You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

727 lines
19 KiB

* This software is released under the provisions of the GPL version 2.
* see file "COPYING". If that file is not available, the full statement
* of the license can be found at
* Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2004 RealNetworks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#if defined(_SYMBIAN)
# include <e32def.h>
# include <e32std.h>
# include <platform/symbian/symbiantypes.h> /* For our TInt64 impl */
#ifdef _VXWORKS
#include "types/vxTypesOld.h"
#include "vxWorks.h"
/* md3 - added to override SENS macro. net/mbuf.h */
# ifdef m_flags
# undef m_flags
# endif /* m_flags */
/* md3 - added to override SENS macro, net/radix.h */
# ifdef Free
# undef Free
# endif /* Free */
#pragma once
#ifndef _HXTYPES_H_
#define _HXTYPES_H_
// this is essential to make sure that new is not #define'd before the C++ version is included.
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC) && !defined(_SYMBIAN) && !defined(_OPENWAVE))
#include <memory>
// disable the "debug info truncated at 255" warning.
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable: 4786)
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1100) && defined(_BASETSD_H_))
#error For VC++ 6.0 or higher you must include hxtypes.h before other windows header files.
#if defined(_SYMBIAN)
typedef TInt8 INT8;
typedef TUint8 UINT8;
typedef TInt16 INT16;
typedef TUint16 UINT16;
typedef TInt32 INT32;
typedef TUint32 UINT32;
typedef TUint32 UINT; /* Its unclear, but UINT is suppose to be 32 bits. */
typedef TBool BOOL;
# ifndef _VXWORKS
typedef char INT8; /* signed 8 bit value */
typedef unsigned char UINT8; /* unsigned 8 bit value */
typedef short int INT16; /* signed 16 bit value */
typedef unsigned short int UINT16; /* unsigned 16 bit value */
# if (defined _UNIX && defined _LONG_IS_64)
typedef int INT32; /* signed 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned int UINT32; /* unsigned 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned int UINT;
# elif defined _VXWORKS
typedef int INT32; /* signed 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned int UINT32; /* unsigned 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned int UINT;
# else
typedef long int INT32; /* signed 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned long int UINT32; /* unsigned 32 bit value */
typedef unsigned int UINT;
# endif /* (defined _UNIX && (defined _ALPHA || OSF1)) */
# if (defined _UNIX && defined _IRIX)
# ifdef __LONG_MAX__
# undef __LONG_MAX__
# endif
# define __LONG_MAX__ 2147483647
# endif
#endif /* _VXWORKS */
#endif /* _SYMBIAN */
typedef int HXBOOL;
# if defined(BOOL)
# undef BOOL
# endif
# if defined(BOOL)
typedef BOOL HXBOOL;
# else
typedef int HXBOOL;
typedef HXBOOL BOOL;
# endif
#define ARE_BOOLS_EQUAL(a,b) (((a) && (b)) || (!(a) && !(b)))
typedef unsigned char HX_BITFIELD;
typedef INT32 LONG32; /* signed 32 bit value */
typedef UINT32 ULONG32; /* unsigned 32 bit value */
#ifdef _LONG_IS_64
typedef long int INT64;
typedef unsigned long int UINT64;
#elif defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_OPENWAVE_SIMULATOR)
typedef __int64 INT64;
typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64;
#elif defined(_SYMBIAN) && !defined (_SYMBIAN_81_)
typedef SymInt64 INT64;
typedef SymInt64 UINT64;
typedef long long INT64;
typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
