issue 35 - removed INCDIR path from tqt3.SlackBuild mkspecs patch - no longer required to differentiate development builds
issue 36 - PATHs set from conditionally on TDE being the chosen DE
- added tqt.conf for tqt libs paths
issue 37 - added command line option for sudo plugins for tdelibs and tdebase builds - defaults to su - replaced KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY with DE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY to allow for development renaming
development builds -
- added tde-ebook-reader
- soundkonverter locale files location
- GCC visibility test adjusted for change to TDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY
- tdebase change for man page source directories
- tdelibs added webp support
- revised FEAT option
- tdegraphics - more kmrml patching
some misc build revisions - clamav-1.4.1, graphviz-12.1.1, imlib2-1.12.3, xmedcon-0.24.0
k9copy - cmake development build
libkdcraw - renamed identify to identify_raw to avoid confusion with ImageMagick
tdebluez - set PAPER_TYPE in tdebluez.Doxyfile.cmake for 14.1.x/14.2.0
tdegraphics - KMRML removed from 14.2.0
tdepim - KITCHENSYNC removed from 14.2.0
Misc builds version updates - clamav, double conversion, inkscape, graphviz, imlib2, mp4v2
removed options for 14.0.13 builds
added kplayer and tdebluez SlackBuilds
tdeedu - set paper size according to locale
Misc builds version updates - clamav, graphviz, imlib2, mp4v2, xmedcon
tdegraphics - optional patch to omit the duplicated ksnapshot button for KolourPaint - cmake directory change on gitea
all versions ffmpeg patches for akode, k3b, k9copy
updated klamav build for clamav v0.104.3
koffice - install GraphicsMagick if chosen as a dependency, even if not installing koffice
inkscape - save double-conversion archive as named upstream
revised tdenetwork patch
Reformatting of klamav.SlackBuild
Added themepack download option during knights build
Added patch for poppler-22.03+ to tdegraphics.SlackBuild and set WITH_TIFF and BUILD_KSVG on
Added gcc visibility option for abakus, filelight, and rosegarden
Checkout R14.1.0 as a worktree, rather than assume the repository is in master branch and copy files
Added FEAT command line option to checkout temporary branches
Added gcc visibility option to tdeaddons
Added system sqlite3 option to digikam
Updated dcraw build with libkdcraw.SlackBuild
Updated graphviz version
Updated moodbar version for gstreamer-1.x
Removed lxml