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/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of digiKam project
* Date : 2005-05-25
* Description : Noise Reduction threaded image filter.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
* Original Noise Filter algorithm copyright (C) 2005
* Peter Heckert <peter dot heckert at arcor dot de>
* from dcamnoise2 gimp plugin available at this url :
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* ============================================================ */
// C++ includes.
#include <cmath>
// Digikam includes.
#include "dimgthreadedfilter.h"
/**============= NOTICE TO USE THE FILTER ===============================================================
* Let me explain, how the filter works, some understanding is necessary to use it:
* Hint for the novice user:
* In most cases only Filter Max Radius, Filter treshold and Texture Detail are needed and the other
* params can be left at their default setting.
* Main Filter (Preprocessing)
* First, a filtered template is generated, using an adaptive filter.
* To see this template, we must set _Luminance tolerance, _Color tolerance to 1.0.
* "Filter max. Radius" is preset to 5.0
* This is good for most noise situations.
* In any case it must be about the same size as noise granularity ore somewhat more.
* If it is set higher than necessary, then it can cause unwanted blur.
* "Filter Threshold" should be set so that edges are clearly visible and noise is smoothed out.
* This threshold value is not bound to any intensity value, it is bound to the second derivative of
* intensity values.
* Simply adjust it and watch the preview. Adjustment must be made carefully, because the gap
* between "noisy", "smooth", and "blur" is very small. Adjust it as carefully as you would adjust
* the focus of a camera.
* "Lookahead" defines the pixel distance in which the filter looks ahead for luminance variations
* Normally the default value should do.
* When _Lookahead is increased, then spikenoise is erased.
* Eventually readjust Filter treshold, when you changed lookahead.
* When the value is to high, then the adaptive filter cannot longer accurately track image details, and
* noise can reappear or blur can occur.
* Minimum value is 1.0, this gives best accuracy when blurring very weak noise.
* I never had good success with other values than 2.0.
* However, for images with extemely high or low resolution another value possibly is better.
* Use it only as a last ressort.
* "Phase Jitter Damping" defines how fast the adaptive filter-radius reacts to luminance variations.
* I have preset a value, that should do in most cases.
* If increased, then edges appear smoother, if too high, then blur may occur.
* If at minimum then noise and phase jitter at edges can occur.
* It can suppress Spike noise when increased and this is the preferred method to remove spike noise.
* "Sharpness" does just what it says, it improves sharpness. It improves the frequency response for the filter.
* When it is too strong then not all noise can be removed, or spike noise may appear.
* Set it near to maximum, if you want to remove weak noise or JPEG-artifacts, without loosing detail.
* "Erosion". The new filter gives better sharpness and this also gives problems
* with spike noise. The Erosion param erodes singular spikes and it has a smooth effect to edges, and sharpens
* edges by erosion, so noise at edges is eroded.
* The effect is dependant from sharpness,phase-jitter damping and lookahead.
* Set it to minimum (zero), if you want to remove weak noise or JPEG-artifacts.
* When "Erosion" is increased, then also increasing "Phase Jitter Damping" is often useful
* It works nicely. Apart from removing spike noise it has a sharpening and antialiasing effect to edges
* (Sharpening occurs by erosion, not by deconvolution)
* "Texture Detail" can be used, to get more or less texture accuracy.
* When decreased, then noise and texture are blurred out, when increased then texture is
* amplified, but also noise will increase.
* It has almost no effect to image edges, opposed to Filter theshold, which would blur edges, when increased.
* E.g. if Threshold is adjusted in away so that edges are sharp, and there is still too much area noise, then
* Texture detail could be used to reduce noise without blurring edges.
* (Another way would be to decrease radius and to increase threshold)
* The filtered image that is now seen in the preview, is used as template for the following processing steps,
* therefore it is important to do this adjustment in first place and to do it as good as possible.
* Combining original image and filtered image, using tolerance thresholds (Postprocessing)
* This can give a final touch of sharpness to your image.
* It is not necessary to do this, if you want to reduce JPEG-artifacts or weak noise.
* It's purpose is to master strong noise without loosing too much sharpness.
* Note, that this all is done in one filter invocation. Preprocessing and postprocessing is done in one run,
* but logically and in the algorithm they are different and ordered processes.
* Adjust _Color tolerance or/and Luminance tolerance, (if necessary) so that you get the final image.
* I recommend to use only one, either _Color or _Luminance.
