You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

395 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003 by S<EFBFBD>astien Laot *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "backgroundmanager.h"
/** class BackgroundEntry: */
BackgroundEntry::BackgroundEntry(const QString &location)
this->location = location;
name = KURL(location).fileName();
tiled = false;
pixmap = 0;
preview = 0;
customersCount = 0;
delete pixmap;
delete preview;
/** class OpaqueBackgroundEntry: */
OpaqueBackgroundEntry::OpaqueBackgroundEntry(const QString &name, const QColor &color)
this->name = name;
this->color = color;
pixmap = 0;
customersCount = 0;
delete pixmap;
/** class BackgroundManager: */
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Found the following background images in ";
QStringList directories = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("data"); // eg. { "/home/seb/.kde/share/apps/", "/usr/share/apps/" }
// For each folder:
for (QStringList::Iterator it = directories.begin(); it != directories.end(); ++it) {
// For each file in those directories:
QDir dir(*it + "basket/backgrounds/", /*nameFilder=*/"*.png", /*sortSpec=*/QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, /*filterSpec=*/QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
/// std::cout << *it + "basket/backgrounds/ ";
QStringList files = dir.entryList();
for (QStringList::Iterator it2 = files.begin(); it2 != files.end(); ++it2) // TODO: If an image name is present in two folders?
addImage(*it + "basket/backgrounds/" + *it2);
/// std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
/// for (BackgroundsList::Iterator it = m_backgroundsList.begin(); it != m_backgroundsList.end(); ++it)
/// std::cout << "* " << (*it)->location << " [ref: " << (*it)->name << "]" << std::endl;
connect( &m_garbageTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doGarbage()) );
void BackgroundManager::addImage(const QString &fullPath)
m_backgroundsList.append(new BackgroundEntry(fullPath));
BackgroundEntry* BackgroundManager::backgroundEntryFor(const QString &image)
for (BackgroundsList::Iterator it = m_backgroundsList.begin(); it != m_backgroundsList.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->name == image)
return *it;
return 0;
OpaqueBackgroundEntry* BackgroundManager::opaqueBackgroundEntryFor(const QString &image, const QColor &color)
for (OpaqueBackgroundsList::Iterator it = m_opaqueBackgroundsList.begin(); it != m_opaqueBackgroundsList.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->name == image && (*it)->color == color)
return *it;
return 0;
bool BackgroundManager::subscribe(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (entry) {
// If it's the first time something subscribe to this image:
if (!entry->pixmap) {
// Try to load the pixmap:
entry->pixmap = new QPixmap(entry->location);
// Try to figure out if it's a tiled background image or not (default to NO):
KSimpleConfig config(entry->location + ".config", /*readOnly=*/true);
config.setGroup("BasKet Background Image Configuration");
entry->tiled = config.readBoolEntry("tiled", false);
// Return if the image loading has failed:
if (entry->pixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Failed to load " << entry->location << std::endl;
return false;
// Success: effectively subscribe:
return true;
} else {
// Don't exist: subscription failed:
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested unexisting image: " << image << std::endl;
return false;
bool BackgroundManager::subscribe(const QString &image, const QColor &color)
BackgroundEntry *backgroundEntry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
// First, if the image doesn't exist, isn't subscribed, or failed to load then we don't go further:
if (!backgroundEntry || !backgroundEntry->pixmap || backgroundEntry->pixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested an unexisting or unsubscribed image: (" << image << "," << << ")..." << std::endl;
return false;
OpaqueBackgroundEntry *opaqueBackgroundEntry = opaqueBackgroundEntryFor(image, color);
// If this couple is requested for the first time or it haven't been subscribed for a long time enough, create it:
if (!opaqueBackgroundEntry) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Computing (" << image << "," << << ")..." << std::endl;
opaqueBackgroundEntry = new OpaqueBackgroundEntry(image, color);
opaqueBackgroundEntry->pixmap = new QPixmap(backgroundEntry->pixmap->size());
QPainter painter(opaqueBackgroundEntry->pixmap);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, *(backgroundEntry->pixmap));
// We are now sure the entry exist, do the subscription:
return true;
void BackgroundManager::unsubscribe(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (!entry) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Wanted to unsuscribe a not subscribed image: " << image << std::endl;
if (entry->customersCount <= 0)
void BackgroundManager::unsubscribe(const QString &image, const QColor &color)
OpaqueBackgroundEntry *entry = opaqueBackgroundEntryFor(image, color);
if (!entry) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Wanted to unsuscribe a not subscribed colored image: (" << image << "," << << ")" << std::endl;
if (entry->customersCount <= 0)
QPixmap* BackgroundManager::pixmap(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (!entry || !entry->pixmap || entry->pixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested an unexisting or unsubscribed image: " << image << std::endl;
return 0;
return entry->pixmap;
QPixmap* BackgroundManager::opaquePixmap(const QString &image, const QColor &color)
OpaqueBackgroundEntry *entry = opaqueBackgroundEntryFor(image, color);
if (!entry || !entry->pixmap || entry->pixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested an unexisting or unsubscribed colored image: (" << image << "," << << ")" << std::endl;
return 0;
return entry->pixmap;
bool BackgroundManager::tiled(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (!entry || !entry->pixmap || entry->pixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested an unexisting or unsubscribed image: " << image << std::endl;
return false;
return entry->tiled;
bool BackgroundManager::exists(const QString &image)
for (BackgroundsList::iterator it = m_backgroundsList.begin(); it != m_backgroundsList.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->name == image)
return true;
return false;
QStringList BackgroundManager::imageNames()
QStringList list;
for (BackgroundsList::iterator it = m_backgroundsList.begin(); it != m_backgroundsList.end(); ++it)
return list;
QPixmap* BackgroundManager::preview(const QString &image)
static const int MAX_WIDTH = 100;
static const int MAX_HEIGHT = 75;
static const QColor PREVIEW_BG = Qt::white;
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (!entry) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Requested the preview of an unexisting image: " << image << std::endl;
return false;
// The easiest way: already computed:
if (entry->preview)
return entry->preview;
// Then, try to load the preview from file:
QString previewPath = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("data", "basket/backgrounds/previews/" + entry->name);
QPixmap *previewPixmap = new QPixmap(previewPath);
// Success:
if (!previewPixmap->isNull()) {
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Loaded image preview for " << entry->location << " from file " << previewPath << std::endl;
entry->preview = previewPixmap;
return entry->preview;
// We failed? Then construct it:
// Note: if a preview is requested, it's because the user is currently choosing an image.
