/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2006 by Andres Oton email : andres.oton@gmail.com copyright : (C) 2006 by T.R.Shashwath email : trshash84@gmail.com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * * MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "njbmediadevice.h" AMAROK_EXPORT_PLUGIN( NjbMediaDevice ) // Amarok #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include #include //smallIcon #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //downloadSelectedItems() #include //downloadSelectedItems() // TQt #include #include #include #include #include // posix #include #include #include #include namespace Amarok { extern TDEConfig *config( const TQString& ); } njb_t *NjbMediaDevice::m_njb = 0; // This function has NOT handled the request, so other functions may be called // upon to do so const int NJB_NOTHANDLED = 0; // This function has handled the request, so no further processing is needed. const int NJB_HANDLED = -1; NjbMediaDevice::NjbMediaDevice(): MediaDevice() { // listAmarokPlayLists = new TQListView(); m_name = i18n("NJB Media device"); m_njb = 0; m_connected = false; m_libcount = 0; m_connected = false; m_customButton = true; m_td = 0; NJB_Set_Debug(0); // or try DD_SUBTRACE TDEToolBarButton* customButton = MediaBrowser::instance()->getToolBar()->getButton( MediaBrowser::CUSTOM ); customButton->setText( i18n("Special device functions") ); TQToolTip::remove( customButton ); TQToolTip::add( customButton, i18n( "Special functions of your jukebox" ) ); } NjbMediaDevice::~NjbMediaDevice() { } bool NjbMediaDevice::closeDevice() { DEBUG_BLOCK if(m_connected) { NJB_Release( m_njb); m_connected = false; } m_connected = false; if( m_njb ) { NJB_Close( m_njb); m_njb = 0; } debug()<< "Disconnected NJB device" << endl; clearItems(); m_name = i18n("NJB Media device"); debug() << "Done" << endl; return true; } void NjbMediaDevice::unlockDevice() { } bool NjbMediaDevice::getCapacity(TDEIO::filesize_t* total, TDEIO::filesize_t* available) { if(!m_connected) return false; u_int64_t itotal; u_int64_t ifree; if(NJB_Get_Disk_Usage(m_njb, &itotal, &ifree) == -1) return false; *total = itotal; *available = ifree; return true; } bool NjbMediaDevice::isConnected() { return m_connected; } bool NjbMediaDevice::isPlayable(const MetaBundle& bundle) { DEBUG_BLOCK ; if(bundle.fileType() == MetaBundle::mp3 || bundle.fileType() == MetaBundle::wma) return true; return false; } bool NjbMediaDevice::isPreferredFormat(const MetaBundle& bundle) { DEBUG_BLOCK if(bundle.fileType() == MetaBundle::mp3) return true; else return false; } bool NjbMediaDevice::lockDevice(bool tryOnly) { // The device is "locked" upon connection - there's very little else we can do here. Q_UNUSED(tryOnly); return true; } bool NjbMediaDevice::openDevice(bool) { DEBUG_BLOCK if( m_njb ) return true; TQString genericError = i18n( "Could not connect to Nomad device" ); NJB_Set_Unicode( NJB_UC_UTF8 ); // I assume that UTF-8 is fine with everyone... int n; if( NJB_Discover( njbs, 0, &n) == -1 || n == 0 ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortLongMessage( genericError, i18n("A suitable Nomad device could not be found"), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); debug() << ": no NJBs found\n"; return false; } m_njb = &njbs[0]; if( NJB_Open( m_njb ) == -1 ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortLongMessage( genericError, i18n("Nomad device could not be opened"), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); return false; } TQString deviceName = NJB_Get_Device_Name( m_njb, 1 ); TQString owner = NJB_Get_Owner_String( m_njb ); m_name = deviceName + " (Owned by " + owner + ')'; if( NJB_Capture(m_njb) == -1) { debug() << ": couldn't capture\n"; m_connected = false; } else { m_connected = true; readJukeboxMusic(); } return true; } int NjbMediaDevice::deleteFromDevice(unsigned id) { int status = NJB_Delete_Track( m_njb, id ); if( status != NJB_SUCCESS) { debug() << ": NJB_Delete_Track failed" << endl; return -1; } // remove from the cache trackList.remove(trackList.findTrackById( id ) ); return 1; } int NjbMediaDevice::deleteItemFromDevice(MediaItem* item, int flags ) { DEBUG_BLOCK int result = 0; if ( isCanceled() || !item ) { return -1; } MediaItem *next = 0; switch( item->type() ) { case MediaItem::TRACK: if( isCanceled() ) break; if( item ) { deleteTrack( dynamic_cast (item) ); result++; } break; case MediaItem::ALBUM: case MediaItem::ARTIST: // Recurse through the lists, slashing and burning. if( isCanceled() ) break; expandItem( dynamic_cast(item) ); for( MediaItem *it = dynamic_cast( item->firstChild() ); it ; it = next ) { next = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling()); int res = deleteItemFromDevice( it, flags ); if( res >= 0 && result >= 0 ) result += res; else result = -1; } if( item ) delete dynamic_cast( item ); break; default: result = 0; } return result; } int NjbMediaDevice::deleteTrack(NjbMediaItem *trackItem) { int status = NJB_Delete_Track( m_njb, trackItem->track()->id() ); if( status != NJB_SUCCESS) { debug() << ": NJB_Delete_Track failed" << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortLongMessage( i18n( "Deleting failed" ), i18n( "Deleting track(s) failed." ), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); return -1; } debug() << ": NJB_Delete_Track track deleted" << endl; // remove from the cache trackList.remove(trackList.findTrackById( trackItem->track()->id() ) ); delete trackItem; return 1; } int NjbMediaDevice::downloadSelectedItems() { /* Copied from ifpmediadevice */ TQString save = TQString(); KURLRequesterDlg dialog( save, 0, 0 ); dialog.setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Choose a Download Directory" ) ) ); dialog.urlRequester()->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly ); dialog.exec(); KURL destDir = dialog.selectedURL(); if( destDir.isEmpty() ) return -1; destDir.adjustPath( 1 ); //add trailing slash TQDir dir; TQString path; TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); int result = 0; for( MediaItem *it = items.first(); it && !(m_canceled); it = items.next() ) { path = destDir.path(); if( it->type() == MediaItem::TRACK ) { dynamic_cast( parent() )->queue()->addURL(path, dynamic_cast(it) ); } } return result; } /** * Download the selected items and put them into the collection DB. * @return The number of files downloaded. */ int NjbMediaDevice::downloadToCollection() { // We will first download all files into a temp dir, and then call move to collection. TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); KTempDir tempdir; // Default prefix is fine with us tempdir.setAutoDelete( true ); // We don't need it once the work is done. TQString path = tempdir.name(), filepath; KURL::List urls; for( MediaItem *it = items.first(); it && !