This is the complete list of additional languages supported by TDE.
This is the complete list for tde-i18n - and will also apply for other packages.
Other package sources may not have support for all these additional languages, but they will be included in the build for that package when the translations are included in the source.
Other package sources may not have support for all these additional languages, but they will be included in the build for that package when the translations are included in its source.
If any other translation is included in the package source, it can be added here but won't be supported by TDE.
Multiple selections may be made - space separated.
\Zb\Z6af ar az be bg bn br bs ca cs csb cy da de el en_GB eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gl he hi hr hu is it ja kk km ko lt lv mk mn ms nb nds nl nn pa pl pt pt_BR ro ru rw se sk sl sr sr@Latn ss sv ta te tg th tr uk uz uz@cyrillic vi wa zh_CN zh_TW\Zn
If you can see the two 'y' like characters, then you've probably got
a suitable terminal font installed and can choose \Zr\Z4\ZbUtf-8\Zb\Zn,
otherwise choose \Z1A\Zb\Z0scii\Zn.
The source unpacked is ~950MB, so to save on build space, the SlackBuild script extracts, builds, and removes sourcefor each language package one at a time.
If you can see the two 'y' like characters, then you've probably got a suitable terminal font installed and can choose \Zr\Z4\ZbUtf-8\Zb\Zn, otherwise choose \Z1A\Zb\Z0scii\Zn.
<<\Z3\Zb ҷ ɣ\Zn>>
\Zb\Z0A suitable font in a utf8 enabled terminal is needed to display all the extended characters in this list. Liberation Mono in an 'xterm' is known to work. Setting up a 'tty' is not worth the effort.\Zn
Required builds for a basic working TDE are marked \Zb\Zr\Z4R\Zn.
The packages selected form the build list and so dependencies are listed before the packages that need them. After the \Zb\Zr\Z4R\Znequired packages, the listing is grouped Core/Libs/Apps and then alphabetically, excluding tde prefixes added to package names, and the dependencies.
The packages selected form the build list and so dependencies are listed before the packages that need them. After the \Zb\Zr\Z4R\Znequired packages, the listing is grouped Core/Libs/Apps and then alphabetically within those groups, excluding tde prefixes added to package names, and the dependencies.
Look out for messages in the bottom line of the screen, especially relating to dependencies.
# tde-i18n package installation is handled in tde-i18n.SlackBuild because if more than one i18n package is being built, only the last one will be installed by upgradepkg
## tidy-html5 is a special case because the version number is not in the archive name
## create libpng-1.4 package only - it will be installed by the koffice.SB because it overrides libpng headers which for Sl14.2/current point to libpng16.
In line with normal practice, tdmrc will not be overwritten and will be installed for admin decision on whether to use it as tdmrc. Where tdmrc doesn't exist, it will be created by from
\Zuroot logins\ZU
(root logins)
AllowRootLogin is set to true in, and will therefore be the default for new installations.
This has been included on the assumption that the standard entry in rc.4[.new] from the package sysvinit-scripts exists:
# If you'd like to start something different or in a
@ -22,24 +22,30 @@ To enable tdm if this isn't the case, either
[2] copy the contents of rc.4.local to rc.4 above other session manager options
Set this to 4 and tdm should work out-of-the-box, especially for new installations.
\ZuKonqueror file manager\ZU as-built defaults to 'Icon View' when starting.
Setting 'Tree View' and saving that view profile should then default to 'Tree View' when starting kfm or opening it in a new tab - the former works but not the latter.
(Konqueror file manager) as-built defaults to 'Icon View' when starting.
Setting 'another View' and saving that view profile should, but doesn't, override this.
The problem seems to be that TDE lacks the entry in konquerorrc that exists in KDE3:
[MainView Settings]
The problem seems to be that TDE lacks the [MainView Settings] entry in konquerorrc that exists in KDE3.
Until this is sorted out in the source code, this hack works:
Until this is fixed, to set 'Tree View' for example:
1] Start kfm to generate the ~/.trinity/share/config/konquerorrc file.
sed -i "s|konq_iconview|$VIEWMODE|" /{TDE_installation_dir}/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement