You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

426 lines
18 KiB

* copyright : (C) 2006 Ian Monroe <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "authentication/contentfetcher.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "metabundle.h"
#include "qstringx.h"
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
using namespace Daap;
TQMap<TQString, Code> Reader::s_codes;
Reader::Reader(const TQString& host, TQ_UINT16 port, ServerItem* root, const TQString& password, TQObject* parent, const char* name)
: TQObject(parent, name)
, m_host( host )
, m_port( port )
, m_sessionId( -1 )
, m_root( root )
, m_password( password )
if( s_codes.size() == 0 )
s_codes["mtco"] = Code( "dmap.specifiedtotalcount", LONG );
s_codes["mdcl"] = Code( "dmap.dictionary", CONTAINER );
s_codes["aeGI"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["aeNV"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["astn"] = Code( "daap.songtracknumber", SHORT );
s_codes["abal"] = Code( "daap.browsealbumlisting", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asco"] = Code( "daap.songcompilation", CHAR );
s_codes["aeSP"] = Code( "", CHAR );
s_codes["ascp"] = Code( "daap.songcomposer", STRING );
s_codes["aseq"] = Code( "daap.songeqpreset", STRING );
s_codes["abpl"] = Code( "daap.baseplaylist", CHAR );
s_codes["msqy"] = Code( "dmap.supportsquery", CHAR );
s_codes["aeCI"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["mcnm"] = Code( "dmap.contentcodesnumber", LONG );
s_codes["abro"] = Code( "daap.databasebrowse", CONTAINER );
s_codes["assz"] = Code( "daap.songsize", LONG );
s_codes["abcp"] = Code( "daap.browsecomposerlisting", CONTAINER );
s_codes["aeAI"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["aeHV"] = Code( "", CHAR );
s_codes["msts"] = Code( "dmap.statusstring", STRING );
s_codes["msas"] = Code( "dmap.authenticationschemes", LONG );
s_codes["ascr"] = Code( "daap.songcontentrating", CHAR );
s_codes["aePI"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["mstt"] = Code( "dmap.status", LONG );
s_codes["msix"] = Code( "dmap.supportsindex", CHAR );
s_codes["msrs"] = Code( "dmap.supportsresolve", CHAR );
s_codes["mccr"] = Code( "dmap.contentcodesresponse", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asdk"] = Code( "daap.songdatakind", CHAR );
s_codes["asar"] = Code( "daap.songartist", STRING );
s_codes["ascs"] = Code( "daap.songcodecsubtype", LONG );
s_codes["msau"] = Code( "dmap.authenticationmethod", CHAR );
s_codes["aeSU"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["arif"] = Code( "daap.resolveinfo", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asct"] = Code( "daap.songcategory", STRING );
s_codes["asfm"] = Code( "daap.songformat", STRING );
s_codes["aeEN"] = Code( "", STRING );
s_codes["apsm"] = Code( "daap.playlistshufflemode", CHAR );
s_codes["abar"] = Code( "daap.browseartistlisting", CONTAINER );
s_codes["mslr"] = Code( "dmap.loginrequired", CHAR );
s_codes["msex"] = Code( "dmap.supportsextensions", CHAR );
s_codes["mudl"] = Code( "dmap.deletedidlisting", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asdm"] = Code( "daap.songdatemodified", DATE );
s_codes["asky"] = Code( "daap.songkeywords", STRING );
s_codes["asul"] = Code( "daap.songdataurl", STRING );
s_codes["aeSV"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["f\215ch"] = Code( "dmap.haschildcontainers", CHAR );
s_codes["mlcl"] = Code( "dmap.listing", CONTAINER );
s_codes["msrv"] = Code( "dmap.serverinforesponse", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asdn"] = Code( "daap.songdiscnumber", SHORT );
s_codes["astc"] = Code( "daap.songtrackcount", SHORT );
s_codes["apso"] = Code( "daap.playlistsongs", CONTAINER );
