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# Zeroconf support - publishing webcontrol page
# (c) 2005 Jakub Stachowski <>
# Depends on: Python 2.2, pyzeroconf 0.12+metaservice patch
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
import os
import getpass
import sys
import string
# find directory containing common Zeroconf files
if not os.getenv("TDEDIR") is None: sys.path.insert(0,os.getenv("TDEDIR")+"/share/apps/amarok/scripts/common")
if not os.getenv("TDEDIRS") is None: sys.path=[p+"/share/apps/amarok/scripts/common" for p in os.pathsep.split(os.getenv("TDEDIRS"))]+sys.path
from Publisher import *
class WebPublisher(Publisher):
port = None
def services(self):
return [{ "name" : "Amarok WebControl for "+getpass.getuser(), "port": self.port, "type": "_http._tcp", "properties": {}}]
publisher = WebPublisher()