// (C) 2005 Max Howell (max.howell@methylblue.com) // See COPYING file for licensing information //TODO error messages that vary depending on if the file is remote or not #include "../codeine.h" #include "../debug.h" #include #include "playlistFile.h" #include #include #include "../mxcl.library.h" PlaylistFile::PlaylistFile( const KURL &url ) : m_url( url ) , m_isRemoteFile( !url.isLocalFile() ) , m_isValid( false ) { mxcl::WaitCursor allocateOnStack; TQString &path = m_path = url.path(); if( path.endsWith( ".pls", false ) ) m_type = PLS; else if( path.endsWith( ".m3u", false ) ) m_type = M3U; else { m_type = Unknown; m_error = i18n( "The file is not a playlist" ); return; } if( m_isRemoteFile ) { path = TQString(); if( !TDEIO::NetAccess::download( url, path, Codeine::mainWindow() ) ) { m_error = i18n( "Codeine could not download the remote playlist: %1" ).arg( url.prettyURL() ); return; } } TQFile file( path ); if( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); switch( m_type ) { case M3U: parseM3uFile( stream ); break; case PLS: parsePlsFile( stream ); break; default: ; } if( m_contents.isEmpty() ) m_error = i18n( "The playlist, '%1', could not be interpreted. Perhaps it is empty?" ).arg( path ), m_isValid = false; } else m_error = i18n( "Codeine could not open the file: %1" ).arg( path ); } PlaylistFile::~PlaylistFile() { if( m_isRemoteFile ) TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( m_path ); } void PlaylistFile::parsePlsFile( TQTextStream &stream ) { DEBUG_BLOCK for( TQString line = stream.readLine(); !line.isNull(); ) { if( line.startsWith( "File" ) ) { const KURL url = line.section( '=', -1 ); const TQString title = stream.readLine().section( '=', -1 ); debug() << url << endl << title << endl; m_contents += url; m_isValid = true; return; //TODO continue for all urls } line = stream.readLine(); } } void PlaylistFile::parseM3uFile( TQTextStream &stream ) { DEBUG_BLOCK for( TQString line; !stream.atEnd(); ) { line = stream.readLine(); if( line.startsWith( "#EXTINF", false ) ) continue; else if( !line.startsWith( "#" ) && !line.isEmpty() ) { KURL url; // KURL::isRelativeURL() expects absolute URLs to start with a protocol, so prepend it if missing if( line.startsWith( "/" ) ) line.prepend( "file://" ); if( KURL::isRelativeURL( line ) ) url.setPath( m_url.directory() + line ); else url = KURL::fromPathOrURL( line ); m_contents += url; m_isValid = true; return; } } }