s_codes["ascd"] = Code( "daap.songcodectype", LONG );
s_codes["minm"] = Code( "dmap.itemname", STRING );
s_codes["mimc"] = Code( "dmap.itemcount", LONG );
s_codes["mctc"] = Code( "dmap.containercount", LONG );
s_codes["aeSF"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["asrv"] = Code( "daap.songrelativevolume", SHORT );
s_codes["msup"] = Code( "dmap.supportsupdate", CHAR );
s_codes["mcna"] = Code( "dmap.contentcodesname", STRING );
s_codes["agrp"] = Code( "daap.songgrouping", STRING );
s_codes["mikd"] = Code( "dmap.itemkind", CHAR );
s_codes["mupd"] = Code( "dmap.updateresponse", CONTAINER );
s_codes["aeNN"] = Code( "", STRING );
s_codes["asyr"] = Code( "daap.songyear", SHORT );
s_codes["aeES"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["miid"] = Code( "dmap.itemid", LONG );
s_codes["msbr"] = Code( "dmap.supportsbrowse", CHAR );
s_codes["muty"] = Code( "dmap.updatetype", CHAR );
s_codes["mcty"] = Code( "dmap.contentcodestype", SHORT );
s_codes["aply"] = Code( "daap.databaseplaylists", CONTAINER );
s_codes["aePP"] = Code( "", CHAR );
s_codes["aeSI"] = Code( "", LONG );
s_codes["assp"] = Code( "daap.songstoptime", LONG );
s_codes["aslc"] = Code( "daap.songlongcontentdescription", STRING );
s_codes["mcon"] = Code( "dmap.container", CONTAINER );
s_codes["mlit"] = Code( "dmap.listingitem", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asur"] = Code( "daap.songuserrating", CHAR );
s_codes["mspi"] = Code( "dmap.supportspersistentids", CHAR );
s_codes["assr"] = Code( "daap.songsamplerate", LONG );
s_codes["asda"] = Code( "daap.songdateadded", DATE );
s_codes["asbr"] = Code( "daap.songbitrate", SHORT );
s_codes["mcti"] = Code( "dmap.containeritemid", LONG );
s_codes["mpco"] = Code( "dmap.parentcontainerid", LONG );
s_codes["msdc"] = Code( "dmap.databasescount", LONG );
s_codes["mlog"] = Code( "dmap.loginresponse", CONTAINER );
s_codes["mlid"] = Code( "dmap.sessionid", LONG );
s_codes["musr"] = Code( "dmap.serverrevision", LONG );
s_codes["asdb"] = Code( "daap.songdisabled", CHAR );
s_codes["asdt"] = Code( "daap.songdescription", STRING );
s_codes["mbcl"] = Code( "dmap.bag", CONTAINER );
s_codes["msal"] = Code( "dmap.supportsautologout", CHAR );
s_codes["mstm"] = Code( "dmap.timeoutinterval", LONG );
s_codes["asdc"] = Code( "daap.songdisccount", SHORT );
s_codes["asbt"] = Code( "daap.songbeatsperminute", SHORT );
s_codes["asgn"] = Code( "daap.songgenre", STRING );
s_codes["aprm"] = Code( "daap.playlistrepeatmode", CHAR );
s_codes["asst"] = Code( "daap.songstarttime", LONG );
s_codes["mper"] = Code( "dmap.persistentid", LONGLONG );
s_codes["mrco"] = Code( "dmap.returnedcount", LONG );
s_codes["mpro"] = Code( "dmap.protocolversion", DVERSION );
s_codes["ascm"] = Code( "daap.songcomment", STRING );
s_codes["aePC"] = Code( "", CHAR );
s_codes["aeSN"] = Code( "", STRING );
s_codes["arsv"] = Code( "daap.resolve", CONTAINER );
s_codes["asal"] = Code( "daap.songalbum", STRING );
s_codes["apro"] = Code( "daap.protocolversion", DVERSION );
s_codes["avdb"] = Code( "daap.serverdatabases", CONTAINER );
s_codes["aeMK"] = Code( "", CHAR );
s_codes["astm"] = Code( "daap.songtime", LONG );
s_codes["adbs"] = Code( "daap.databasesongs", CONTAINER );
s_codes["abgn"] = Code( "daap.browsegenrelisting", CONTAINER );
s_codes["ascn"] = Code( "daap.songcontentdescription", STRING );
{ }
ContentFetcher* http = new ContentFetcher( m_host, m_port, m_password, this, "readerLogoutHttp" );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( httpError( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( fetchingError( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( logoutRequest( int, bool ) ) );
http->getDaap( "/logout?" + m_loginString );