// Since we need that image to create the preview, we keep the image in memory.
// Then, it will already be loaded when user press [OK] in the background image chooser.
// BUT we also delay a garbage because we don't want EVERY images to be loaded if the user use only a few of them, of course:
// Already used? Good: we don't have to load it...
if (!entry->pixmap) {
// Note: it's a code duplication from BackgroundManager::subscribe(const QString &image),
// Because, as we are loading the pixmap we ALSO need to know if it's a tile or not, in case that image will soon be used (and not destroyed by the garbager):
entry->pixmap = new QPixmap(entry->location);
// Try to figure out if it's a tiled background image or not (default to NO):
KSimpleConfig config(entry->location + ".config", /*readOnly=*/true);
config.setGroup("BasKet Background Image Configuration");
entry->tiled = config.readBoolEntry("tiled", false);
// The image cannot be loaded, we failed:
if (entry->pixmap->isNull())
return 0;
// Good that we are still alive: entry->pixmap contains the pixmap to rescale down for the preview:
// Compute new size:
int width = entry->pixmap->width();
int height = entry->pixmap->height();
if (width > MAX_WIDTH) {
height = height * MAX_WIDTH / width;
width = MAX_WIDTH;
if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) {
width = width * MAX_HEIGHT / height;
height = MAX_HEIGHT;
// And create the resulting pixmap:
QPixmap *result = new QPixmap(width, height);
QImage imageToScale = entry->pixmap->convertToImage();
QPixmap pmScaled;
pmScaled.convertFromImage(imageToScale.smoothScale(width, height));
QPainter painter(result);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pmScaled);
// Saving it to file for later:
QString folder = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "basket/backgrounds/previews/");
result->save(folder + entry->name, "PNG");
// Ouf! That's done:
entry->preview = result;
return entry->preview;
QString BackgroundManager::pathForImageName(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (entry == 0)
return "";
return entry->location;
QString BackgroundManager::previewPathForImageName(const QString &image)
BackgroundEntry *entry = backgroundEntryFor(image);
if (entry == 0)
return "";
else {
QString previewPath = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("data", "basket/backgrounds/previews/" + entry->name);
QDir dir;
if (!dir.exists(previewPath))
return "";
return previewPath;
void BackgroundManager::requestDelayedGarbage()
static const int DELAY = 60/*seconds*/;
if (!m_garbageTimer.isActive())
m_garbageTimer.start(DELAY * 1000/*ms*/, /*singleShot=*/true);
void BackgroundManager::doGarbage()
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Doing garbage..." << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Images:" << std::endl;
for (BackgroundsList::Iterator it = m_backgroundsList.begin(); it != m_backgroundsList.end(); ++it) {
BackgroundEntry *entry = *it;
/// std::cout << "* " << entry->name << ": used " << entry->customersCount << " times";
if (entry->customersCount <= 0 && entry->pixmap) {
/// std::cout << " [Deleted cached pixmap]";
delete entry->pixmap;
entry->pixmap = 0;
/// std::cout << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "BackgroundManager: Opaque Cached Images:" << std::endl;
for (OpaqueBackgroundsList::Iterator it = m_opaqueBackgroundsList.begin(); it != m_opaqueBackgroundsList.end(); ) {
OpaqueBackgroundEntry *entry = *it;
/// std::cout << "* " << entry->name << "," << entry-> << ": used " << entry->customersCount << " times";
if (entry->customersCount <= 0) {
/// std::cout << " [Deleted entry]";
delete entry->pixmap;
entry->pixmap = 0;
it = m_opaqueBackgroundsList.remove(it);
} else
/// std::cout << std::endl;
#include "backgroundmanager.moc"