/* define the float and double type for all platforms */
#define HXFLOAT float
#define HXDOUBLE double
typedef ULONG32 HX_MOFTAG;
/* Some platforms have native 64 bit int types, others don't
* so, we provide these casting macros that have to be used
* to cast 64-bit ints to smaller datatypes
#if defined(_SYMBIAN) && !defined (_SYMBIAN_81_)
#define INT64_TO_ULONG32(a) ((ULONG32)((a).Low()))
#define INT64_TO_UINT32(a) ((UINT32)((a).Low()))
#define INT64_TO_INT32(a) ((INT32)((a).Low()))
#define INT64_TO_DOUBLE(a) ((a).GetTReal())
#define INT64_TO_FLOAT(a) ((a).GetTReal())
#define UINT32_TO_DOUBLE(a) (SymbianUINT32toDouble(a))
#define INT64_TO_ULONG32(a) ((ULONG32)(a))
#define INT64_TO_UINT32(a) ((UINT32) (a))
#define INT64_TO_INT32(a) ((INT32) (a))
#define INT64_TO_DOUBLE(a) ((double) (a))
#define INT64_TO_FLOAT(a) ((float) (a))
#define UINT32_TO_DOUBLE(a) ((double) (a))
#ifdef powerc
#define _MACPPC
#define _MAC68K
#if defined(_SYMBIAN)
#define PATH_MAX KMaxPath
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef _WIN16
#define MAX_PATH 260
#define PRODUCT_ID "play16"
#define PLUS_PRODUCT_ID "plus16"
#define PRODUCT_ID "play32"
#define PLUS_PRODUCT_ID "plus32"
// $Private:
#define DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT 20 // in seconds
#define MAX_TIMESTAMP_GAP 0x2fffffff
#if !defined(MAX_UINT32)
#define MAX_UINT32 0xffffffff
#endif /* MAX_UINT32 */
#if defined(_MACINTOSH)
#define kLetInterruptsFinishBeforeQuittingGestalt 'RN$~'
// $EndPrivate.
#define MAX_DISPLAY_NAME 256
#define HX_INVALID_VALUE (ULONG32)0xffffffff
#define HX_FREE(x) ((x) ? (free (x), (x) = 0) : 0)
#define HX_DELETE(x) ((x) ? (delete (x), (x) = 0) : 0)
#define HX_VECTOR_DELETE(x) ((x) ? (delete [] (x), (x) = 0) : 0)
#define HX_DELETE(x) (delete (x), (x) = 0)
#define HX_VECTOR_DELETE(x) (delete [] (x), (x) = 0)
#define RA_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x2E7261FDL /* RealAudio File Identifier */
#define RM_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x2E524D46L /* RealMedia File Identifier */
#define RIFF_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x52494646L /* RIFF (AVI etc.) File Identifier */
#ifndef _VXWORKS
typedef UINT8 UCHAR; /* unsigned 8 bit value */
typedef INT8 CHAR; /* signed 8 bit value */
typedef UINT8 BYTE;
typedef INT32 long32;
typedef UINT32 u_long32;
#ifndef _MACINTOSH
typedef INT8 Int8;
typedef UINT8 u_Int8;
typedef INT16 Int16;
typedef UINT16 u_Int16;
typedef INT32 Int32;
typedef UINT32 u_Int32;
* that we need UFIXED and FIXED, this name is confusing...
* use the ones below.
typedef ULONG32 UFIXED32; /* FIXED point value */
#define FLOAT_TO_FIXED(x) ((UFIXED32) ((x) * (1L << 16) + 0.5))
#define FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) ((float) ((((float)x)/ (float)(1L <<16))))
* float and fixed point value conversion
#define HX_FLOAT_TO_UFIXED(x) ((UFIXED32) ((x) * (1L << 16) + 0.5))
#define HX_UFIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) ((float) ((((float)x)/ (float)(1L <<16))))
typedef LONG32 FIXED32; /* FIXED point value */
#define HX_FLOAT_TO_FIXED(x) ((FIXED32) ((x) * (1L << 16) + 0.5))
#define HX_FIXED_TO_FLOAT(x) ((float) ((((float)x)/ (float)(1L <<16))))
* UFIXED32 is a 32 value where the upper 16 bits are the unsigned integer
* portion of value, and the lower 16 bits are the fractional part of the
* value
typedef const char* PCSTR;
* FOURCC's are 32bit codes used in Tagged File formats like
* the RealMedia file format.