(m_canceled); it = items.next() ) { if( (it->type() == MediaItem::TRACK) ) { NjbMediaItem* auxItem = dynamic_cast( (it) ); if (!auxItem) { debug() << "Dynamic cast to NJB media item failed. " << endl; return -1; } TQString track_id; track_id.setNum( auxItem->track()->id() ); filepath = path + auxItem->bundle()->url().path(); if( NJB_Get_Track( m_njb, auxItem->track()->id(), auxItem->bundle()->filesize(), filepath.utf8(), progressCallback, this) != NJB_SUCCESS ) { debug() << "Get Track failed. " << endl; if( NJB_Error_Pending(m_njb) ) { const char *njbError; while( (njbError = NJB_Error_Geterror(m_njb) ) ) error() << njbError << endl; } else debug() << "No reason to report for failure" << endl; } urls << filepath; } } // Now, call the collection organizer. CollectionView::instance()->organizeFiles( urls, i18n( "Move Files To Collection" ), false ); return 0; } MediaItem* NjbMediaDevice::copyTrackToDevice(const MetaBundle& bundle) { DEBUG_BLOCK if( m_canceled ) return 0; trackValueList::const_iterator it_track = trackList.findTrackByName( bundle.filename() ); if( it_track != trackList.end() ) { deleteFromDevice( (*it_track)->id() ); } // read the mp3 header int duration = bundle.length(); if( !duration ) { m_errMsg = i18n( "Not a valid mp3 file"); return 0; } MetaBundle temp( bundle ); NjbTrack *taggedTrack = new NjbTrack(); taggedTrack->setBundle( temp ); u_int32_t id; m_progressStart = time( 0); m_progressMessage = i18n("Copying / Sent %1%..."); njb_songid_t* songid = NJB_Songid_New(); taggedTrack->writeToSongid( songid ); m_busy = true; kapp->processEvents( 100 ); if(NJB_Send_Track (m_njb, bundle.url().path().utf8(), songid, progressCallback, this, &id) != NJB_SUCCESS) { debug() << ": NJB_Send_Track failed\n"; if (NJB_Error_Pending(m_njb)) { const char* njbError; while ((njbError = NJB_Error_Geterror(m_njb))) warning() << ": " << njbError << endl; } else debug() << ": No reason for failure reported.\n"; m_busy = false; NJB_Songid_Destroy( songid ); return 0; } m_busy = false; NJB_Songid_Destroy( songid ); taggedTrack->setId( id ); // cache the track trackList.append( taggedTrack );; return addTrackToView( taggedTrack ); } void NjbMediaDevice::copyTrackFromDevice( MediaItem *item ) { DEBUG_BLOCK trackValueList::iterator it; for( it = trackList.begin(); it != trackList.end(); it++) if( (*(*it)->bundle()) == *(item->bundle()) ) break; NjbTrack *track((*it)); TQString filename = item->bundle()->directory() + track->bundle()->filename(); if( NJB_Get_Track( m_njb, track->id(), track->bundle()->filesize(), filename.utf8(), progressCallback, this) != NJB_SUCCESS ) { debug() << "Get Track failed. " << endl; if( NJB_Error_Pending(m_njb) ) { const char *njbError; while( (njbError = NJB_Error_Geterror(m_njb) ) ) error() << njbError << endl; } else debug() << "No reason to report for failure" << endl; } } MediaItem* NjbMediaDevice::newPlaylist(const TQString& name, MediaItem* parent, TQPtrList< MediaItem > items) { DEBUG_BLOCK Q_UNUSED(parent); //MediaItem* newplaylist = new MediaItem(parent); NjbPlaylist playlist; int status = playlist.setName( name ); if(status == NJB_SUCCESS) { //NjbMediaItem *newNjbPlayList = new NjbMediaItem(listAmarokPlayLists); for(MediaItem *item=items.first();item;item=items.next()) { status = playlist.addTrack( item->bundle()->filename() ); if( status == NJB_FAILURE) { //TODO: Show a message with the error. } else if( status != NJB_SUCCESS) { return 0; } //NjbMediaItem *nitem = dynamic_cast(item); } status = playlist.update(); if( status != NJB_SUCCESS) { return 0; } } //TODO:Crear un conversor de Playlists a las listas de Amarok return 0; } TQStringList NjbMediaDevice::supportedFiletypes() { TQStringList supportedFiles; supportedFiles << "mp3"; supportedFiles << "wav"; supportedFiles << "wma"; return supportedFiles; } TransferDialog* NjbMediaDevice::getTransferDialog() { return m_td; } void NjbMediaDevice::addConfigElements(TQWidget* arg1) { MediaDevice::addConfigElements(arg1); } void NjbMediaDevice::addToPlaylist(MediaItem* playlist, MediaItem* after, TQPtrList< MediaItem > items) { MediaDevice::addToPlaylist(playlist, after, items); } void NjbMediaDevice::applyConfig() { MediaDevice::applyConfig(); } void