* These settings do not influence the main smoothing process. What they really do is this:
* The tolerance values are used as error-thresholds to compare the filtered template with the original
* image. The plugin algorithm uses them to combine the filtered template with the original image
* so that noise and filter errors (blur) are thrown out.
* A filtered pixel, that is too far away from the original pixel will be overridden by original image content.
* Hint:
* If you cange other sliders, like lookahead or Texture Detail, then you should set color tolerance and
* luminance tolerance to 1.0 (right end), because otherwise the filtered template is partially hidden
* and e.g. the effects for the damping filter cant be seen clearly and cant be optimized.
* _Gamma can be used to increase the tolerance values for darker areas (which commonly are more noisy)
* This results in more blur for shadow areas.
* Hint for users of previous versions:
* Gamma also influences the main-filter process. While the previous version did not have this feature,
* I have reimplemented it, however, the algorithm used is totally new.
* Keep in mind, how the filter works, then usage should be easy!
* ================ THEORY AND TECHNIC =======================================================================
* Some interesting things (theoretic and technic)
* This plugin bases on the assumption, that noise has no 2-dimensional correlation and therefore
* can be removed in a 1-dimensional process.
* To remove noise, I use a four-times boxfilter with variable radius.
* The radius is calculated from 2nd derivative of pixeldata.
* A gauss filter is used to calculte 2nd derivative.
* The filter has some inbuilt features to clip low amplitude noise to clip very high values that would
* slow down response time.
* The 2nd derivative is lowpassfiltered and then radius is calculated as (Filter Treshold)/2nd_derivative.
* The radius modulation data is precalulated and buffered an is used to steer filter radius when
* the actual filtering occurs.
* Noise and texture can be further suppressed by nonlinear distortion before adaptive filtering.
* To make this possible I subtract low frequency from image data before denoising, so that I get a
* bipolar, zerosymmetric image signal.
* The filter works in a /one-dimensional/ way. It is applied to x and then to y axis.
* After filtering a zerodimensional point operator (pixel by pixel comparison) is used, where
* filter-errors are thrown out.
* This is meant to limit and control filter errors,it can give "final touch" to the image, but it has
* nothing to do with the main filter process.
* I do not know if something like this filter already exists.
* It is all based on my own ideas and experiments.
* Possibly a separable adaptive gauss-filter is a new thing.
* Also it is an impossible thing, from a mathemathical point of view ;-)
* It is possible only for bandwidth limited images.
* Happyly most photographic images are bandwidth limited, or when they are noisy then we want
* to limit banwith locally. And this is, what the filter does: It limits bandwidth locally, dependent
* from (approximately) 2nd derivative of intensity.
* Because gauss filtering is essentially linear diffusion, and because this filter uses a variable
* nonlinear modulated gaussfilter (four box passes are almost gauss) we could say, that this filter
* implements a special subclass of nonlinear adaptive diffusion, which is separable, and indeed,
* results are very similar to nonlinear diffusion filters.
* However, because the filter is separable, it is much faster and needs less memory.
namespace DigikamNoiseReductionImagesPlugin
class NoiseReduction : public Digikam::DImgThreadedFilter
NoiseReduction(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, TQObject *tqparent,
double radius, double lsmooth, double effect, double texture, double sharp,
double csmooth, double lookahead, double gamma, double damping, double phase);
void filterImage(void);
void iir_init(double r);
void box_filter(double *src, double *end, double *dest, double radius);
void iir_filter(float* const start, float* const end, float* dstart, double radius, const int type);
void filter(float *buffer, float *data, float *data2, float *rbuf, float *tbuf, int width, int color);
void blur_line(float* const data, float* const data2, float* const buffer,
float* rbuf, float* tbuf, const uchar *src, uchar *dest, int len);
inline double mypow(double val, double ex)
if (fabs(val) < 1e-16) return 0.0;
if (val > 0.0) return exp(log(val)*ex);
return -exp(log(-val)*ex);
struct iir_param
double B, b1, b2, b3, b0, r, q;
double *p;
} m_iir;
enum IIRFilteringMode
int m_clampMax;
double m_radius;
double m_lsmooth;
double m_csmooth;
double m_effect;
double m_lookahead;
double m_gamma;
double m_damping;
double m_phase;
double m_texture;
double m_sharp;
} // NameSpace DigikamNoiseReductionImagesPlugin
#endif /* NOISE_REDUCTION_H */