#ifndef FOURCC
typedef UINT32 FOURCC;
#ifndef HX_FOURCC
#define HX_FOURCC( ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3 ) \
( (UINT32)(UINT8)(ch0) | ( (UINT32)(UINT8)(ch1) << 8 ) | \
( (UINT32)(UINT8)(ch2) << 16 ) | ( (UINT32)(UINT8)(ch3) << 24 ) )
typedef UINT16 PrefKey;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef TRUE
#undef TRUE
#ifdef FALSE
#undef FALSE
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL 0
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#ifndef _WINDOWS /* defined in windef.h on Windows platform */
#ifndef HIWORD
#define HIWORD(x) ((x) >> 16)
#ifndef LOWORD
#define LOWORD(x) ((x) & 0xffff)
#ifndef NOMINMAX
/* Always use macro versions of these! */
#ifndef max
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* Should use capitalized macro versions of these, as the lowercase
versions conflict with the STL spec */
//get these from sys/param.h to avoid tons of warnings about redefining them:
#ifdef _UNIX
#include <sys/param.h>
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define HX_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define HX_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
| ZeroInit - initializes a block of memory with zeros
#define ZeroInit(pb) memset((void *)pb,0,sizeof(*(pb)))
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
typedef unsigned char Byte;
// HXEXPORT needed for RA.H and RAGUI.H, should be able to be defined
// and used in cross platform code...
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define HXEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall
#define HXEXPORT_PTR __stdcall *
#else /* Windows, but not 32 bit... */
#define HXEXPORT _pascal __export
#define HXEXPORT_PTR _pascal *
#else /* Not Windows... */
#define HXEXPORT
#define HXEXPORT_PTR *
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS) || defined (_MACINTOSH)|| defined (_UNIX)
typedef void (*RANOTIFYPROC)( void* );
#if defined(EXPORT_CLASSES) && defined(_WINDOWS)
#ifdef _WIN32
#define HXEXPORT_CLASS __declspec(dllexport)
#define HXEXPORT_CLASS __export
#endif // _WIN32
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MPPC_)
#ifdef _MPPC_
#define STDMETHODCALLTYPE __stdcall
#elif defined(_WIN16)
// XXXTW I made the change below on 5/18/98. The __export was causing
// conflicts with duplicate CHXBuffer methods in being linked into
// rpupgrd and rpdestpn. Also, the warning was "export imported".
// This was fixed by removing the __export. The __export is also
// causing the same problem in pndebug methods.
//#define STDMETHODCALLTYPE __export far _cdecl
#define STDMETHODCALLTYPE far _cdecl
* STDMETHODVCALLTYPE (V is for variable number of arguments)
#if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_MPPC_)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MPPC_)
#define STDAPICALLTYPE __stdcall
#elif defined(_WIN16)
* STDAPIVCALLTYPE (V is for variable number of arguments)
#if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_MPPC_)
#define STDAPIVCALLTYPE __cdecl
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// Returns the Major version portion of the encoded product version
// of the RealAudio application interface DLL previously returned from
// a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Parameters:
// prodVer
// The encoded product version of the RealAudio application interface
// DLL previously returned from a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Return:
// The major version number of the RealAudio application interface DLL
#define HX_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(prodVer) ((prodVer >> 28) & 0xF)
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// Returns the minor version portion of the encoded product version
// of the RealAudio application interface DLL previously returned from
// a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Parameters:
// prodVer
// The encoded product version of the RealAudio application interface
// DLL previously returned from a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Return:
// The minor version number of the RealAudio application interface DLL
#define HX_GET_MINOR_VERSION(prodVer) ((prodVer >> 20) & 0xFF)
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// Returns the release number portion of the encoded product version
// of the RealAudio application interface DLL previously returned from
// a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Parameters:
// prodVer
// The encoded product version of the RealAudio application interface
// DLL previously returned from a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Return:
// The release number of the RealAudio application interface DLL
#define HX_GET_RELEASE_NUMBER(prodVer) ((prodVer >> 12) & 0xFF)
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// Returns the build number portion of the encoded product version
// of the RealAudio application interface DLL previously returned from
// a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Parameters:
// prodVer
// The encoded product version of the RealAudio application interface
// DLL previously returned from a call to RaGetProductVersion().