NjbMediaDevice::cancelTransfer() { m_canceled = true; } void NjbMediaDevice::init(MediaBrowser* parent) { MediaDevice::init(parent); } void NjbMediaDevice::loadConfig() { MediaDevice::loadConfig(); } void NjbMediaDevice::removeConfigElements(TQWidget* arg1) { MediaDevice::removeConfigElements(arg1); } MediaItem * NjbMediaDevice::trackExists( const MetaBundle & bundle ) { MediaItem *artist = dynamic_cast( m_view->findItem( bundle.artist(), 0 ) ); if ( artist ) { MediaItem *album = dynamic_cast( artist->findItem( bundle.album() ) ); if( album ) { return dynamic_cast( album->findItem( bundle.title() ) ); } } return 0; } void NjbMediaDevice::rmbPressed(TQListViewItem* qitem, const TQPoint& point, int ) { enum Actions { DOWNLOAD, DOWNLOAD_TO_COLLECTION, RENAME, DELETE}; NjbMediaItem *item = static_cast(qitem); if ( item ) { TDEPopupMenu menu( m_view); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n("Download file"), DOWNLOAD ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n("Download to collection"), DOWNLOAD_TO_COLLECTION ); menu.insertSeparator(); //menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "edit" ) ), i18n( "Rename" ), RENAME ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "remove" ) ), i18n( "Delete from device" ), DELETE ); int id = menu.exec( point ); MediaItem *i; TQPtrList items; switch( id ) { case DOWNLOAD: downloadSelectedItems(); break; case RENAME: //TODO: Implement rename tracks //m_view->rename( item, 0 ); break; case DELETE: m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); while( !items.isEmpty() ) { i = items.first(); MediaDevice::deleteFromDevice( i ); items.remove(i); } readJukeboxMusic(); break; case DOWNLOAD_TO_COLLECTION: downloadToCollection(); break; } return; } } void NjbMediaDevice::runTransferDialog() { m_td = new TransferDialog( this ); m_td->exec(); } int NjbMediaDevice::progressCallback( u_int64_t sent, u_int64_t total, const char* /*buf*/, unsigned /*len*/, void* data) { kapp->processEvents( 100 ); NjbMediaDevice *njb_media = reinterpret_cast(data); if( njb_media->isCanceled() ) { debug() << "Canceling transfer operation" << endl; njb_media->setCanceled( false ); njb_media->setProgress( sent, total ); return 1; } njb_media->setProgress( sent, total); return 0; } void NjbMediaDevice::clearItems() { m_view->clear(); } /** Transfer musical info from the njb to local structures */ int NjbMediaDevice::readJukeboxMusic( void ) { // DEBUG_BLOCK int result = NJB_SUCCESS; // First, read jukebox tracks if(trackList.isEmpty()) { result = trackList.readFromDevice(); } if(result == NJB_SUCCESS) { clearItems(); /*m_playlistItem = new NjbMediaItem( m_view ); m_playlistItem->setText( 0, i18n("Playlists") ); m_playlistItem->m_order = -5; m_playlistItem->setType( MediaItem::PLAYLISTSROOT );*/ kapp->processEvents( 100 ); for( trackValueList::iterator it = trackList.begin(); it != trackList.end(); it++ ) { if( m_view->findItem( ((*it)->bundle()->artist().string()), 0 ) == 0 ) { NjbMediaItem *artist = new NjbMediaItem( m_view ); artist->setText( 0, (*it)->bundle()->artist() ); artist->setType( MediaItem::ARTIST ); artist->setExpandable( true ); artist->setBundle( (*it)->bundle() ); artist->m_device = this; } } } debug() << ": return " << result << endl; return result; } NjbMediaItem * NjbMediaDevice::addTrackToView( NjbTrack *track, NjbMediaItem *item ) { TQString artistName = track->bundle()->artist(); NjbMediaItem *artist = dynamic_cast( m_view->findItem( artistName, 0 ) ); if(!artist) { artist = new NjbMediaItem(m_view); artist->m_device = this; artist->setText( 0, artistName ); artist->setType( MediaItem::ARTIST ); } TQString albumName = track->bundle()->album(); NjbMediaItem *album = dynamic_cast( artist->findItem( albumName ) ); if(!album) { album = new NjbMediaItem( artist ); album->setText( 0, albumName ); album->setType( MediaItem::ALBUM ); album->m_device = this; } if( item ) album->insertItem( item ); else { item = new NjbMediaItem( album ); item->m_device = this; TQString titleName = track->bundle()->title(); item->setTrack( track ); item->setText( 0, titleName ); item->setType( MediaItem::TRACK ); item->setBundle( track->bundle() ); item->track()->setId( track->id() ); } return item; } njb_t * NjbMediaDevice::theNjb() { return NjbMediaDevice::m_njb; } void NjbMediaDevice::expandItem( TQListViewItem *item ) { DEBUG_BLOCK // First clear the item's children to repopulate. while( item->firstChild() ) delete item->firstChild(); NjbMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast( item ); if (!it) { debug() << "Dynamic cast to NJB media item failed" << endl; return; } switch( it->type() ) { case MediaItem::ARTIST: if( it->childCount() == 0 ) // Just to be sure addAlbums( item->text( 0 ), it ); break; case MediaItem::ALBUM: if( it->childCount() == 0 ) addTracks( it->bundle()->artist(), item->text( 0 ), it ); break; default: break; } } NjbMediaItem* NjbMediaDevice::addAlbums(const TQString &artist, NjbMediaItem *item) { for( trackValueList::iterator it = trackList.begin(); it != trackList.end(); it++ ) { if( item->findItem( (*it)->bundle()->album() ) == 0 && ( (*it)->bundle()->artist().string() == artist ) ) { NjbMediaItem *album = new NjbMediaItem( item ); album->setText( 0, (*it)->bundle()->album() ); album->setType( MediaItem::ALBUM ); album->setExpandable( true ); album->setBundle( (*it)->bundle() ); album->m_device = this; } } return item; } NjbMediaItem* NjbMediaDevice::addTracks(const TQString &artist, const TQString &album, NjbMediaItem *item) { for( trackValueList::iterator it = trackList.begin(); it != trackList.end(); it++ ) { if( ( (*it)->bundle()->album().string() == album ) && ( (*it)->bundle()->artist().string() == artist )) { NjbMediaItem *track = new NjbMediaItem( item ); track->setText( 0, (*it)->bundle()->title() ); track->setType( MediaItem::TRACK ); track->setBundle( (*it)->bundle() ); track->setTrack( (*it) ); track->m_device = this; } } return item; } NjbMediaItem* NjbMediaDevice::addArtist( NjbTrack *track ) { if( m_view->findItem( track->bundle()->artist().string(), 0 ) == 0 ) { NjbMediaItem *artist = new NjbMediaItem( m_view ); artist->setText( 0, track->bundle()->artist() ); artist->setType( MediaItem::ARTIST ); artist->setExpandable( true ); artist->setBundle( track->bundle() ); artist->m_device = this; } return dynamic_cast( m_view->findItem( track->bundle()->artist().string(), 0 ) ); } void NjbMediaDevice::customClicked() { TQString Information; TQString tracksFound; TQString powerStatus; TQString batteryLevel; TQString batteryCharging; if( m_connected ) { tracksFound = i18n( "1 track found on device", "%n tracks found on device ", trackList.size() ); powerStatus = ( (NJB_Get_Auxpower( m_njb ) == 1) ? i18n("On auxiliary power") : i18n("On main power") ); batteryCharging = ( (NJB_Get_Battery_Charging( m_njb ) == 1) ? i18n("Battery charging") : i18n("Battery not charging") ); batteryLevel = (i18n("Battery level: ") + TQString::number( NJB_Get_Battery_Level( m_njb ) ) ); Information = ( i18n("Player Information for ") + m_name +'\n' + i18n("Power status: ") + powerStatus + '\n' + i18n("Battery status: ") + batteryLevel + " (" + batteryCharging + ')' ); } else { Information = i18n("Player not connected"); } KMessageBox::information(0, Information, i18n("Device information") ); } #include "njbmediadevice.moc"