You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
5.0 KiB

* lexer.ll - part of abakus
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Michael Pyne <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
%option noyywrap
#define YY_NO_UNPUT
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "node.h"
#include "function.h"
13 years ago
#include "parser.h"
#include "result.h"
int yyCurTokenPos;
int yyThisTokenLength;
int yyparse(void);
DIGITS [0-9]+
HEX [0-9A-Fa-f]+
/* Always skip whitespace */
[ \t]* { yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength; yyThisTokenLength = yyleng; }
/* Power operator */
"**" {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 2;
return POWER;
"^" {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 1;
return POWER;
[sS][eE][tT] {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 3;
return SET;
[rR][eE][mM][oO][vV][eE] {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 6;
return REMOVE;
[dD][eE][rR][iI][vV] {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 5;
return DERIV;
/* Read numbers of the form with at least the decimal point and trailing
* digits, such as .32, -234.45, .0, etc. Numbers are only read in the BEGIN
* state.
{DIGITS}*([\.,]{DIGITS}+)(e[-+]?{DIGITS}+)? {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return NUM;
/* Read Hex */
0x({HEX}+)? {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return NUM;
/* Read numbers with at least the integral part, such as +4234, -34e8, etc.
* Numbers are only read in the BEGIN state.
{DIGITS}+([\.,]{DIGITS}*)?(e[-+]?{DIGITS}+)? {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return NUM;
[nN][aA][nN] {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return NUM;
[iI][nN][fF] {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return NUM;
/* This detects textual input, and if it isn't pre-declared by the parser (in
* other words, if it isn't a function), then it is returned as an identifier.
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = yyleng;
return FN;
else {
return ID;
/* All other characters are returned as-is to the parser, who can accept or
* reject it as needed.
. {
yyCurTokenPos += yyThisTokenLength;
yyThisTokenLength = 1;
return *yytext;
class Lexer::Private
int lastToken, thisToken;
int lastPos, thisPos;
TQString lastTokenData, thisTokenData;
/* Declared in function.h, implemented here in lexer.l since this is where
* all the yy_*() functions and types are defined.
Lexer::Lexer(const TQString &expr) :
m_private(new Private)
const char *exprString = expr.latin1();
yyCurTokenPos = 0;
yyThisTokenLength = 0;
m_private->buffer = yy_scan_string(exprString ? exprString : "");
m_private->lastToken = -1;
m_private->lastPos = -1;
m_private->thisToken = yylex();
m_private->thisTokenData = TQString(yytext);
if(yyCurTokenPos != 0)
kdError() << "yyCurTokenPos should be 0!!\n";
m_private->thisPos = yyCurTokenPos;
delete m_private;
bool Lexer::hasNext() const
return m_private->thisToken > 0;
int Lexer::nextType()
m_private->lastTokenData = m_private->thisTokenData;
m_private->lastPos = m_private->thisPos;
m_private->lastToken = m_private->thisToken;
m_private->thisToken = yylex();
m_private->thisTokenData = TQString(yytext);
m_private->thisPos = yyCurTokenPos;
return m_private->lastToken;
TQString Lexer::tokenValue() const
return m_private->lastTokenData;
int Lexer::tokenPos() const
return m_private->lastPos;
/* Declared in function.h, implemented here in lexer.l since this is where
* all the yy_*() functions and types are defined.
Abakus::number_t parseString(const char *str)
YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer = yy_scan_string(str);
yyCurTokenPos = 0;
yyThisTokenLength = 0;
if(Result::lastResult()->type() != Result::Value)
return Abakus::number_t();
return Result::lastResult()->result()->value();