Reader::logoutRequest( int, bool )
ContentFetcher* http = new ContentFetcher( m_host, m_port, m_password, this, "readerHttp");
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( httpError( const TQString& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( fetchingError( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( responseHeaderReceived( const TQHttpResponseHeader & ) )
, this, TQT_SLOT( loginHeaderReceived( const TQHttpResponseHeader & ) ) );
http->getDaap( "/login" );
Reader::loginHeaderReceived( const TQHttpResponseHeader & resp )
ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
disconnect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( responseHeaderReceived( const TQHttpResponseHeader & ) )
, this, TQT_SLOT( loginHeaderReceived( const TQHttpResponseHeader & ) ) );
if( resp.statusCode() == 401 /*authorization required*/)
emit passwordRequired();
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( loginFinished( int, bool ) ) );
Reader::loginFinished( int /* id */, bool error )
ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
disconnect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( loginFinished( int, bool ) ) );
if( error )
TQStringVariantMap loginResults = parse( http->results() , 0 ,true );
m_sessionId = loginResults["mlog"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlid"].asList()[0].asInt();
m_loginString = "session-id=" + TQString::number( m_sessionId );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( updateFinished( int, bool ) ) );
http->getDaap( "/update?" + m_loginString );
Reader::updateFinished( int /*id*/, bool error )
ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
disconnect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( updateFinished( int, bool ) ) );
if( error )
warning() << "what is going on here? " << http->error() << endl;
TQStringVariantMap updateResults = parse( http->results(), 0, true );
m_loginString = m_loginString + "&revision-number=" +
TQString::number( updateResults["mupd"].asList()[0].asMap()["musr"].asList()[0].asInt() );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( databaseIdFinished( int, bool ) ) );
http->getDaap( "/databases?" + m_loginString );
Reader::databaseIdFinished( int /*id*/, bool error )
ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
disconnect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( databaseIdFinished( int, bool ) ) );
if( error )
TQStringVariantMap dbIdResults = parse( http->results(), 0, true );
m_databaseId = TQString::number( dbIdResults["avdb"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlcl"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlit"].asList()[0].asMap()["miid"].asList()[0].asInt() );
connect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( songListFinished( int, bool ) ) );
http->getDaap( TQString("/databases/%1/items?type=music&meta=dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,daap.songformat,daap.songartist,daap.songalbum,daap.songtime,daap.songtracknumber,daap.songcomment,daap.songyear,daap.songgenre&%2")
.arg( m_databaseId, m_loginString ) );
Reader::songListFinished( int /*id*/, bool error )
ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
disconnect( http, TQT_SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( songListFinished( int, bool ) ) );
if( error )
TQStringVariantMap songResults = parse( http->results(), 0, true );
SongList result;
TQValueList<TQVariant> songList;
songList = songResults["adbs"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlcl"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlit"].asList();
debug() << "songList.count() = " << songList.count() << endl;
TQValueList<TQVariant>::iterator it;