// Return:
// The build number of the RealAudio application interface DLL
#define HX_GET_BUILD_NUMBER(prodVer) (prodVer & 0xFFF)
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// Encodes a major version, minor version, release number, and build
// number into a product version for testing against the product version
// of the RealAudio application interface DLL returned from a call to
// RaGetProductVersion().
// Parameters:
// major
// The major version number to encode.
// mimor
// The minor version number to encode.
// release
// The release number to encode.
// build
// The build number to encode.
// Return:
// The encoded product version.
// Macintosh DEVELOPERS especially, make sure when using the HX_ENCODE_PROD_VERSION
// that you are passing a ULONG32 or equivalent for each of the parameters.
// By default a number passed in as a constant is a short unless it requires more room,
// so designate the constant as a long by appending a L to the end of it.
// Example:
// HX_ENCODE_VERSION(2,1,1,0);
#define HX_ENCODE_PROD_VERSION(major,minor,release,build) \
((ULONG32)((ULONG32)major << 28) | ((ULONG32)minor << 20) | \
((ULONG32)release << 12) | (ULONG32)build)
#define HX_ENCODE_ADD_PRIVATE_FIELD(ulversion,ulprivate) \
((ULONG32)((ULONG32)(ulversion) & (UINT32)0xFFFFFF00) | (ULONG32)(ulprivate) )
#define HX_EXTRACT_PRIVATE_FIELD(ulversion)(ulversion & (UINT32)0xFF)
#define HX_EXTRACT_MAJOR_VERSION(ulversion) ((ulversion)>>28)
#define HX_EXTRACT_MINOR_VERSION(ulversion) (((ulversion)>>20) & (UINT32)0xFF)
#ifdef _AIX
typedef int tv_sec_t;
typedef int tv_usec_t;
#elif (defined _HPUX)
typedef UINT32 tv_sec_t;
typedef INT32 tv_usec_t;
typedef INT32 tv_sec_t;
typedef INT32 tv_usec_t;
#endif /* _AIX */
#ifndef VOLATILE
#define VOLATILE volatile
// Macro which indicates that a particular variable is unused. Use this to
// avoid compiler warnings.
#define UNUSED(x)
* For VC++ 6.0 and higher we need to include this substitute header file
* in place of the standard header file basetsd.h, since this standard
* header file conflicts with our definitions.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1100) && !defined(_SYMBIAN)
#include "hxbastsd.h"
#define _TYPES_H_
#ifdef _VXWORKS
/* throw in some defines for VXWORKS */
#define MAXPATHLEN 255
// xxxbobclark with CWPro 7, there is a code generation bug in the long long
// casting code. It can be avoided by first casting to an unsigned long long.
// This is supposedly fixed in the upcoming (as of this writing) CWPro 8, but
// for now we're setting up the casting using a macro to change it easily.
#define CAST_TO_INT64 (INT64)(UINT64)
#define CAST_TO_INT64 (INT64)
#if defined _LONG_IS_64 && (defined _OSF1 || defined _SOLARIS || defined _HPUX)
typedef unsigned long PTR_INT;
typedef unsigned int PTR_INT;
// Macro:
// Purpose:
// declare a constant string as "const char *" or "extern const char *" depending on whether or
// not INITGUID is defined. This allows constant strings to be safely added
// to a header file without risk of multiply defined symbols if that header is included in a DLL
// and in a library that the DLL links to. While INITGUID doesn't have anything to do with constant
// strings, it is a great constant to switch off of because it is already used to denote when a GUID
// should be defined as external.
// Parameters:
// name
// The name of the variable to which the constant string will be assigned
// string
// the constant string (in quotes).
// There is currently no way to use DEFINE_CONSTANT_STRING() to declare an "extern const char*" when
// INITGUID is defined. This functionality could be added, but until there is a use case, it would just
// make things more complicated.
#if defined (INITGUID)
#define DEFINE_CONSTANT_STRING(name, string) \
const char *name = string;
#define DEFINE_CONSTANT_STRING(name, string) \
extern const char* name;
#endif /* _HXTYPES_H_ */