add( m_guideSize, i18n("<p>Set here the width in pixels used to draw guides dashed-lines."));
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(label8, 12, 12, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget(m_guideSize, 12, 12, 2, 2);
gridLayout->setColStretch(1, 10);
gridLayout->setRowStretch(13, 10);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
connect(m_previewWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(signalPerspectiveChanged(TQRect, float, float, float, float)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateInfo(TQRect, float, float, float, float)));
connect(m_drawWhileMovingCheckBox, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
m_previewWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleDrawWhileMoving(bool)));
connect(m_drawGridCheckBox, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
m_previewWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleDrawGrid(bool)));
connect(m_guideColorBt, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)),
m_previewWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeGuideColor(const TQColor &)));
connect(m_guideSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
m_previewWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotChangeGuideSize(int)));
void ImageEffect_Perspective::readUserSettings(void)
TQColor defaultGuideColor(TQt::red);
KConfig *config = kapp->config();
config->setGroup("perspective Tool Dialog");
m_drawWhileMovingCheckBox->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Draw While Moving", true));
m_drawGridCheckBox->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Draw Grid", false));
m_guideColorBt->setColor(config->readColorEntry("Guide Color", &defaultGuideColor));
m_guideSize->setValue(config->readNumEntry("Guide Width", 1));
void ImageEffect_Perspective::writeUserSettings(void)
KConfig *config = kapp->config();
config->setGroup("perspective Tool Dialog");
config->writeEntry("Draw While Moving", m_drawWhileMovingCheckBox->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("Draw Grid", m_drawGridCheckBox->isChecked());
config->writeEntry("Guide Color", m_guideColorBt->color());
config->writeEntry("Guide Width", m_guideSize->value());
void ImageEffect_Perspective::resetValues()
void ImageEffect_Perspective::finalRendering()
kapp->setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() );
void ImageEffect_Perspective::slotUpdateInfo(TQRect newSize, float topLeftAngle, float topRightAngle,
float bottomLeftAngle, float bottomRightAngle)
TQString temp;
m_newWidthLabel->setText(temp.setNum( newSize.width()) + i18n(" px") );
m_newHeightLabel->setText(temp.setNum( newSize.height()) + i18n(" px") );
m_topLeftAngleLabel->setText(temp.setNum( topLeftAngle, 'f', 1 ));
m_topRightAngleLabel->setText(temp.setNum( topRightAngle, 'f', 1 ));
m_bottomLeftAngleLabel->setText(temp.setNum( bottomLeftAngle, 'f', 1 ));
m_bottomRightAngleLabel->setText(temp.setNum( bottomRightAngle, 'f', 1 ));
} // NameSpace DigikamPerspectiveImagesPlugin