for( it = songList.begin(); it != songList.end(); ++it )
MetaBundle* bundle = new MetaBundle();
bundle->setTitle( (*it).asMap()["minm"].asList()[0].toString() );
//input url: daap://host:port/databaseId/music.ext
bundle->setUrl( Amarok::QStringx("daap://%1:%2/%3/%4.%5").args(
TQStringList() << m_host
<< TQString::number( m_port )
<< m_databaseId
<< TQString::number( (*it).asMap()["miid"].asList()[0].asInt() )
<< (*it).asMap()["asfm"].asList()[0].asString() ) );
bundle->setLength( (*it).asMap()["astm"].asList()[0].toInt()/1000 );
bundle->setTrack( (*it).asMap()["astn"].asList()[0].toInt() );
TQString album = (*it).asMap()["asal"].asList()[0].toString();
bundle->setAlbum( album );
TQString artist = (*it).asMap()["asar"].asList()[0].toString();
bundle->setArtist( artist );
result[ artist.lower() ][ album.lower() ].append(bundle);
bundle->setYear( (*it).asMap()["asyr"].asList()[0].toInt() );
bundle->setGenre( (*it).asMap()["asgn"].asList()[0].toString() );
emit daapBundles( m_host , result );
Reader::getTagAndLength( TQDataStream &raw, char tag[5] )
tag[4] = 0;
raw.readRawBytes(tag, 4);
TQ_UINT32 tagLength = 0;
raw >> tagLength;
return tagLength;
Reader::parse( TQDataStream &raw, uint containerLength, bool first )
0-3 Content code OSType (unsigned long), description of the contents of this chunk
4-7 Length Length of the contents of this chunk (not the whole chunk)
8- Data The data contained within the chunk */
TQStringVariantMap childMap;
uint index = 0;
while( (first ? !raw.atEnd() : ( index < containerLength ) ) )
// debug() << "at index " << index << " of a total container size " << containerLength << endl;
char tag[5];
TQ_UINT32 tagLength = getTagAndLength( raw, tag );
if( tagLength == 0 )
// debug() << "tag " << tag << " has 0 length." << endl;
index += 8;
//#define DEBUGTAG( VAR ) debug() << tag << " has value " << VAR << endl;
#define DEBUGTAG( VAR )
switch( s_codes[tag].type )
case CHAR: {
TQ_INT8 charData;
raw >> charData; DEBUGTAG( charData )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( static_cast<int>(charData) ) );
case SHORT: {
TQ_INT16 shortData;
raw >> shortData; DEBUGTAG( shortData )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( static_cast<int>(shortData) ) );
case LONG: {
TQ_INT32 longData;
raw >> longData; DEBUGTAG( longData )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( longData ) );
case LONGLONG: {
TQ_INT64 longlongData;
raw >> longlongData; DEBUGTAG( longlongData )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( longlongData ) );
case STRING: {
TQByteArray stringData(tagLength);
raw.readRawBytes(, tagLength ); DEBUGTAG( TQString::fromUtf8( stringData, tagLength ) )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( TQString::fromUtf8( stringData, tagLength ) ) );
case DATE: {
TQ_INT64 dateData;
TQDateTime date;
raw >> dateData; DEBUGTAG( dateData )
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( date ) );
case DVERSION: {
TQ_INT16 major;
TQ_INT8 minor;
TQ_INT8 patchLevel;
raw >> major >> minor >> patchLevel; DEBUGTAG( patchLevel )
TQString version("%1.%2.%3");
version.arg(major, minor, patchLevel);
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant(version) );
addElement( childMap, tag, TQVariant( parse( raw, tagLength ) ) );
warning() << tag << " doesn't work" << endl;
index += tagLength + 8;
return childMap;
Reader::addElement( TQStringVariantMap &parentMap, char* tag, TQVariant element )
if( !parentMap.contains( tag ) )
parentMap[tag] = TQVariant( TQValueList<TQVariant>() );
Reader::fetchingError( const TQString& error )
const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>( sender() )->deleteLater();
emit httpError( error );
#include "reader.moc"