Updated sources for libpng14 and graphviz
Re-arranged BUILD-TDE.sh packages list
Removed some READMEs and added comments in SBs
Moved patch files into SBs
Added runlevel option and README for tdebase build
Added a section to BUILD-TDE.sh for cpu optimization.
It only functions for x86 - the build for any other cpu type works as before.
I would think that most people building these packages would be doing so for their own use on the machine where the build takes place, so it makes sense to provide an option to optimize the build for that machine.
Added the cpu option to get-source.sh, tqt3.SlackBuild, and tqca-tls.SlackBuild. Moved setting ARCH from get-source.sh and koffice.SlackBuild into BUILD-TDE.sh where it's used for this new option.
Added a summary of the selected options to the final dialog screen.
Other changes to BUILD-TDE.sh are an internal clean-up, mainly making use of dialog options.
- modified get-source.sh and replaced common code in SBs with a function call
Added xmedcon to Misc build list
Added -no-exceptions option to tqt3 build
Added dbus-tqt slack-desc to dbus-tqt.SlackBuild
Added selected language support to some SlackBuilds
Moved some Misc optional packages in BUILD-TDE.sh next to the package that needs them
Added 'missing' to kscope.SB because configure complains that it is out of date and missing a feature, but it doesn't seem to affect the build.
Removed po template from kscope.SB