You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

178 lines
5.3 KiB

// C++ Implementation: transferdialog
// Description:
// Author: Jeff Mitchell <>, (C) 2005
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "amarok.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "mediabrowser.h"
#include "transferdialog.h"
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
TransferDialog::TransferDialog( MediaDevice *mdev )
: KDialogBase( Amarok::mainWindow(), "transferdialog", true, TQString(), Ok|Cancel, Ok )
m_dev = mdev;
m_accepted = false;
m_sort1LastIndex = m_sort2LastIndex = -1;
kapp->setTopWidget( this );
setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Transfer Queue to Device" ) ) );
TQVBox* vbox = makeVBoxMainWidget();
vbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQString transferDir = mdev->getTransferDir();
TQGroupBox *location = new TQGroupBox( 1, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Music Location" ), vbox );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Your music will be transferred to:\n%1" )
.arg( transferDir ), location );
TQVBox *vbox2 = new TQVBox( vbox );
TQSpacerItem *spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 0, 25 );
TQLayout *vtqlayout = vbox2->tqlayout();
if( vtqlayout )
vtqlayout->addItem( spacer );
new TQLabel( i18n( "You can have your music automatically grouped in\n"
"a variety of ways. Each grouping will create\n"
"directories based upon the specified criteria.\n"), vbox );
TQGroupBox *sorting = new TQGroupBox( 6, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Groupings" ), vbox );
m_label1 = new TQLabel( i18n( "Select first grouping:\n" ), sorting );
m_sort1 = new KComboBox( sorting );
m_label2 = new TQLabel( i18n( "Select second grouping:\n" ), sorting );
m_sort2 = new KComboBox( sorting );
m_label3 = new TQLabel( i18n( "Select third grouping:\n" ), sorting );
m_sort3 = new KComboBox( sorting );
m_combolist = new TQPtrList<KComboBox>();
m_combolist->append( m_sort1 );
m_combolist->append( m_sort2 );
m_combolist->append( m_sort3 );
KComboBox * comboTemp;
for( comboTemp = m_combolist->first(); comboTemp; comboTemp = m_combolist->next() )
comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("None") );
comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Artist") );
comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Album") );
comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Genre") );
comboTemp->setCurrentItem( 0 );
m_sort1->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_firstSort );
m_sort2->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_secondSort );
m_sort3->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_thirdSort );
m_label2->setDisabled( m_sort1->currentItem() == 0 );
m_sort2->setDisabled( m_sort1->currentItem() == 0 );
m_label3->setDisabled( m_sort2->currentItem() == 0 );
m_sort3->setDisabled( m_sort2->currentItem() == 0 );
connect( m_sort1, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), TQT_SLOT( sort1_activated(int)) );
connect( m_sort2, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), TQT_SLOT( sort2_activated(int)) );
TQVBox *vbox3 = new TQVBox( vbox );
TQSpacerItem *spacer2 = new TQSpacerItem( 0, 25 );
TQLayout *vtqlayout2 = vbox3->tqlayout();
if( vtqlayout2 )
vtqlayout2->addItem( spacer2 );
TQGroupBox *options = new TQGroupBox( 6, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Options" ), vbox );
TQCheckBox *convertSpaces = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Convert spaces to underscores" ), options );
convertSpaces->setChecked( mdev->getSpacesToUnderscores() );
connect( convertSpaces, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, TQT_SLOT( convertSpaces_toggled(bool) ) );
m_accepted = true;
m_dev->setFirstSort( m_sort1->currentText() );
m_dev->setSecondSort( m_sort2->currentText() );
m_dev->setThirdSort( m_sort3->currentText() );
m_accepted = false;
TransferDialog::sort1_activated( int index )
if( m_sort2LastIndex > 0 )
m_sort3->insertItem( m_sort2->text( m_sort2LastIndex ), m_sort2LastIndex );
if( m_sort1LastIndex > 0 )
m_sort3->insertItem( m_sort1->text( m_sort1LastIndex ), m_sort1LastIndex );
if( index > 0 )
m_sort3->removeItem( index );
m_sort3->setCurrentItem( 0 );
m_sort3->setDisabled( true );
if( m_sort1LastIndex > 0 )
m_sort2->insertItem( m_sort1->text( m_sort1LastIndex ), m_sort1LastIndex );
if( index > 0 )
m_sort2->removeItem( index );
m_sort2->setCurrentItem( 0 );
if( index == 0 )
m_sort2->setDisabled( true );
m_sort2->setDisabled( false );
m_sort2LastIndex = 0;
m_sort1LastIndex = index;
TransferDialog::sort2_activated( int index )
if( m_sort2LastIndex > 0 )
m_sort3->insertItem( m_sort2->text( m_sort2LastIndex ), m_sort2LastIndex );
if( index > 0 )
m_sort3->removeItem( index );
m_sort3->setCurrentItem( 0 );
if( index == 0 )
m_sort3->setDisabled( true );
m_sort3->setDisabled( false );
m_sort2LastIndex = index;
TransferDialog::convertSpaces_toggled( bool on )
m_dev->setSpacesToUnderscores( on );
#include "transferdialog.moc"